How To Know Which Career Suits You The Most
Hello there! I hope everyone is doing great :) Its a Friday night here in London and I know by the time I click 'publish', it will be morning in Malaysia. The time difference is so big *my skype hours are so limited* I was thinking of something to blog tonight after spending my evening doing practicals. Suddenly I remembered a blog post request, it was like a month ago and I totally forgot because I was reading it in a rush at that time. So I scrolled down my chatbox when I saw this interesting comment from Krease: How do you determine which job/career suits you the most (if you have no idea whats your passion/ something you're good at?)Ive done numerous personality/career tests unfortunately that doesnt work Before I answer this question, perhaps you would like to hear my own experience how I started doing the course I am doing today. As I grew up, I had many many dreams and ambitions. As a child, I wanted to be a scientist, then a lawyer, then architect, then doc...