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SPM Tips: The Right Way To Study Biology, Physics and Chemistry

Science is challenging in general but taking up ALL the science subjects is a real challenge indeed! Incredible

Somebody asked me : How do you study the sciences? Different people have different abililities. Some people are the reading type so they do good in Biology, some are good in imagination and application so they excel in Physics. The approach to Physics, Chemistry and Biology are completely different so how do you manage to study all 3 effectively?

Ok to be honest I would say that Physics was giving me a lot of hassle during my SPM days. I even took extra classes near my house once a week from Mr Jesu, a St John teacher so that I could improve my Physics. I got a B for Physics during Trial Exam and that really challenged me as I was aiming for A+.

I was asking myself "Was it really possible to get an A+ in a subject so hard when it was difficult to even get an A?" Well the grade boundaries in my school was quite high so that says it all ; 95 above was an A+ so if I'm not mistaken I just got 2 A+ for my trials. I remember getting 92 for a particular subject and it was so close. So please do not tell yourself that trial results are what you will be getting for SPM. That's not true as trials are generally harder than the real exam. On top of that, my school decided to use create their own tough trial papers and not the one set by the Ministry of Education standardised for each state.


  • Read read and read. Do not attempt reading too many different books. Stick to one or two books so that you can re-read and understand it better. 
  • Talk to yourself when reading. There's a lot to memorise so saying it aloud makes it more lively. 
  • Teach a friend a certain topic then ask your friend to teach you a different one. Interactive learning makes it more fun. My friends, Vinosha and Raihan and I used to stay back after school and discuss certain topics together. I still remember teaching them Osmoregulation, then having them teaching me about Ultrafiltration in the kidneys ;) It was really fun. 
  • Write down possible essay questions and list down your points. Memorise them. 
  • Try to visualise diagrams as you memorise. Memorising becomes easier when you see a picture to help you remember. If you are not sure how dialysis works, watch a YouTube video or google images. 
  • Do past year questions repeatedly and Trial Papers from other states especially Terengganu, Kelantan, KL and Perak. 


  • List down all the formulas in Chemistry Form 4 and 5 in 1 piece of paper.\ 
  • List down all the equations in another piece of paper. 
  • Use colored pencils or highlighters to represent the color of compounds. For example : CuO is black, Cu2O is red. 
  • Focus a lot on topics like Oxidation and Reduction and Thermochemistry. These are more challenging topics so I had to read it many many times before I really understood. I just ran into my sister's room to check the Chemistry textbook ;) 
  • After school, I arrange time to meet a teacher, Mr Imran who taught me in Form 4 so that I could ask extra questions from my pile of exercise books. Some teachers are busy so if you find one who could help, do appreciate him or her. These are extra questions from my own exercise books so not all teachers are very free to answer. Maybe you could even ask a friend :) If there's really nobody to ask just discuss among your friends till you come up with a conclusion. 
  • Chemistry is memorising + understanding and applying your knowledge. 


Physics is pure application, imagination and understanding.
Since there may be questions you may not understand, make sure you DO NOT lose any marks for definition or formula.
Write down all the definition and formulas in a piece of paper. This is crucial. For formulas related to each other, write them close to one another and read them together.
Read and read the thick Pelangi/ Sasbadi/ Oxford revision books that you have.
Do a lot and a lot of objective questions.
Once you feel more confident with objective questions, spend one day just doing subjective and essay questions for Physics. This will make you a lot more confident on this subject.
Once you realise that Physics is not that hard after all, you are already getting the hang of it.
Physics needs a lot of discussions. If possible, find someone good in Physics who can teach you. My really smart friend, May Lee used to teach me certain topics that I found hard to understand like Light, Electromagnetism and Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. At times, you need to put the ego aside and ask help from people. Who knows they would really want to help you, all you need to do is ask politely :) Before you ask, make sure you read it first. When you really can't understand then ask other people.
If you still can purchase the Maktab Adabi Gaya Pos questions, do go and get it for all subjects. They are very good. I tried doing the trial paper and they marked it for me and sent it back via post. Even if you don't do the trial paper, the practice questions are equally good!

With consistent practice you can do it! Its never too late so go ahead and start now :)


  1. Salam sis, oh my God! I don't know how can i pay you off with all your efforts doing this interesting post. I'm so glad that i found your blog and someone who brilliant like you. Thank so much for these kind of stuffs. I'm so proud with you. May Allah bless you with all your motivational posts. I will keep touch with your blog and your updates. Thank sooo much. If you don't mind, can you give your personal tips about choosing an essay for english and bahasa. My english essays are not really good as my bm essay. That's worried me now.

  2. Wasalam Amirul :)

    Your welcome! Aww that's thoughtful of you. Its the most I could do to help you guys in other states ^^ May Allah bless you too and the knowledge you have learned. Yeah do keep in touch and let me know if you all need anything else. I'd try my best to help out :) About the essay topics, sure Ill blog on that asap.

    Take care and enjoy studying! Its really fun once you get the hang of it :D

  3. Thank you so much for this, I am finding it difficult to get A+ in all of the three science subjects but this post really helped. :)
    Your blog is also very nice, and I find it very informative. May God bless you and I'll be in touch with your blog.

    1. Hi Zulayka Reidn :)

      Its great to hear that it helped. Don't worry, with your hard work, I'm sure you'll do great!

      That's sweet of you to say that. Thank you and all the best for SPM!

  4. thanks so much sis ,i really feel. stress so much for my spm .i am now form 4 and next year spm .so scary .i often dunno whts the right way to study all this that i always fail T-T.I STILL can do better in spm right ?!i often spend to much time on bio and sej .and i only manage to memorize only 1 page for whole day .i feel like want to cry .so ,wht should i do and how many subject should i study a day ?

    1. Hi wildness :)

      hey dont feel too stressed up, you're form 4 now right? its ok take it easy and one at a time. Its really good that you're thinking bout this 1 year early but 1 important key factor to getting good grades and studying well is NOT to be too stressed up, k? if you are relaxed n happy you can study better n get good grades. dont put it too hard on yourself, do what you can.
      For your question on "the right way to study"-why not find creative ways to learn bio and sej instead of reading paragraph by paragraph. I used to make my own colorful notes and after doing them very detailed I NEVER read the sej textbook anymore, i cant stand it (too boring hehe) and alhamdulillah got a+ for that so you see, try doing your own notes starting from now, group discussion are fun and you can take turns with your friend to tell the story of a particular chapter.

      Hope this enlightens you. Have a nice week and take care! Promise me you wont say negative things to yourself anymore :)

    2. umm,tq sis .i will remeber your advice

  5. kak ,pls tolong saya la .dah nak bunuh diri dah ni .stress sgt lo .sorry ,sebab spam

  6. So glad I found your blog! Thank you so much for the tips. Great job and Allah bless you, Aamiin. Wish me luck for Chemistry and Biology next week :) Xx

    1. All the best next week for Bio and Chem !! You can do it :D


  7. Luckily i found your blog before its "too late" for me to do something for this 3 sc sub. Scared i couldnt catch up with f4's and f5's topics especially chemistry. Oh gosh. Hmm, I feel motivated! Thank you, May Allah bless you sweetie. :D Btw,how can i score for addmath? Any advice for me? :(

    1. Hi aminah! :) are you taking SPM this year? Aww that's sweet of you may Allah bless you too :D For Add Math its more of a matter of practice and skill. Even if you memorised all the formulas and read or tried every topic , still its how quick you can approach, understand and be very familiar with the questions. I suggest that you buy many many exercise books (with workings so you don't feel easily demotivated when questions are hard and there's nobody to ask for help ;)I know some people think its not good to look at the answers but I really think that its ok at first until you feel confident answering. So just remember its ok to study the way you feel comfortable even if it means looking at the asnwers for guidance :) I even try memorised the formulas cuz it saves time in exam rather than flipping to the back every time.
      Have u tried reading this? I posted this before the SPM Add Math Paper last year :)Wish you the very best dear! And feel free to ask me anything else if you ever need to.

  8. Can I ask a question? How do you manage your time between homework and revision? Thank you :)

    1. Hi michiko :) Speaking of homework and revision, I try my very best to complete all my homework according to the days and not put off till tomorrow. For instance Monday hw will be done on Monday and so on. This way Saturday and sundays are purely for revision purposes and maybe school projects that need a longer time to complete. But I understand that the work load may be a lot. By the way are you from a Chinese school? And sometimes there's not enough time to finish all the homework so that particular week I'll just use the Saturday or the Sunday. Choose 1 extra day if you have too much hw then compensate the other weekend to do as much revision as you can. Honestly speaking I get to do more revision on holidays like mid term or public ones. Make very good use of those days off so you wont have to worry so much if you have a lot of hw when school starts. Hope this helps :D

    2. Thanks for your help! :) May Allah bless you! Well, thinking that this year I will facing SPM really freaks me out. You know what, I'm a lazy student and now that I realize I need to change my attitude. lol xD I hope I can follow your advice :) Oh, and I'm not from Chinese school. Thanks again! :D Btw, pardon my grammar lol.XD

  9. hai yasmeen! i am an sabian too. this year, i will be sitting for my, can u help me on how to score paper 3 for all those 3 science subjects...and how to memorise and answer the experiments where we have to write the full report:)

    1. Hi hema! For paper 3, teachers don't give much emphasis because its all based on theory and what you do in practical class. I just memorised ALL the experiments we did in class, then refer to extra books like Pelangi Oxford Fajar to see what other experiments they can ask. Always try to do Paper3 questions in exercise books and past year and if you're not sure check the reference books. Paper 3 is pretty alright. My advice is practice more for paper 2 as it carries much more marks especially essay questions :) How to memorise? emm, you can try writing it all out on A4 paper (1 page, 2 experiments) summarise then put the possible questions, graph, table, hypothesis, diagram. The during exam you can just refer to that notes. During study you will find it much easier and faster to do revision. That's what I do for experiments :D

  10. Sry , can I know how to study chemistry on essay & experiment part ? I can't memorize all the experiment .

    1. For chemistry essay, try to make charts and tables to remember colors and tests of gases easily. Draw the apparatus and diagrams clearly onto a piece of paper so that you can easily compare important experiments. Re-read them many times and relate to what you study for Paper 1 and 2. After you read many times it will become easy for you. For essay just remember to understand the main concept of each chapter. Write down possible questions and the possible answers in point form so it is easy for you to refer when doing revision.

    2. how about physics objectives ? I did well on all parts except objectives .

    3. For physics objective, just do many many question. Try Adabi Gaya Pos Questions they are very good. Memorise formulas and definitions. Make sure your theory is well-remembered

  11. hey sis ,, luckily i found ur blog .. this year i'll be sitting for spm examination .. i'm weak in chemistry chapter 3 form 4 .. i confused with the formula .. what should i do ?

    1. Hi emma con :) For chemistry chapter 3 form 4, there are so many equations I understand but trust me it is one of the most interesting chapters and very fun to study! First try reading your revision book for that chapter 2 times. Then try to answer questions. Its ok if you don't know how to answer at first. Refer to your notes. Then try reading one more time. After that get a piece of paper and write down only the important things. Use color pens to make it more interesting. Next time u study and need to refer quickly look at your colored notes. All the best for SPM this year!


      Try checking out this website Berry Berry Easy SPM and STPM tips :)

  12. sorry out of topic >.<
    how about additional mathematics? :)

    1. Here you go:

  13. hi kak ,lama x jumpa XD .HUM , nak tanya kak 1 soalan .mcm mana nak belajar biologi tanpa stress sgt .sebab saya kerap biologi sampai stress gila .saya susah sgt nak ingat ,pastu susah nak kaitkan dgn subtopik di depan .pendek kata ,saya susah nak faham.bila belajarr biologi ,saya fikir byk sgt sampai hanya mampu belajar 1 ms sahaja T-T .mcm mana nak habiskan topic lain kalau mcm tu ?.lepas belajr bio ,dah x larat nak belajar lain sebab penat sgt .harap akak boleh tolong .terima kasih T-T

    1. hi wildness sorry akak lambat baca comment ni. Biology macam sejarah kena hafal. tapi untuk mudahkan hafal cuba baca sinopsis atau ringkasan terlebih dahulu. Lepas dah faham konsep utama sesuatu bab, baru baca in detail. cuba highlight perkara yang penting atau buat nota ringkas supaya tak boring baca. Sambil baca, boleh buka video di youtube yang berkaitan contoh: sequence of mitosis. baca berulang ulang kali sampai ingat. Dont give up you can do it :)

  14. thank you for this amazing really help me with my studies..THANK YOU VERY MUCH!xD

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Little Miss Meen. Thank you for your tips.But what ways can help me to memorise easily and more understand about the topic of the biology subjects except for using the visual method??

    1. Hi there Teh Jeffrey. do u make your own notes ? or read the reference books numerous times and draw tables and flow charts to help with memory? try acronyms they really help. For example I memorised the mitosis process like this: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase as PM Already Tukar. As u read many times and do exercises u will understand better

    2. Thank You. Little Miss Meen. I have make my note but i found that it is still difficult to memorise. But i still haven't try to read the reference books numerous times and draw tables and flow charts.I will try these method. Thank You, Little Miss Meen. If there is problem i will contact you to solve my studies problems. Thank You.

    3. Yes try out those first and see if it helps. Don't get too stressed while reading, enjoy reading it like a story book. The difference is that you are putting effort in memorising every single story line :) When you enjoy its easier. Your welcome^^ hope it helps

  17. Thank you kak..ur words really motivate me.glad i found ur blog.i really want to get straight A+,insyaAllah so i can easily get the biasiswa.hihi

    1. Aww I'm really glad to hear that. Your welcome :) work hard and pray to God, insyaAllah you will get it

  18. Thank youu so much Friend ! Thank God I found this . I will try practising this tips to do well in these subjects . Hopefully I 'll get an A+ for these subjects .
    Thankss once again ! :)

  19. Hi there! Luckily I found your blog like the others! Can you give me advice on how to study or plan my time? It's mid-June now and i am now form 5. I take 11 subjects (science+ additional account) and my mid year exam result I have 3-4A's only and subject like sejarah and biology i have only about 50% =( . Do I have time? Or will I not make it in only less than 5 months? =(

    1. Hi yuri^^ Have you read my tips on "How to Plan A Study Timetable"? If you look at Labels at the right hand side bar, click on "Education" and its right there. Work hard from now alright? Don't worry you still have 5 months so make the best of it :):) Once u read that article let me know if it helps and if u need anything else. All the best!

    2. I read your tips and i am going to follow it! I'll try to study everyday as much as possible but i always forget things so easily. And with the time i have now i am really stressed out.. i dont know if i can make my 3A's into at least 8 A's in time. :( but anyway thanks for all the tips u have here and it really helps!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi. Assalammualaikum. Can I ask how was ur spm result? what do you got for all the subjects. I know its been a while.

    Well, actually I am a form 5 student who will be taking spm just around the corner. So you know what sis, I have copied all your tips and experience and read them every single them to gain some motivation and spirit. You know on my mid term I failed my Bio test, Got D for my chemistry and C for my physics. You know what? When I received those awful result I felt like crying hardly and felt that I want to give up everything. But spm is for my future. And I always keep on practise and practise. So I hope you can help me by give some tips before I take my exam please. I hope you could. Thanks.

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Alhamdulillah all A+. That's great to hear and I'm glad if my tips helped you :)

      Aww please don't ever ever feel like that okay? Exams are not the end of everything. Yes you need to work hard and give your best then pray to Allah, solat hajat to make it easier for you. I need you to always read success quotes and write your goals for SPM on a piece of paper. Paste it on your bedroom wall and read it everyday. Confidence is very important for exams so you need to work on gaining more of it. Other than that just read do your past years and plan a schedule. All the best!

  22. Hi Ms. Meen,

    Great to see that you set up informative blog to help the younger ones who will be sitting for their SPM. To Adik Saiful, don't give up. All I can say is that you're not working hard enough. To be able to achieve what Ms. Meen did, you first have to change your mentality. Try to think that you're an A+ student, second, set a systematic time-table to get you thoroughly work out on these tough subjects, third, you may now apply this kakak's method and advise, and finally, if you have any problem never hesitate or feel shy to ask your teacher. All the best.

    PhD in Environmental Chemistry(Currently)

  23. Salam kak meen .. sorry i take some of ur time to read my comment .. i just found ur blog by googling and i found it was so informative and helpful .. i'll be sitting on trial exam (InsyaAllah) this 19/8 and thinking of it make me nervous! lg2 soalan sbp pulak tu lg la buat semangat merudum sbb mmg dah di expose soalan sbp susah2 belaka .. maybe you can drop some of ur pearl word to boost me up ? mind provoke will do! check you later ..


    1. Wasalam wanie :) I hope this is not too late to say. Kak ada postkan banyak article on subjek2 spm and also motivation topics. Maybe wanie boleh refer to the labels on my blog. Good luck k!

  24. These are some really excellent insights! As someone who changed their major several times in undergrad, I know the struggles of majoring in bio. I almost switched out a final time, until taking an advanced class where we experimented using temperature measurement systems- that class changed my perspective on the major and where I could go as a researcher and biologist in the future.

  25. I am really weak in Biology and Chemistry but I don't know that my teachers are willingly to stayback to teach me and my friends are kinda weak in it too , so I don't have anyone to guide me , what should I do ?

    1. Hi victoria :) dont give up. If theres really nobody to help, just do your best. Its good to try and ask your teacher because there may be one or two teachers who are willing to spend a few minutes after class to answer your questions. If theres no time now, dont worry k? Im sure you have studied so just give your best

  26. Hi, we meet again. Thanks for giving me your great tips. I feel more confident now. I want to ask you, more tips on biology and chemistry. I want to achieve like what you have achieved. I really do. I'll work hard, promise! :D

    1. Hi saifulnizam I shared most of what I know about the sciences on my previous post. If you've gone through that, no worries you are insyaAllah ready for SPM. Wish you the very best, you have worked hard leave it to God

  27. assalammualaikum sis,
    SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI! bru je bce blog sis ni..ade la jugak rse smgt tu...lpas raya ni kami2 trial..ohh..hahaha....ape pndgn sis,bdasarkan rsult midyear sy ni>

    huhu...trget sy sume rse da byk buat mcm xdpt blur..sis ade cre lain2 x?

    hehe...juz tnye...thnx sis...

    1. Waalaikumsalam selamat hari raya! :) All the best utk trial nnt. Result syafyq masih boleh diperbaiki n ditingkatkan. Cuba syafyq try cara2 dkt yg kak share dlm post ni selain buat latihan. Cuba baca dan fahamkan serta buat nota ringkas/ baca byk byk kali.

      Don't give up. Cuba yg terbaik k? :D Goodluck

  28. Thank You for your sharing... Its really good and help me to focus my SPM . Thank You very much...

  29. assalamualaikum sis! I am very glad that I finally found your blog. your post really helps me! spm is just around the corner and I still didn't master these science subject and im not confident at all :( im afraid that I will failed physics, biology and chemistry all over again. I wanna get A's or at least B for my spm. do you think I can still catch up those subjects in 58 days till spm?! :(

    1. Waalaikumsalam Razlin,
      apologies for late reply as akak was busy settling at my new university. In this late few days, just continue whatever you have studied instead of checking new things. You don't want to panic Relax and pray to Allah insyaAllah everything will be fine :)

  30. This is really helpful to all the students. You did teach them the way of learning and studying instead of asking them to put more hardwork.Well,study smart is absolutely very very important to students nowadays including me.HAHA. Thanks a bundle !!!

  31. Hey :) Fortunately found this useful blog :)
    And which reference book do you think is the best-buy for subject Chemistry, Physics and Biology ?
    and adabi gaya pos spm, the soalan ramalan really come out in real SPM ?

    1. Hi there. I would say yes. Some questions actually really do come out. I think Pelangi, Oxford Fajar are a few good ones :)

  32. thank you foe share your experience i think it will help me so much.THANK YOU

  33. hi thanks for sharing this. i read this a few months back and applied it. i did study, do my notes and go for tuition and stuff but i still obtained bad in grades in chem, bio and physics for my final exam. i was pretty confident in physics and chemistry but i still did badly (both Cs) i am form 4 btw. what are some things that i can change about that? i mean like in my preparation to form 5?

    1. Sometimes memorising alone is not sufficient. Take some time to understand what you read. Its ok don't dwell to much on the grades. At times teachers try not to give you high marks so you work harder. All the best! Keep up your hard work and dont get demotivated

  34. Do you have tips on how to score KOMSAS and karangan? Can you tell me how you aced your biology?

    1. Hi there hopefully this helps:

      For KOMSAS, I just read notes and practice past papers. Also make your you read the stories

  35. Hi pretty ^^ may I know do have a specific time schedule for your revision? And omg I noticed u must be very good in do you that? Im always having problems in writting an essay.hopefully you can help me :))

    1. Aww hello there Ailee. Yes I do, a time schedule is very important and I have a post written about time-management, making a schedule and also writing an essay. It comes with a lot of reading and practice :) Thanks dear


  36. Assalamualaikum
    Thanks for all the tips sis.i'm form 4 this year and I thought these 3 subjects were easy like science but it's starting to get harder.thanks to you now I got my confidence back.terima kasih :D

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Your welcome very glad to hear that. All the best!

  37. Thank you sis :D pray for my SPM 2014 !

  38. Hey, do you like study all the experiments for paper 3? because there are lots them and they are driving me crazy!!

    1. I tried my best too. For those that are related, just memorise 1 then learn what certain parts u need to change. That way it wouldnt seem like too many

  39. thank you for your tips.. its helps for me during my study..

  40. Hi kak :) i'm in form 5 this year. When i found your blog, i was in awe. Your success was simply inspirational. To be honest, i'm struggling with physics. For the mid year exam i thought i prepared but the questions were mind blowing O.o i'm always striving for A+ (just like you) though i dont know how else to improve my physics. I think my problem is the essay, modification questions etc.. I would be extremely glad to receive tips from such a successful person like you!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi there :) thank you I appreciate the kind words and happy that my articles help you. I struggled a bit with the subject too. Continuously follow the tips I stated and practice more until you gain confidence. Wishing you the very best! :D

  41. Thank a lot ,sis.You totally awesome..
    i'm a form 4 student now...i'm okay with others subject though,, but very weak in add math :(
    idk why...can you help me improve my score?

    1. Hi Farah. your most welcome , here this might help :

  42. miss meen, thanks a lot for your advice. hope I can apply your tips in my last-minute spm preparation.i need a small favour. can you tell me how can I overcome my fear as the days to my spm is fear is terribly killing me.i don't want my confidence level to go down. pls help me

  43. Yooha! May I know your daily study subjects, pleasee..

  44. Hi! I am a Form 4 student and will be facing SPM next year. I just started my school break and MRSM school break is earlier than govt's. I had used this 4 days to satisfy my "cravings" for movies etc and I felt really terrible that I haven't started studying yet when I have SPM to face next year so I shouldn't be relaxed during this holiday. Therefore, I want to start a productive life starting tomorrow and stumbled upon your blog as I was searching for best studying tips for SPM. It really helps thank you so much! How I study Biology is exactly like how you did but the thing is even if I do understand whatever I read completely, I just don't know how to answer it well during the exams. Do you have any advices//suggestions for this?

  45. Thank you! This totally helped me a lot :)

  46. Aainaa Nadira: Hello! Im glad to hear it helps :) focus more on the details I mentioned and emphasise more on your weak topics. spend more time revising and less time for leisure and hopefully with prayers, solat hajat you will feel more confident. Biology requires memorisation so read it many many times.
    Dayang Nurfarahin: Your most welcome :)

  47. Nice sharing.I'm now a form4 student.these tips are totally helpful to me.I'll attempt to apply these tips in my study skills.Thank a lot for giving these precious tips.
    Thanks a lot sis. : )

    1. Hi there your most welcome, glad it helps you. All the best :)

  48. Assalammualaikum ,Kak Meen (hope it's okay to call you that).Do you bought notes rom Maktab Adabi Gaya Pos or just the Jejak Soalan SPM?

    1. Waalaikumsalam Farrah.. hehe i cant deny that made me smile bcs my brother calls me that ;)
      Back to your ques, i think I bought both but mostly I bought the ones which had loads of books plus soalan ramalan for the science subjects and math. And then soalan ramalan only for sejarah bm english agama.

  49. Hi Kak Meen! I find it quite hard to understand physics. I dont think my friends can help me bcs I'm the first in class.*of course my physics is bad haha So yeah some will of course not help me/worse than me etc. I really want to get 10A+. I'm so stress and helpless bcs my physics is always about B and almost C. Do you have more long and detailed advice/tips to share? Or do you still keep some useful notes?*but i think kinda impossible hehe Thanks for the help!

    1. Dear Shereen apologies for the late reply. I am not quite sure actually and I do not have access to my notes even if I have it back home. If you try to search "Physics Tips" you will find some articles i wrote on how to memorise some facts on Physics. Also you can go to the Education label and there are many detailed posts on revision, study, time management, Hope it helps :) Dont worry stay confident and do your best k

  50. I've been reading and following your tips since I stumbled upon this blog in 2013 (I was Form 4 then). Alhamdulillah, I was able to score well in my SPM exams. May Allah bless you for your efforts to put all of these posts together. You are indeed an inspiring person. :) I wish you all the best for your future undertakings!

    1. Salam Dayang Nurfarahin :)

      I am very happy for you. Alhamdulillah and all the best in your future endeavours. May Allah bless you too

  51. Such an informative post! I am a biology student in Australia and I am an average student, I want to score more in this subject and for that I am having tuition's from Biology Tutors in Melbourne as well.

  52. thank you for your tips.. its helps for me during my study....

  53. thanks i felt so confident to get A+ for all of the subjects..

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  55. assalamualaikum kak meen..tahun ni saya akn re-seat spm physics. Really need your help sebab sekarang ni saya hanya belajar sendiri semata-mata. sbb sy dah 2 tahun habis spm,so i'm completely lost.saya tak pasti samada format dia still sama atau dah berubah. any tips for me? huhuhuhu

  56. Hi guys, thank you for your comments and apology for the late reply. If you are interested to have a chat or have questions to ask me directly, please check out this link :

    1. Wow sister ur tips really worked out. I used to hate physics once but now I m really loving it . Thank you very much

    2. Aww your welcome I am happy to hear that :):) all the best

  57. Hey there I'm glad to hear that! All the best with studying Physics it can be fun once you get the hang of it!

  58. Hello Kak Meen.... I am form 4 this year and I just started school 4 days ago. I was given briefing on the subjects I will be taking this year by the teachers. Most of the time in the talk the teachers were really demotivating us. I was devastated whether I made the right choice a not and came home crying. My mum cheered me up but I still can't get it out of my mind. Four days into science stream now and I am really confused because what used to be one subject is now 3. I also feel so much pressure being in pure science stream. I am the best student in my form for 3 yeas straight and I also got straight A's for pt3. I am afraid that I can't carry the subjects. Pls brief me through on things I should know for this year and how I should clear my confusion. Pls help me because I have really low self-esteem. This Shivanya..๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  59. Hai Kak Meen... I am Shivanya. I am am actually form four this year. I just finished pt3. I am in pure science this year. It just has been four days of school. I am really confused with the science subjects because what used to be just one subject is now three. I was given a short briefing by my school teacher on the subjects during orientation. Most of the briefing given was very demotivating because the teacher made me rethink my desicions of entering pure science stream and I came home crying. My mum comforted me but I still can get it out of my mind. I am really confused Kak...Did you feel the same way when u just entered science stream. Kak pls help me and by telling me things I need to know and also pls tell me how should I spend my time studying and also how long should I?

  60. Hi Shivanya, happy new year and thank you for your message. I would suggest you to be confident especially since you got straight A's and also the best student in the form. Science is more interesting for me so when I made the decision, I wanted to do Science stream and did not want to do any other stream because of my interest in the sciences. Yes, it can be challenging but very fun! Also later in your life if you do science stream, you can easily go for a career in Arts but if you study Arts it is difficult/impossible to start a career in Sciences because you would need the very basics which you learn in school. Ask yourself, do not let people demotivate you. What interests you? Its ok to be unsure but ask yourself to which one are you inclined more? Once decided, do not discuss anymore and just continue studying. Taking the other subjects are difficult as well. Both challenging in different ways so just do what interest you :)

    1. Thank you so much kak meen... This really helped me so much.
      How long should I spend studying Kak? How to I approach subjects such as sejarah, bio, physics and chemistry? Please do give me tips? Shivanya..

  61. Okay even though it has been 5 yrs since the article is updated but I'm so glad I found this beautiful blog ๐Ÿ˜ญ I really don't know how should I study physics. Everything just doesn't seem to go my way ๐Ÿ˜ญ I will be sitting for spm this yr. I hope there will be a turning point in my life ๐Ÿƒ

  62. Hi Mira Wu,
    Thank you so much for your kind words :) I think even for me Physics was slightly harder. Don't worry too much about it. When you enter college and working life, you might not even need to study Physics if you are not doing any physics-related study so just focus on studying for SPM the best you can. It is just a few months away so give your best these few months and days before the exams. Don't be too hard on yourself, things do not always go our way but if we give our best I believe there will be a positive outcome sooner or later. Persevere, stay positive and work hard. Take care and all the best :)

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Sashmitra Devi,

    I missed a few of your questions. Study as long as you think you can. Push yourself to your maximum limit. Maybe 6-8 hours a day? As for Sejarah tips, here is a link that may be helpful

    All the best all SPM candidates 2017

  65. it was so good tips for me! It helps me a lot! Thx

  66. Hi Kak Meen, Sash here! Can I know when you started your revisions for SPM? Can I also know how you planned your studies for SPM?

  67. Hi Sash,

    I don't remember exactly but I did little by little from form 4, enhance form 4 topics. Then in form 5, when I learned new topics I started revising those and later in the year enhance the later topics. It was ongoing so there was not really an exact time that I started. Maybe by June before SPM I started intense revision because Trial SPM was in Aug if I am not mistaken during my year

    1. Kak meen did you spend your time studying during the year end holidays to enhance the form 4 topics?

    2. Thank you Kak Meen for helping me as I don't have any elder siblings or cousins whom can help me with SPM. Thank you so much for your help.

    3. Kak Meen thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.๐Ÿ˜Š

  68. All the best SPM candidates, may it be eased for all of you :)

  69. Salam sis,
    Before ths i really cant figure out how to study these 3 particular subjects but thanks to you, now i have find the ways :) But the only thing that will probably be disturbing me is time management. How do i follow those tips if every single day i need to do my bunch of homeworks and could not even do my own revision as i am a slow catcher so i cannot finish my homeworks in a way too fast just like my friends do.
    Please help me sis i really need a solution in managing mg time very productively

  70. Waalaikumsalam

    I am happy to hear that these tips helped :) Here is one of my previous blog articles that may help with time management

    All the best :) hope this helps

  71. Your welcome Sashmitra :) I am happy to hear that and always want to help in any way I can. Let me know if you have any request in blog topics.

  72. Hye Kak Meen, Sash here! Kak, how did you manage to keep yourself away from distraction? Also Kak I really want to know how you spend your time studying at home? Like how'd you choose what subject to study when? How do you manage your time at home when preparing for SPM? Thank you so much Kak Meen for your help. ๐ŸŒธ SASH ๐ŸŒธ

    1. Hi Sash, are you going to form 5 next year? It's great that you are starting your SPM revision early from now :) I have written a blogpost on Time Management but since many have been asking about how I study at home, I am thinking to create a Vlog Tutorial on How I Make a Study Timetable at Home. Would videos be helpful? I will also write another blogpost on How To Stay Focused with more detailed examples. Let me know your thoughts :)

    2. Yes, please do Kak Meen. That would be really helpful. Yes kak I am going to be form 5 next year and I am really stressed out. I always think that I am being lazy while others are studying. That tend to be my biggest distraction. Thank you kak for helping me.

    3. Hi Sashmitra

      The video is ready :) Hope it will help you :)

      Here is the link

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  74. Hi guys, my first youtube video is ready :) Check it out. Hope it helps. It is on Last Minute Study Planning and How I make a study timetable :) here is the link

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Juliy happy new year!:) it's never too late to wish:) thanks dear. Congratulations on your straight As!! Well done. With that it tells me you are prepared to take any subject you aim for. Some people including adults may not respond in the best of ways or positive all the time but I am sure your teacher wants the best for all of you. In my opinion, if you want to take Biology go for it. Be confident and embrace the challenge . It will open doors to medical fields in your future career which is great. Do update me and all the best :)

    2. Hello again littlemissmeen. Thank you for your reply! Im now in pure science stream. Your reply boosted my confidence! Thank you so much for that. Im planning to pursue a career in medical fields in the future. Have a nice day!

    3. You are most welcome. I am happy to hear that !:) All the best in your medical career and do remember to contact me again when you are a doctor in the future. Would be happy to hear your updates. Take care and feel free to drop a message/question anytime :)

  76. Hello Kak Meen, Sash here. I just watched your video and I really wanted to thank you so much for you tremendous help. The video was really informative and I am now able to do good study schedules for myself. Kak Meen, I am sry, please don't mind me asking, I actually wanted to know how many chapters per subject will you choose to study a day. I actually try to cram all the chapters for the sciences in one day. Please do advice me Kak Meen whether what I am doing is right or wrong. I really want to get straight A+ for SPM this year. Thank you Kak Meen for all your help.

    1. Dear Sashmitra, I am so sorry for the late reply. I missed this comment! I do hope this message reaches you. You are most welcome. I am more than happy to help out. I do not advise you to cram all the chapters in 1 day. try 2 chapters per day maybe? As long as you understand it and have time to cover all chapters it should be fine. No need to over worry about that. I am sure with hard work and perseverance you will do good. Let me know if you have any other questions :) Take care and all the best. If you have a suggestion on a blogtopic please let me know and I will write it in my next blog post.

    2. Thank you so much Kak meet you have helped me a lot. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  77. Hi LittleMissMeen,
    I just got into science class and having my first test. Basically and commonly first test they don't put too much hard questions since we just learn pretty little things. Yep, I admit i'm pretty shocked by the format and i was panicked (haha) .But now my problem is, i don't know how to really study every single day even a little, although i hardly tried to discipline myself to the timetable i've made.And also i'm kinda an active student, so i really get frustrated and i don't know what to do.Then all my motivation dropped down badly. Any motivational words or advice so that i can get up at this early surrender?

    Pls, Help me.

    1. Hi Siti NurFalah, balancing study and other activities can be tricky. Since you have SPM soon, focus more on your studies and let your studying be the main focus. However, you should still involve yourself with the other activities. Be disciple and believe in yourself. I just published a blogpost on developing confidence. Hope it will help. Also, in the search button in the topmost part of my blog, you can search for many of my previous posts that I wrote like time management. Here is 1:

      All the best and let me know if you have any other questions.

  78. Kak meen, I am really stressed up now. Please help me in memorizing sejarah. How did you manage your time in the remaining four months to SPM?

  79. Kak Meen Sash here. Kak, it's nearing SPM now. How am I going to studdy for all the subjects Kak. I feel so stressed out. My mum, she keeps pressuring me saying that I am not studying enougha nd that I am constantly disattracted by other things like the TV and phone. Whenever she does this, I feel so stressed up and that I am not studying properly. I feel like I am cheating myself. She said that I have lost me momentum and that I will fail my trials. Kak Meen pls help me.
    I study things repeatedly but when I want to recall those things especially after AA short span like a week or so I tend to forget. No matter how hard I try I forget. Pls help me Kak Meen. This problems has cream a rift between me and my mum. Maybe she is just stressed up but I don't want to let my parents down. I feel like I have been lazy. Pls help me.

  80. Kak Meen Sash here. Kak, it's nearing SPM now. How am I going to studdy for all the subjects Kak. I feel so stressed out. My mum, she keeps pressuring me saying that I am not studying enougha nd that I am constantly disattracted by other things like the TV and phone. Whenever she does this, I feel so stressed up and that I am not studying properly. I feel like I am cheating myself. She said that I have lost me momentum and that I will fail my trials. Kak Meen pls help me.
    I study things repeatedly but when I want to recall those things especially after AA short span like a week or so I tend to forget. No matter how hard I try I forget. Pls help me Kak Meen. This problems has cream a rift between me and my mum. Maybe she is just stressed up but I don't want to let my parents down. I feel like I have been lazy. Pls help me.

    1. Hi Sash, big apologies for the late reply. To everyone else, if I reply late and you would like an urgent reply, just send a private message on my instagram littlemissmeen or email I have these on my phone so I can easily reply. For the blog comments, I always wait to go on my laptop because the interface is better than phone.

      First of all, people including your parents will always have something to say, good and bad. Just accept the good and learn from the bad because you cannot control what people say. But if deep in your heart you already know you have done your best, let anyone say whatever they like. Plus if you are busy studying , you do not even have much time to listen to what other people have to say. Yes it is crucial to maintain a good relationship especially w your mum but not necessarily you have to agree with everything she says or always get her approval.

      Just relax dear, do what you can within the time left. Be confident and continue working hard k. I know SPM has started or starting soon. Wishing you the very best and hope you read this in time.

      Lots of support from afar.

  81. Hello sis sorry for asking but what is your true SPM it straight a+

    1. Hi yes 9A+. If you want to read the post just search 'My SPM Results' in the search box

  82. Assalakualaikum akak

    I always had a problem when I study early means a few month before the exam is coming.I will always forgotten what I had read even I read it a few times .So I always did the last minute revision.When I did that I can't catch up all the information and its make me more stress.Please give me an advices .Thank you so much much

    1. Waalaikumsalam Wawa, for memorising, sometimes you think you forgot when you read it early but if you continuously read and try to understand, you actually remember it without realising. I used to feel like this for Sejarah, so much to memorise. OMG. If I revised too early, I was worried I would forget, If too late worried that not enough time to cover all. My solution was that I would study all topics early on but then closer to the time I would only read my short, summarised notes to enhance the memory. Hope this helps :)

  83. Omg sis!!โ™กโ™กโ™ก thank you for your tips..its really useful for me and can you give me some tips for additional mathematic very frustated with addmath right now๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. Hi there, most welcome. Here you go:

      Hope this helps :)

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  86. This is really helpful!
    Thanks sis!

  87. Hello! I love your post ! Idk how to thank you !
    Anyway, how did you manage your time? I am really bad of arranging my time for hw's and study. most of the time, i will do hw only. And then i will feel super bad of not studying/revising anything. To be frank, i did a timetable though, but still, my routine just got all over here and there. Need yr help!

    1. Hi Falex :) aww thank you! Here is a post I wrote some time back, hope this helps and all the best for SPM! Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to help.

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  90. Hello im a form 4 student, i had the difficulties in physics and addmath, for sure i tak tahu how to study physics sebab i found it so difficult. my physics time UP1 dapat 40 , PPT yang i struggle pun dapat 52 je, can you suggest me what kind of reference book yang bagus utk physics ni. takut la SPM. and maybe the way that u found it sangat effective. thank uu๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. Hi Nik Faresh, its ok Math and Physics are indeed difficult subjects even for me. Kak dah nak dekat 10 tahun habis SPM so kak tak ingat sangat nama buku but I remember Fajar, Sasbadi, Pelangi, Oxford were some good ones. All the best! Stay positive and work smart:)

  91. Really helpful !! Being a CBN student , im obviously aiming for the top scores and constantly feel like im being challenged by every single one of my classmates !! this makes me more confident for my finals !! thank you !!

    1. Hi Fareena , all the best with your finals! Thanks for dropping by my blog, glad to hear it helped :)

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  95. im glad that i read this blog! this really motivated me to study for my SPM this year during this pandemic!

    1. I am so happy to hear that, I wrote this some time ago and really glad to hear that it is helping someone. do stay safe and take care :)

  96. Thanks for this post.It helped me awfully a lot,i just wish to say thank you so much.


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