
Showing posts with the label My Diaries

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Difference Between Living in London and Kuala Lumpur

After 4 years of living and studying in London from 2013, I returned to Kuala Lumpur at the end of 2017. Moving to a different city after a long time can be exhausting with all the packing but also exciting. It gives you that adrenaline rush of the unknown adventure. Now that I have been staying in Kuala Lumpur for some time, I can now pick out the clear differences between the two cities. Both Kuala Lumpur and London are the capital cities of Malaysia and United Kingdom respectively. Thus, there are some similarities in terms of living a city life. However, they are on the opposite sides of the world so a huge difference in lifestyle is expected. Here I will share with you the differences and similarities that I have picked out. Enjoy reading :) Food Food is the most distinct difference when comparing the two cities. Asian food is known for the rich flavour and for the variety. Asian people think that food in West is very plain and always the same thing. This is a very per...

Important Announcement

Hi guys :) Hope you are all having a great week so far. Thank you for visiting. I appreciate all the support, kind words and hope the content of my blog benefits you. Thank you to all my followers here and the constant visitors, sending warm wishes your way :) Thank you for those who are here for the first time for making time out of your busy day to drop by my blog and read my articles. Hope you enjoyed your first visit and do come again :) I am writing tonight to share some very good news. 1 hour and 30 minutes ago, I received an email on And the email was from.............................. Google! I have been applying for Google Adsense ads for years ever since I started my blog in 2010 but my application often did not go through because of several reasons. I have tried to improvise every time based on their thorough rules and regulations but it still did not go through. I even tried last summer. Still a 'no' from them. I did no...

Diary of the EAGE Conference in Paris

I travelled from London to Paris for the EAGE conference in mid June. It was Ramadan time so I did not fast since I was travelling hehe. Here, I would like to share a short summary that I wrote about the 3-day conference. As a student, this was my first real geologist conference and it was really interesting. This may give other students an idea of what to expect in their future conferences.  Day 1: Tuesday, 13 June                 On the first day of the conference, I attended the student short course on ā€˜Integrating concepts for source rock depositionā€™ in the morning. Something I enjoyed about this session was that they explained the concepts in a manner that was easy to understand. The background of the topic was clearly explained and the presentation flowed smoothly. One of my favourite speakers during this short course presented with enthusiasm and had a clear presentation as he projected his voic...

How to be More Light-Hearted

I like how there are more and more motivational materials to read online. There is an Instagram page I follow and I get new ideas on what to write and also able to gauge the popular topics based on the number of likes there.  I was reading a book last night titled 'Enjoy Your Life' by Dr. Muhammad Al-Areefi. I bought this book in London, it was highly recommended by a close friend. She attended one of his talks and told me this is a best-selling book. It has 589 pages and last night I was reading a few topics including Topic 56: Do Not Care About What People Say, page 402. From reading these topics, my observations, and experience in general, I concluded that one of the best way to lead a happy life is to be light-hearted. Being light-hearted is often confused with the idea of 'I don't care'. It is different because the former suggests a more kind, positive and carefree approach whereas the latter imposes negativity, aggressive behaviour and resentment....

London Diaries Part 1

Today was a relaxing day for me, making the best of this time off before busy life kicks in again. I did some painting (can't wait for the masterpiece to complete), reading ( I literally finished the book I bought 2 weeks ago today and I bought 7 new books because there was a major sale in a new bookstore I discovered only a few days ago. If you know me, bookstores are a haven to me! I like the smell of books and everything about a bookstore. I can stay there for hours. And now that I discovered a new one, this is ultimately good news), went to the park for a walk, fasted today, chores and some catching up with friends. A friend had a favour to ask for like totally urgent, 2 hours before and luckily I was free at that time to create a short speech for her. The weekend is usually busier for me, so today (Monday) I get to wind down a little and get a few extra hours of sleep and relax. I totally need this rest after a hectic time this year juggling so many things, wrapping up my life...

What I Learned from Yasmin Mogahed's Talk

Today I went to Matrade with my sister for Yasmin Mogahed's Talk titled 'A Sacred Conversation'. This was my first time attending a talk by her in Malaysia :) The last time I listened to her talk was in London last May. I like her talks, her humour and the message she conveys, it's truly inspiring and a good reminder. I feel that sometimes when I attend a talk, I hear repeatedly things I already know so it becomes a reminder and at the same time, I also hear new things and new perspectives/opinions. I like attending these events for spiritual reasons and also to improve myself, learn new things and become a better person insyaAllah. So while it's all fresh in my mind, I am going to share a few things here that I feel most people will benefit. I have got my little elephant notebook next to me which I used to take notes today :) It was like a 4 to 5-hour talk with lots of Q&A sessions. I liked hearing the questions people were asking as I could relate to some of ...

Good News from LittleMissMeen

Dear all, Hope everyone is doing good and having a great start of the week. It's Monday today and a public holiday yaay. I read online that Malaysia is voted as the country with the most public holidays in the world. Good for people whose salary is the same regardless how many days a week they work and bad for those whose job and pay relies on the number of working days. Anyhow, for me it's a good thing :)  And yes, I am now back in Malaysia and have been back for 3 weeks. I have not been home for almost 11 months so this is bliss for me. We have done so much in just a few weeks and my brother convinced me to play these online games like CoinMaster and FunRun and Hexar. Oh gosh, if you know me then you will know that I never play online games. The last time I even played a computer game was The Sims and that was like when I was 13? So long ago. If there is one thing that I do not do at all (until now) is playing games. I am just not very interested. Sounds nerdy but yes I w...

April Updates from LittleMissMeen :)

Dear all, How are you all doing? Hope everyone is doing great. Oh dear, I have literally been waiting for the next time I have a chance to sit down peacefully and blog. In between my busy routine, I always think of what I want to write next and here I am again after a month. After university life is completed insyaAllah, I hope to blog more often. So many things in mind to write but today I chose to introduce a blog series titled 'London Diaries' that I will start writing soon to share different parts of my journey in the United Kingdom and specifically in London. I want to write about my perspective as an international student living in London and how it changed from my first year to my fourth year now. To me, this is a major chapter in my life and I would like to share my stories with hope it will be beneficial to anyone in the same position or anyone thinking of studying abroad. It is definitely not easy living alone in a foreign country and my first year of university in ...

Discovering Myself

Dear Blog, It's been over a month since I last wrote here. It feels amazing to think how much I accomplished from that day till today. Since that time, I completed the last parts of my MSci thesis, went on day trips with my <3 who came all the way from Malaysia, celebrated my birthday, joined the MSc Petroleum Geoscience classes for an entire 4 weeks 9-5pm and then had my viva (interview) for my MSci project. And now it's 13th February. Alhamdulillah there is so many things to be thankful for.  Yes, it's so dark outside and super cold last weekend. I wanted to go to the park but it was too windy, rainy and actually snowed Saturday morning a little. I went out to get a small heart-shaped Valentine's cake for my friend who came from Cardiff for a post-birthday surprise. We cooked chicken tomyam together yesterday and for the rest of the weekend, I caught up on laundry, grocery, some revision, phone calls to mum and dad, skype with <3 and stayed warm indoors. O...

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