
Showing posts from April, 2011

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Friday Night

Everybody's out; my sister has tuition my bro and mum is over at my grandma's house. I was too sleepy and tired to follow. Had a nap in the evening. Tomorrow i have work and just got a message from my boss reminding me of a meeting tomorrow. Tomorrow is Wei Ci's Birthday and I am going back to Melaka. Yaay! Attending an engagement of an aunt. I have a few things to write about but i don't feel like it...... Malas la KTHXBYE

HELP University

Today i went to survey Help University and Im keen on going there to be honest. A kind lecturer offered to take us upstairs to the office without writing in my name at the security, get a pass and whatsoever... She explained to my mum and I about the education there and how the A level course is conducted. She gave me some of the best information and im glad to meet one of the dedicated lecturers. Oh and today was the FIRST TIME since the day i went surveying universities that they actually took me INTO THE SCIENCE LAB and showed me the facilities, introduced the names of the items, The lab assistant, Mr Faizal was nice as well. When i went to the office and met Michelle, she was really nice and welcoming. She gave us info that we needed and not only to promote the college itself and WOW. i really love it. I know and i agree the place does look like prison or should i say an ancient place but thats the best of it. Universities in UK all look like that and yeah. I am really ...

Choosing A Pre-U

Now that Shell is sponsoring me for Pre-U as well as going overseas, i have to make sure i excel in my A Level. At first my top choices were Sunway, Intec Shah Alam or Taylor's Subang Jaya. But then now i have laid out the pros and cons, surveyed the place, enquire information from people and do some research, it is clear that HELP offers the best Edexcel A Level course. As for Sunway and Taylor, they only offer Cambridge A Level. The difference between Cambridge A Level and Edexcel A Level is the exam structure and the fact that Cambridge is more traditional based whilst Edexcel is modern-based. Nothing else is different. So i thought why stress myself? I might as well take Edexcel and it the end the results and the number of A's is what matters. Both are recognised worldwide and are on par. They are GCE Level examinations and people wont ask in detail "What board of A Level did you enrol in?" They'd be more concern on your grades and that question i just men...

Piano is My Passion

Piano. The word is synonym to my life as my mum put me in piano class since i was 6/7. I dont exactly remember but i just recall going to piano classes, getting candies when i played well and yeah playing nursery rhymes on the piano. ok so a few years ago when i used to live in Bukit Indah, i had this neighbour who played super well. She/He played all sorts of songs, beautiful melodies and it was just incredible that sometimes i would just open my bedroom window to hear to sweet melodies. That time i was Form 2 and i was only in Grade 3 Practical i think. Although i started playing piano early, i never played based on Grades when i was small and just played songs and took up classes for fun. However, in Standard 6 I told my mum that i wanted to take up the classes based on Grades and take exams and all so I started Grade 1 before UPSR. Ok so back to my story, I was considered a beginner to play songs like that but in my mind i wanted to soooo badly. I would listen attentively when the ...

How I Started Having A Blog

Actually LittleMissMeen is my second blog where i hide my identity a little by calling myself by that name or just Meen. The first blog was created because my mum asked me to, wait no force me to. Just kidding! She ws like so bersemangat telling me to make a blog after my PMR and thats how I started. That blog was called 4ever-blog although it did not last forever.,muaahahah Ok so i started to get bored and ditched that one until the day i finished SPM. Now i started a brand new blog which i like better. Its not too dark and emo and not too cheerie either. Its a mixture of both: Brown (to represent the downs/hardship/sorrow in life) and turqoise( to represent sparkles/happiness in life). If you realise there is more brown than turqoise in my blog and that represents how my life is. But if you look at it with a first glance, all you see is the beautiful, shiny turqoise colour because I choose that color in life to highlight the happiness/ the good things i have instead on focusing on ...


hmm,, today i feel very lazy. I have this feeling where I cant move and that's when i know im feeling lazy. My brain is telling me to get up and arrange sth but i just sit down and lazy thats the answer,hahaha well i did do some spring cleaning in my room today. OOH! today is Easter. When I was in the USA before, my mum would take me to Amanda's house, a nice American girl who was my neighbour and we would have an Easter Egg Hunt. Our parents would hide the eggs before we arrived and invite all the neighbours to join. It was seriously fun. Sometimes i miss the days in US but Im glad to be here in Malaysia for so many reasons : easier halal food, presence of family, Hari Raya is fun, you get to balik kg, people look more like you and you blend in, yeahh pros and cons. Well lemme upload a few photos and show you guys what happened throughout this week. BRB!

Shell Educational Excellence Awards Ceremony 2011

This is my mum during lunch. After the award-giving. Overseas scholars and I After the award with Pauline :) With the Minister and Chairman on stage The one beside me is the the Chairman of Shell, the one handing over the certificate is the Deputy Minister of Education. Hilton Hotel. That was the destination they chose for us:) Great place and tight security. The Deputy Minister 11 of Education, YB Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah was there as well as Mr. Anuar Taib, Chairman of Shell Malaysia. Conclusion, it was super grand and not how I expected it to be. Met tons of people. I even met my teacher in Form 1 at my previous SMK Bukit Indah, Cikgu Raja, my Seni Visual teacher who was also the school administrator. She accompanied one of her students, Syafiq because his parents couldnt make it. Syafiq came for the Bursary Award. There were 2 awards that day, The Bursary Award and the Scholarship Award. The Bursary Award was for excellent PMR and SPM ...


im gonna start from sunday, 17 April 2011 Sunday: watched Justin Bieber "Never Say Never" Sooooooo nice weyy i never like him that much till i watched the movie but then im not obsessed and i dun hate him either. Im not a person who hates people easily, but once i do, its hard to get rid of that feeling. whoops:P Monday: Went to school to see the teachers i havent met yet and gave Mr Imran his pressie:D Then, I got MY P LICENSE!!! At last Cooked lunch: ayam merah and udang masak lemak Tues: Shopping for the ceremony this Thursday. I dont mind wearing anything i already have but then my mom insists on getting sth new. haha ok so Carrefour has many nice ready-made kurung modens but hard to find my size. Bought a pink one and i never had one like that before and i likeeee :D cooked lunch: ayam kari n ikan keli sambal Wed: Accompanied grandma to Gleneagles Hospital for eye check-up. Bumped into izham and mom at Ampg Point Thurs: The DAY!!! Going for Majlis Anugerah Biasiswa Shell...

Silent Stalkers

omg..seriously i dont mind knowing that you read my blog. I wont be thinking anything. Id really like it if you leave a comment or say hi in the chatbox. ok i admit that blogs are suppose to allow people to read silently bout sth but there's no harm leaving a footproof:):) hmm,, silent stalkers what shall i do?? nothing hahahaXD hope you guys will leave sth before leaving my blog. People tell me ive viewed Littlemissmeen and i see no proof at all.:D well hope u enjoy reading;)

JPA Interview

I was super duper nervous about the interview because of a gazilion reasons. I was thinking too much and i asked my friends who had already finished theirs. Finally the day came and i went to UITM shah alam (intec) Seksyen 17. my interview was at 2.05 and we started our journey at 11am. I reached there at 12 sth and had some time to chill and calm down. I had very little lunch ( paling sikit ever) That day when I had Shell Interview, I woke up the earliest ever. So conclusion I tend to do weird things when I have interviews. ok so we went upstairs at 1.30pm. I always cannot praying whenever i have interviews so just berdoa and selawat. I entered and the lady asked for all my certs. She didnt look very friendly but not garang either. I'd say ...ok:) Then she gave us a tag with a number and a piece of paper. I got number 1. Shoot! but i thought to myself, lucky number 1. so the rest of the students followed behind me. it was 1 chinese girl who looked like aqilah in my school, 1 chine...


Hey, i did this for my public speaking competition in Form 5 and got first place. I like reading it over and over. I chose this topic for public speaking cuz when I talk to people, I wanna make sure they're listening and i found that this topic is suitable for everyone, boys, girls, students, teachers, adults, kids, so yeah enjoy reading!!!:):) PS: it was suppose to be in the school magazine for 2010 but someone forgot to publish it..haha nevermind. The whole school already heard me presenting it during assembly. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO HATE ANYONE By: Nurulyasameen Hajibeigy 5 Maju ā€œHolding a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.ā€ When you react to negativity, the only person you hurt is yourselfā€¦ A very good afternoon to our panel of judges, teachers and beloved friends. My name is Nurulyasameen Hajibeigy from 5 Maju and today I would like to present a speech entitled ā€œLife Is Too Short To Hate Anyone.ā€ ...

An Inspiring Story About Someone With Cancer

Dear All, i went for my JPJ test on Friday, 8 April 2011. I went in the car, struggled to drive properly, got scolded few times and went on driving although i felt like no way i was gonna pass....:'( finally i reached my destination and he handed my paper back to me and I searched for the results on the paper. 17/20 !!! omg i passed i thanked him again and again. I got out the car and met Kak Jah. Ok you may be wondering who is kak jah? she is incharge of the whole license at Imkeda Cheras. She arranges evrything and makes sure evrything goes on well. Some people are scared of her cuz she's really loud ans stern. She has the aura to make people feel scared and I admit that too. When i handed over my results, she saw that I passed and suddenly she asked me:" SO baru habis SPM? berapa dpt?" I told her my results and she asked me " Lepas ni nak ambik apa?" I told her that i applied for science engineering or medicine. depends on the scholarship offer. Im fine w...

My Sunday

Terribly sorry Bloggers cuz i want to update soo soo many things but i keep on having something coming up and i have to delay writing here. Just now I got an exception letter (ok with advanced tech) it more of an email hahahXD ok it was for Shell Scholarship. syukur Almhamdulillah Ill be going to Hilton Hotel for the Majlis Penganugerahan Biasiswa something like that. Thats what i mean, when i thought i could write here i get news and stuff like that. Of course getting that type of news is something happy!!!YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAYY:D hehe tomorrow im suppose to go to school again and give the rest of the presents for my teachers then collect my P LICENSE which is readyyyyyyy:P omg so excited finally getting my license. have to stop saying busy or else im gonna get busier. Studied Physics with my sister just now. Cooked lunch today- ayam merah and udang masak lemak, for sayur i made broccoli and carrots. Now in 1 hour we are going to the movies to watch Never Say Never muahaha actually my ...



Manicure At Wangsa Walk

Finally today i did it and my mum was the one actually to remind me about it. So i did it at Wangsa Walk. Ground floor near Black Queen. I did basic manicure for RM30. Since im not praying now, i polished it too and chose and light pinkish purple so it wont look that obvious. haha I am liking the nails now. Hope it lasts. My brother keeps on trying to peel it off when he has a chance. Haha Gonna sleep now. Nights:D

Driving Test with JPJ

Hey,, hm i ve been pretty busy and everyday I think of updating my blog with the latest news but when i turn on my laptop i decide to get the other priorities done. Finally (sigh of relief) i managed to get a LOT of things done this week: scholarship applications, go to school, certify certs, get my new certs, settle ' THE THINGS AT WORK':( ( wait lemme change it to a smiley since its settled), and finally finally I got to settle my driving test... I had my first test on 4th March 2011 and i passed bukit, parking and 3 pointer but,,,, I failed the on the road test with the officer:P oops SO i had to repeat on 25th March but then JPJ cancelled all the test in that day and i finally got TODAY:D Honestly, i was freakishly nervous and I just dunno how to explain how i felt. Scared and all. Well, the officer chatted with me bout my SPM results, my family, friends, university life and stuff like that but he kept on getting mad at me when I made a mistake and he sounded seriously a...

At Ilmu Studio Setiawangsa

On Wed, i met Mr Ven downstairs after finishing work and he asked me to come the next day (yesterday) at 5pm with my results. I came and the first thing he asked for was my results. Then, he showed me his MRI Report from Ampang Puteri Hospital. he asked me to tell him what it was about. I wasnt a pro or anything so i just read and it said that one of his spinal passages were narrowed near the nerve ends and i dont think that sounded pleasant... I told him that i went for MRI once but it was nothing serious just my fibromyalgia( sth to do with the muscle) ok then he took me upstairs. and introduced my in front of Mr Jesu's class. omg that was embarrasing because they were studying Physics and suddenly Mr Ven asked me to motivate them :P Ok so i introduced myself and started talking. I was honest and told them exactly how i studied, my feelings when i got the results and my advice to them. Then it was open for Q and A. I didnt get to finish answering all their questions so i gave th...

Last Day With Megat and Imran

Yesterday, 31 March 2011 I have to things to tell you about. Ok lemme start with the first one. Yesterday was my last day with my 7-year old students Megat and Imran. I gave them a lollipop and we took pictures. We completed the 20th class yesterday and they were going into group class with another teacher. Usually i have classes with them every Thursday and Saturday. Its a buddy class so its only me and them. When it was time to make a card, I gave them two options: Yasameen: Megat, Imran choose between these two. Do you want to make a I Love you Card for mommy and daddy or Thank you card to Mommy and Daddy? Megat: I want to make a card for teacher..its our last class Yasameen: I felt my eyes stinging with tears but i just smiled and then .. Imran: Me too. I want to make for teacher. Yasameen: Alright then boys. and me made the card. (when we were done) Imran: i wanna draw heart for teacher but (* he couldnt draw a heart properly and that just made me smile to see how sweet t...

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