
Showing posts from January, 2012

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Waiting In A Bank

Today I went to the bank. Lined up. It was so long. In the bank, you get your number then what else is left, you do people-watching. Try and get a seat in the crowd. Today I tried to withdraw money by myself without my mum helping me. It was funny looking at serious adults conducting their transactions. Then you see the small children, busy disturbing their parents, running around and playing hide-and-seek. I almost laughed when this little boy was trying to hide from his mom. He was so good.  People stare at the digits on the screen, hoping for their number to be called. People at other people. Its pretty quiet and they don't talk much. I waited almost an hour for my turn *sweat* to finally realise I forgot my ID Card. Urgh,,, the disappointment after waiting for a millenium.  Something people at the bank should really consider is : PLEASE OPEN ALL COUNTERS.  It was lunch time and they opened three counters out of seven. I don't know is it out of laziness or not eno...

Indonesian Songs I Like

Hello beautiful world, Sometimes why I wonder people on facebook keep on posting videos and songs there. But then now i feel like sharing this song because its so nice. The meaning and melody. I like Indonesian songs and the dramas. Bawang Putih bawang Merah, siapa ingat?  I am a fan of Ungu. Most of his songs are - thumbs up! So meaningful. He's cool like that. Plus, purple is my second favourite colour. First, green. Second, purple. Third, turquoise.  PS: Cowok Indonesia hott jugak ya :)

Don't Regret The Past. Look Forward

Ever regretted anything in the past? Learn to eliminate the word "IF ONLY". Regrets are not good.  Nevertheless, its good that you realise your mistakes and look forward to turning over a new leaf. Do better and make the mistakes a lesson in the future.  Afterall, experience is the best teacher . Learning from experience can be 100x better than reading books and listening to advice. It drills its way through your mind and stays there (hopefully).  If you have something you really regret in life, look forward. There's nothing you can do to change it. But. You can change the future. *Motivation of the Day*

Piano: Unfaithful by Rihanna

My Piano Collections: Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade Mariage D'Amour by Richard Clayderman A Whole New World: Aladdin Theme Song Unfaithful by Rihanna


I forgot my password on Skype and they sent me an email to verify my new password. Now I opened my Skype and ALL my contacts are gone...... :'( Add me on Skype: yasameenhajibeigy

A Night At Mandarin Oriental Hotel

Before you start reading, just wanna say that what you're about to read isn't something like this: " I had a great honeymoon at Mandarin Oriental!" or " Wow the place is ultra romantic for a couple." My visit to Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Chinese New Year's eve was to visit my beloved cousins who were leaving for Dubai. Its quite ironic how I was at MANDARIN hotel on CHINESE new year and the eve as well. Anyways, my cousins left for Dubai this morning so I woke up extra early around 4.50- 5am to send them to the airport. They are moving to Dubai for several years and I'm not sure when I'm going to see them again...............  My heart is crying upon their departure because they are the cousins I am most close to since small. I've known them for as long as I can remember.  Plus, two of my cousins are my age, Shaz and Ain and Haris. Its 5.43 pm which means they must be reaching Dubai by now. They are one of the reasons I still spea...
i was viewing my visitor scroll, something that bloggers use to monitor their visitors. And someone typed on google : Cartoon image of Little Miss Meen . Why? I'm not a cartoon. haha. Well, anyways i created this blogpost as a response to your search. Good one there ;) New post coming soon : A Night At Mandarin Hotel xoxo Let the rest remain a surprise. Thanks for the visit. Come again.

Chopsticks and Cherry Blossoms

Happy Chinese New Year to visitors of LittleMissMeen all over the world especially those from Singapore. When I think of Chinese New Year, almost everything starts with the letter CH. China, Chopsticks, Cheongsam, Cherry blossoms Cherry blossoms are one of my favourite flowers. 夫äŗŗåœØę——č¢ Just realised that one of my perfume is branded Cherry Blossom .   Life would be more easier if chopsticks were created like this. Since its Chinese New Year today, you get to see LittleMissMeen in a cheongsam. Gong Xi Fa Cai äø­å›½ę–°å¹“åæ«ä¹ć€‚今幓äŗ”ęœˆå……ę»”ē¹č£å’Œå–œę‚¦ć€‚ LittleMissMeenļ¼ˆę€Žä¹ˆę˜Æꈑēš„ äø­å›½ äŗŗ吗ļ¼Ÿ ļ¼‰

Getting Your First Police Ticket :(

Have you ever got a fine from the police? Or have you been asked to stop your car at the road side? Well GUESS WHAT ? I got a ticket from the cops few days ago. Since I'm a first-timer, its pretty shocking i say! I saw something on my windshield. I had a feeling that the paper was different. Definitely NOT a brochure or a flyer. It was to properly placed and the writing was small... NOOOOOOOO, my heart was denying the fact that im in trouble with the police. I wondered how much i had to pay. The worst thing I didn't even know what I did wrong.  Useful tips: Please remember to pay 50 cents before leaving your car if you don't want to lose your precious RM50. 

How To Overcome Stage Fright

Have you ever gone on stage? Are you planning to? What do you feel at the thought if it? Scared, nervous, or no feelings at all?? Hmm,, to be honest I don't think anyone with his right mind will NOT be nervous of going on stage. Even, someone who speaks so well like Obama admits he used to have the jitters of going on stage.  I used to be nervous too. I really wanted to but I was nervous. The thought of: every eye on you, your voice being the only thing that everyone hears at that moment,  standing one level higher than everybody else  people observing you top-to-toe. I'll share with you the story of how i started loving the stage..... I was Form 4 at that time. Care-free and happy since my PMR was over and the year was starting off very pleasant. There were visitors at my school as usual and then there was this special group from Indonesia. Students, our age. My English teacher called me up and said " Yasameen, see me after your break. I need a favou...

Meaning Of True Friendship

In this world, you meet many people. Some stay and some go. You're not sure which ones will stay and which ones won't.... Its confusing when you love someone and they do things to hurt you. You wonder what you did wrong. True friends shouldn't end like that..... Its a wonder how someone can make you feel very happy and suddenly drops a bomb without notice and leaves you forever.... Its funny how you feel like you can be Best Friends Forever and suddenly she's a stranger..... I have to admit its true when they say " Don't love someone too much. Your heart will feel so much pain when they decide to hurt you." Its true. Very true.  Try and recall a moment when someone you truly loved, truly trusted and she or he did something unexpected. They did something to purposely offend you or maybe it was not on purpose but you're heart felt the stabbing pain. Like 101 knives stabbed directly at the centre of your heart. (ok maybe its not that bad) Sometim...

Tutorial by MasterMouse: How To Cheer Someone Up

Hi guys!  Are you feeling sad or down ? Or do you know someone who is out of spirit lately and needs a smile? Well, LittleMasterMouse here created a tutorial just for you.  This mouse may sound annoying but  you have to admit he is absolutely adorable :D So, the answer to "How To Cheer Someone Up"  = Show them this video ! Last but not least, I LIKE YOU .

Stories To Come !!

it was my birthday today and just thought of dropping a few words. I miss writing here although its only been a week. You know I have tonnes of stories to talk about and share with you ;) Its just a matter of time. Take care and have a lovely week ahead. Don't stress, just do your best in anything you're doing. January is NOT a month for being stressed its just the beginning of the year. Well, i just want to let you know the next post will be officially published on 21 Jan 2011, Saturday. Till then, see you guys xoxo LittleMissMeen turned 19 Goodnight

Some Dreams Feel So True

Was not planning to update my blog but something happened today and i just thought of giving myself a break and prime time with my baby blog. Before my sister tells the world about the thing that happened this morning, i better clarify the true facts about what actually happened.  I had a dream last night. I've been having many many dreams. Good ... Bad .....Normal Last night i dreamed i met Nek Lang , my grandmother's sister. I was very close to her till she passed away four years ago. I dreamed i went back to Melaka, where she lives and she was waiting for me. She is the person who cared for me when i just returned to Malaysia. I was in Melaka that time before i moved to KL. I went to school there and she was the one who brought lunch for me, who watched out for me and followed me to class, who scolded  kids who teased me because i  couldn't speak Malay and threatened to talk to their parents. the person i always have good thoughts and memories about. yes i miss her.....

Words From the Blogger

Hi;) This is just a personal note from me:) Its been long since I've posted a personal note. Its been mostly articles etc. Well, you know LittleMissMeen won't leave her blog till without a few words to you guys;) Next week is my A Level exam week which means i won't be able to drop by much here... sobs Exam weeks are definitely not a week at the beach;) Just the opposite and you get what I mean. Hmm,, Its January this month always reminds me of Winter for some reason hehe. New month, new year, new blog picture.   Till we meet again;) Hope you enjoy reading  Lotsa love xoxo Nights PS: Had a lovely dream last night. Wish it was true till the moment i woke up =P

Is Staring Rude

The reason why im writing about this started off when i was sitting down in the lrt reading my favourite book. Ampang is the last station so i thought i'd just stick to my book till we got there. Plus, it was the latest edition so i was so intrigued that i wasnt really aware of my surroundings...until...i looked up and saw that there was nobody sitting on my right or left and nobody in the front seats. I looked in the coach ahead of me but nobody was there so i thought oh well,, maybe im the last. Finally i turned left to look at the coach behind me and they were all staring at me.  There were people on the left and right and I didn't look long to remember who they are but there were some girls, guys, i don't think they were my age but i was shocked and i thought the place was empty. Excuse my blur case,, i am not being sombong or anything if i don't realise people around me but i seriously don't realise sometimes...sorry. For example in the shopping mall last fe...

Boost Juice

I was at KLCC enjoying the sight of my sister working (hahaha hope she doesn't read this) and being the customer that she has to tend to. Well not really.. she's working at Topman and they're selling guy stuff so i'm not exactly interested. Dropped by Boost Juice and created my own special flavour. Give it a try!:D + + + + =

Amateur Driver

Bonjour peoplez!!  it iz 2012. Happeez New Yearz. I iz very sorry just realized i zit not update zis precious blogz  for a  whole entire week already. Beezi...  i iz very beezi till no see ze time.  Ok let's get my English dictionary popping;)  My baby V ( actually my MyVi) has been having the fun of her life having me driving her everywhere. Fine fine i know i just drive around my neighbourhood but still;) So last week we went over to my cousins house for the whole entire day. Some crazy (my studentz readingz  Zey parents no see teacher cursingz )   robber broke in and got illegally rich in one night.  We spent the day with them and tried to make the house look normal. In the process, we found pictures of my mum and her two sisters when they were young. My mum is the first child, then i have 2 aunties. I even saw a cute picture of my Busu when she was a baby . The robber who messed up the house made us discover all these pic...

Simple Beauty Tips At Home

Ever seen a couple where the female is super duper gorgeous and the guy is yeah...(no comment) ok-la. 'She' dressed up just to impress him  but 'he' is pretty chilled.  Did you know for animals its the opposite?? The males are much more pretty and colorful  than the female. They try to impress the female.That was really funny :P Favourite quote:  A person's value lies deeper than skin-deep beauty. It is what's inside their heart that matters most... Beauty is something really subjective. What appears beautiful to an individual may not be as breath-taking to another. In the end, you stick to the proverb : Beauty lies in the hand of the beholder.  For a teen like me, my mom doesn't think its right to spend loads of $$$$$ at the spa or saloon or doing facial treatment so i'll teach you how to do it ALL at home. One exception, if you don't have a maid or if you're maid is lazy to massage you all the time and you have backaches often, then a ...

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