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SPM Tips: Don't Let A Tough Paper Demotivate You

Dear SPM students,

I'm very glad to hear your response because I would have no idea that BM paper was hard if you guys (Lyana)  didn't tell me.

First thing I want to say is that if I was in your position, I would be VERY thankful to get a difficult paper. yes, in exam halls you feel that you want to answer ALL questions accurately. When something makes you feel stuck, you have doubts and start to worry. My advice is that: Please just continue answering how your teacher, tuition centre, penceramah, anyone who has taught you. Just follow and continue answering the question no matter how hard it is. DONT STOP or WORRY. Be confident. Say in your mind " I have studied so I can definitely answer (insyaAllah) because if someone who studies can't answer, then how about the rest of the candidates?" Of course they can't make everybody fail. Certain people must get an A, and did you know if the average highest mark is 40% in the entire country then that can be considered an A too, so do not worry. Just selawat and read prayers when you get nervous.

Try not to think about anything except the exam paper at that time. My dear juniors, I remember how nervous I was for some papers until my hands were sweating and I had to bring a tissue. Even people who get all A+ are nervous and worried and scared. They feel the same as you do. When I finished a paper, I was thinking "was my essay good enough?", then I checked the answer for objective question, then suddenly I discovered that one of my answer was wrong, then I felt down. However, I promised myself not to check the answers after that. But but but, if you havent finished Biology paper for example, in my opinion, its ok to check after that particular paper. For example, you just finished Paper 2 but you still have Paper 1 and 3. Its ok to check answers. Why? If you know the mistake you did, it will help you NOT to repeat the mistakes in the subsequent papers. Don't let a wrong answer demotivate you but make that your motivation to score higher in the next paper. You will feel this strong 'semangat' telling yourself, I already got that answer wrong, let me compensate the marks in the following papers.

If you stressed, look at cute pictures like this! He is here to cheer you up. Go SPM :D

To the person, who said they are having so many problems right now. I just want to say that : everybody has problems. Some people hide it, some people share it publicly, some people keep it to themselves or share with certain people. You need to remember that you are not alone. I'm very sure that some people even experience the same/ similar problem as you. When we have a big problem, its normal to have this feeling that nobody else in the world has this problem. You tell yourself you are the only one and that makes you feel worse. Perhaps, other people are experiencing it too but you don't know. I have no right to tell you whther your problem is trivial or big. But what I can say is that every problem will be solved. How? Who? The only answer is 'you'. With motivation and a strong spirit ( prayers are very important), no matter how much another person tries to persuade you that everything will be ok, it is your mind, your heart and your soul who will decide whether to agree or disagree. Of course you need another person to share your feelings and to give you that moral support and compassion. BDefinitut in the end, you are the one who decides if you are happy or not. Nobody else. People can have the best brains, best body, best face, best life, best everything but if their heart, mind and soul are unhappy, nothing people say or do can change that. 

Sometimes I feel very down, more than you can imagine. I'll listen to music.During SPM, I used to have a playlist. Bila study till late night ( when its too quiet) or if I'm sleepy I'll drink coffee or listen to music. It helps :) Now I don't really like to turn on music when I study. Those were SPM days ;) Or during my Alevels I used to watch Laugh Gags. Ease the stress guys, don't over-study, relax, exams are not everything. I heard about the student who passed away 30 minutes after BM Fatihah. She was sufferering chestpain, back aches and dizziness for a week. Its not good to be too stressed, something I always try to remind myself. To me, I would rank health above study or work, She just started her first exam paper and didn't have a chance to complete the paper or the rest of her life. Its very touching. 

If you can't study anymore, just stop. Continue later. Don't say that other people are busy studying or compare how much you've done to others. Every person has their own limitations. 

to Cat Girl: Definition of a best essay differs for English and BM. For BM, the length of your essay is important. For English, not making grammatical errors is the key. Both require oragnised points. Starting from the main point, explanation, examples, idioms, proverbs, more explanation, conclusion for each paragraph. Also a good essay has an introduction that pulls the reader to read more as well as a conclusion that makes the reader agree with the whole idea of the essay or feel an impact. You must answer the question of the essay and give relevant points and you need to write within given time. All of these criterias make the best essay :)

I know that most of you are working hard and may Allah grant you the best insyaAllah. Dont worry too much k? 

Best wishes from me



  1. Hi Kak! As a fellow junior currently cracking open my head for SPM, I am so happy that I decided to reopen blogger and saw your new posts for us. I was actually very depressed and scared about my Sejarah papers tomorrow as I was never able to obtain good marks for this subject. I was afraid and mentally tired...but your post really helped to open my eyes again. =)
    Thank you so much for these posts and I wish you the best of health and success! Keep up the awesomeness! Thank you again! ^_^


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