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Friday Note from Miss Meen

Good morning :)

It is such a beautiful morning, the sun shining brightly from my balcony. All calm and peaceful alhamdulillah, the horses outside not seen yet and probably still asleep. Its a Friday morning and every Friday is always a calm day for me, one of my favourite days. Also because its near the weekend so I feel more relaxed. 

When I recall the events of the past week, Monday was my brother's birthday, Wednesday was Independence Day and last Sunday we went to Sunway Lagoon. My summer has been so so amazing, I thank God for His reward to me for working hard these past months and years. The last time I had a relaxing long holiday like this was probably summer 2014 because I was doing a full-time internship last summer and for my course, we do not really have Christmas or Easter break. During these term breaks, its more like a study break for me because our mid term and final exams fall directly after these holidays. Exam time is most hectic so definitely no carefree, relaxing holidays for me. When I have something to work on, I give it my all, my very best and concentrate on it and then I give myself a break, a time for me to entirely unwind and relax fully before I start again. I feel that I deserve this nice, long rest and it is a gift to me from God because He has made my summer incredibly wonderful. I have done and accomplished so many things and gone to places that I have not done or been for a long time. I managed to do some of my hobbies like painting, blogging and start taking Quran classes after what I think could be a decade. Most of it involved family and family friend time. I have set my mind since term started last October 2015 that summer 2016 will be a rest time for me. Friends and people have been asking if I applied for internships, etc and I certainly did not because I have fixed my mind on this, I really needed this break. Having a nice, long rest is helping me to look forward to starting uni again and to me, this is a way of motivating myself- by rewarding myself after hard work.

Ok that was a pretty long elaboration hehe. I like to talk and I am very chatty to people I feel comfortable with. I did not really plan what to write in today's post but I felt like writing, its one of my favourite 'me-time' activity. I am looking forward to a special event that we are hosting in a few days. I cannot remember the last time we hosted an event and invited many people, probably our doa selamat/my farewell in 2013, then in 2014 just a small raya gathering at home and my brother's pool party, 2015 it was at a mosque because I was rarely at home and my mum likes to organise something only when all of us are around.

If there is something motivational I would like to share with you today is about perspective. How I have described my summer, my week and my day above is all about perspective, a negative person may have chosen to look at their day, week or month in a different way whereas for me, I highlight the happy moments and focus on my strength and blessings. For example I have a small personal diary/planner. I never write anything too negative there because it is something I do not wish to focus on especially when I open this diary years later. Let the negative wash away and be forgotten and if I remember at least it was not because I was being reminded by my diary. I am thankful that I have grown to be the person I am alhamdulillah. As subjective as perspective sounds, life and contentment really involves positive perspective. Hey, I just realised there are a lot of P's there:

I will write more on this hopefully, since I need to run. To make it short, look at these 6 P's and ask yourself if you have practiced these P's in any situation you are facing. Write down 3 reasons to be thankful today and 3 ways that you are blessed in life. Then use these P's to describe yourself. For example. 'I am patient because I... '

Motivation is not a one-off thing, it needs constant replenishment just like the food you eat. Keep motivating yourself and remember these P's.

Have a blessed Friday and take care.


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