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My Geology Class and Fieldtrips

This week will be the fourth week of classes and tomorrow will be exactly one month since I've been in the UK. There has been a lot of changes and new things in this one month and now let me share with you about my first geology field trip to Leicester.

Before leaving we were given several geology equipments like hand lens, our RED hard hat, a waterproof notebook and even a RSM (Royal School of Mines) water bottle :) I'm still excited of the name of my school, plus the fact that Prince Harry just visited our building a few days ago makes it more interesting. Imperial College London has many departments like for Chemistry, Computer, Medicine, Physics and the Royal School of Mines is for courses like Material, Geology, Geophysics and related courses. My building is right next to the Royal College of Music which is opposite Royal Albert Hall. Ok now everything is royal, feeling like a princess here XD

Sometimes when we are having class, I can hear the students next door in the Royal College of Music playing their instruments. The funniest part is when they practice vocal and they go aaaaaaaaaaa. When you are in the middle of Multivariable Calculus in Math, hearing something like that actually brushes the stress away ;)
My RED hard hat and waterproof RSM notebook.
This is Madeline at Location 1 :)

My real fieldtrip would be next year and this one was actually more of a try-out the fieldwork kind of thing. For people who enjoy being outdoors in nature, you will definitely love it.

Oh something new about classes is that I call my lecturers by name. For example, I was going to ask my Stratigraphy lecturer a question after class and automatically I said "Sir". It was surprising when he actually said its "Peter" because \I thought perhaps Professor Doyle or something. His name is Peter Doyle and calling your lecturer by his first name in Malaysia is definitely not common, they would actually get really upset.

So beautiful like in the fairytales right? I feel like a sparkly fairy could pop up any second
Location 2: Old John Tower at Brad Gate Park
Our group led by Tina were studying the rocks down here so I snapped a picture from below.
This is my friend Tong, from China and Evgenia from Cyprus :)
 My Geological sketching during our workshop last Tuesday :)
PS: Look at my hiking boots and I was carrying a rucksack. *my sister says I look tough* weehee

Random facts: Made beef fried rice for dinner just now with Wan Ting :D added anchovies, potatoes, carrots, celery, spinach, beef, kicap, an egg, mushroom, the paste and rice! It was actually yummy :P

Ok going to sleep, long week ahead. Will try my best to reply your email and comments. Really appreciate the motivating words, I really need it :) Good night oh wait ..Good morning Malaysia :*


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