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Last Minute Add Math Tips For SPM

Hello there SPM Candidates 2012 !

SPM is really near and yes you are bound to feel some stress, hear and pressure but its alright, you're normal. There is something to worry about if you do not feel anything at all. I felt the same too and very nervous before each paper but remember your prayers, drink 'air zamzam' it makes you feel very calm, watch what you eat ( minimise fast food for a little while and no junk food bad for the brain) and remember to exercise. It releases the tension on those muscles. I remember how long essay papers made our back and shoulders hurt like mad.

Now let's speak of Add Math. I do not want to give you any heavy list of things to do because exams are very near so I will just let you know how you can make the best preparation for your upcoming SPM Add Math paper, alright?

1. Go through all the list of formulas. Write them down on a piece of paper. Try your best to memorise ALL (if possible) as it is wasting time flipping to the back to check the formula. However, if you are uncertain, please check the formula sheet given.

2. Do Past Year Questions repeatedly. I remember that Add Math Trial Paper for KL in 2010 was quite difficult so focus more on practicing actual SPM papers. It makes you feel more confident. If you don't know the answer, just flip to the back and check how to do the working. There is no problem checking the answer if you really cannot do it instead of wasting time trying to figure it out. Then after looking at the answer try to attempt again.

3. Buy books with the long solution (the workings) at the back and not just the final answer.

4.Time yourself for Paper 1 and 2. For me, Paper 1 is always easier so try to get as many marks here. For Paper 2, there is an option question, decide NOW which one you want to do and practice on that particular topic many times.

5.Redo questions you have done before instead of trying too many new questions.

6. Bring 2 calculators to the exam hall, make sure you have a protractor, compass, ruler. Remember to draw graphs using a pencil!

7. Look at sample solutions in your textbook/ reference book. Be familiar and memorise the standard solution for certain questions.

8. Do as many questions possible until you feel confident. If you don't know how to solve it, try asking someone. If there is nobody around that knows how to solve it or not enough time to ask for help, just put the question aside and proceed to the next question. Later on, come back at it if you have extra time.

9. Relax when you answer the questions but try to be as quick as possible. Skip questions you are not very sure about. Come back to it after you done doing all the questions you know.

10. Don't be over confident when a question is easy, double check your working in case you made any careless mistakes. If you finish quick, make sure to check the paper again.

There is not much to do for Add Math and Math other than doing practice, practice and PRACTICE! You will naturally memorise the formula when you do it many times.

If you really don't have time to study all topics now at the last minute, focus on these topics. These are the most easiest to score:

  • Function 
  • Quadratic Equation 
  • Simultaneous Equation 
  • Coordinate Geometry 
  • Statistics 
  • Solution of Triangles 
  • Linear Law 
  • Vectors 
  • Trigonometric Functions 
  • Probability 

This post is especially for Fabian and friends. All the best in SPM guys!


  1. Thanks a lot..your trial for add math got what?

  2. Do have any tips on how to study add Maths? Im pretty weak in add Maths . During form 4 I used to fail it or barely pass it. Now that I have tuition , my first term test was only 68. I'm really trying hard to get an A+ but I don't know how to.. I'm not very good in Maths and yet i feel like its a waste if I drop the subject. Sometimes I find it hard to understand some of the topics. Do u ever feel this way too?

    1. Sorry for very late reply, the tips from me are as above, goodluck :D

  3. Thanks :D I enjoy feeding the fishes too btw

  4. Hello,

    May I share this article on my blog? I post solutions to Math problems on my blog as well as math tips. You have written a very good article that I like to share with others. Please visit my blog at to see if you are agreeable.

    1. Hello there, yes you may but please include the original link so students know where they can get more info from the same author :)

  5. Thank you for this tips.. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. Thank you for this tips.. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. Hi guys, thank you for your comments and apologies for the late reply. If you are interested to have a chat or have questions to ask me directly, please check out this link :

  8. i just got around 30 for my first examination in addmaths ? and what can i do for me to get as much as possible because im spm this year ? i wish you could give me some advice ? :(

    1. Hi nafsh try doing the tips I shared here first many people find it beneficial. And see how you improve after that k? Keep working hard and make lots of doa insyaAllah it will improve

    2. Hi nafsh try doing the tips I shared here first many people find it beneficial. And see how you improve after that k? Keep working hard and make lots of doa insyaAllah it will improve

  9. hi... Tomorrow is addmath... Hahahahahahahaha

  10. Last minute preparations for the test can be daunting for me and this is why I always start preparing earlier so that can cover the topics in advance. I also would be taking LSAT so will start preparations for it soon. Will prefer joining the Best LSAT Prep Course.

    1. I agree, last minute prep for anything can be daunting! All the for your LSAT exams!:)

  11. trial addmath tomorrow huhu! wish me luck. i will get better !

  12. Very helpful. Thank you. Wish me luck for my exam.


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