Hey,, hm i ve been pretty busy and everyday I think of updating my blog with the latest news but when i turn on my laptop i decide to get the other priorities done. Finally (sigh of relief) i managed to get a LOT of things done this week: scholarship applications, go to school, certify certs, get my new certs, settle ' THE THINGS AT WORK':( ( wait lemme change it to a smiley since its settled), and finally finally I got to settle my driving test... I had my first test on 4th March 2011 and i passed bukit, parking and 3 pointer but,,,, I failed the on the road test with the officer:P oops SO i had to repeat on 25th March but then JPJ cancelled all the test in that day and i finally got TODAY:D Honestly, i was freakishly nervous and I just dunno how to explain how i felt. Scared and all. Well, the officer chatted with me bout my SPM results, my family, friends, university life and stuff like that but he kept on getting mad at me when I made a mistake and he sounded seriously a...