My SPM Results

That morning i woke up and started to do everything slowly so that i will reach school late to get my results. I made excuses and told my mum to settle all her stuff first before going to my school to get the results. Finally when the clock showed 10 am, my mum said no we have to go to school now:) i was like oh my!!... butterflies were in my stomach and i felt my insides so hot and my heart was pounding and my palms were kinda sweaty. i wasnt this nervous yesterday but now that we're right in front of the school, i started to feel the heat and tension. =^.^=
Ok so i entered and straight headed to the toilet. The moment i stepped in memories flashed in my mind cuz so many things happened last yearin this very toilet. I remember making frequent visits with Vinosha and i remember Raihan trimming my hair so that it will look nicer. I remember looking in the mirror and taking pictures. Hm...never thought a toilet will bring back so many memories. Ok so next i headed to my friends outside the hall. We told each other how nervous we felt and then Raihan and I went to the SPBT room to settle her Physics book problem. She paid RM10 and it was done. Then we met everyone in the canteen and outside of their class. Oh and finally it was time to gather in the hall. Puteri, Raihan and I were one of the last to enter cuz Puteri was crying in the SPBT room because all her books were missing. Raihan's mom paid for it and we went into the hall at the same time as the Principal. *sweat*
When Puan Latifah was on the stage, she said I'm gonna announce the names of FOUR students who got straight a plus in our school. When i heard 4!!, i felt my eyes stinging and hot tears cuz i thought that is so little.. do i have a chance to be one of that FOUR?? i have been praying and working hard for it and getting straight A plus has been one of my goals in 2010. (see the picture above my mirror) Puteri sat beside me on my right and my mom on my left. Raihan was behind us with her parents. Puteri smirked and said: Heyy i know who it is. Its you! i just smiled at her and said don't say that, we don't know yet. But she was so sure...I love her for her confidence in me.
SO Puan Latifah announces the first name: May Lee Cai Ling pelajar cemerlang di peringkat Kebangsaan dgn 11A +. ( in my heart, i said i don't think i can get it although i really hoped for it)
Kedua, Kan Ka Hou,*cheers claps* dgn 10A+
Ketiga, Lim Bei *woohoo
(in my heart i said i have only one more chance. it is only one more person. Could it really be me?..tears were in my eyes and i selawat. I didn't look at anyone but the Principal. I prepared myself to hear the last name. I thought maybe the last name would begin with a J or T or any name but not mine. I told myself its ok. maybe u just got straight A's but not straight A+. I told myself there is still hope cuz after this she will be calling out names of straight A students. My eyes really stung hard and that moment of waiting for the last name of STRAIGHT A+ student was the longest moment ever..
Terakhir, NURULYa ( i stood up and could not hear anything else she said) i walked towards the stage with tears in my eyes. I heard the crowd cheering for me but i didn't know who they were. I heard someone say: "eh nangis pulak" I heard Puan Latifah said " ok keempat pelajar ini sila tunggu selepas ini" i went up the stage and fixed my hair a little. The moment i reached my Principal, I hugged her really hard and sobbed a little I didn't want the whole school to see me crying actually but i just couldn't help it. My Principal asked me to turn and look at the camera but I was reluctant to do so cuz I was in tears,,,, I took my result and went down the stairs. I could see my mum and went to her and hugged her. Then I hugged Puteri and Raihan called me and told me how great I was. There is nothing sweeter, nothing better than achieving success and having your loved ones cheering for you and giving you support. Now writing this is really making me cry I say :') :') :') wait wait give me a second to get myself together.
That was the greatest feeling I ever felt in MY WHOLE ENTIRE life. Allah listened and answered my prayers. My mom and dad were proud of me and now I can apply for full scholarship without burdening them. My efforts have been repaid and all the negative comments, sacrifices and challenges i faced were finally ditebus (i can't find the right English word). Im happy to make the school proud and im happy to be an inspiration to all. Im happy that my mum is enjoying herself bragging about me although i wouldn't like to brag to anyone.hahah XD I'm happy that I made my loved ones happy. I'm happy for my friends that did great too.
Every time I think of that moment, that minute, that second when my name was announced, I thought back and said WOW nothing ever felt as good as that man! Sometimes when i recall that moment I sit down and cry again, sometimes I would just let it repeat and repeat like a tape recorder in my mind. Sometimes I would just wish someone took a video of that but then I would not stop watching it...hee
Syukur Alhamdullillah to ALLAH for guiding me and for giving me the hidayah. It is with HIS will that I achieved this success and I am very thankful to ALLAH. AMIN
Syukur Alhamdullillah to ALLAH for guiding me and for giving me the hidayah. It is with HIS will that I achieved this success and I am very thankful to ALLAH. AMIN
OMG! I feel like crying now :') -Leeynesh-
ReplyDeleteSorry, I just wanted to read your experience :)
I don't want to just read but also experience that experience!!!
DeleteHi leeynesh:) don't worry you can do it. I wish u the best! =D
ReplyDeleteThanks Yasameen :')
ReplyDeletewow.. even my tears were rolling down my cheeks when I read thisโฆ I am happy for you yasmeenโฆ I know how hard you workโฆ and your hardwork paid off by god really wellโฆ keep up the good workโฆ you are my idol and inspiration till now..
ReplyDeletehi there ms V :)aww,, how could i ever achieve 9A+ without my forever helpful, loving and supportive teacher, Miss Vinnie! I thank you for the time and effort u put in those early years of school when i couldnt even speak BM. You're one of the best teachers ever !!! and im so thankful to hav met u <3
DeleteI read this particular post every week,sis. I just want to get good results like you too ^.^ You're my inspiration,sis. I am trying to be genius like you too :D But im not that good when it comes to speak english fluently. *Sad. And may god bless you always :) -Rev-
ReplyDeleteHi Rev, I'm very touched to hear that and I wish you the very best in your studies :) Its alright if you are not good in something at first because I experienced that as well and being good at something comes with practice. Always motivate yourself and do your best k
DeleteI have read your experience and it was very very interesting ones...I feel like wanna cry're my inspiration now :) I want to be like that too. Make my family proud with me. I am trying to work hard and became a sucessful person like you ^_^ But im not that good to speak english fluently like you and my add math,bio oh no...make me cry btw im form 4 now...Its nice to know you =D cONGRATULATION and may Allah bless you always :)
ReplyDeleteDear Farah, I'm happy to hear that you found my posts helpful and I sincerely try to help students like yourself who are striving for success. Always pray to God, insyaAllah he will hear your prayers and help you feel more motivated. I'm very sure hard work will pay off, in one way or another. Its ok if your English still needs improvement, you can work on it over time and always practice when you can. Thank you so much for your kind words :') Assalamualaikum
DeleteHow you can achieve A+ for bio, chem and physic. I just got fail for physics, so how I can make it much better ?
ReplyDeleteHi Adila
DeleteApologies I think I missed reading this comment. Try reading my post on studying physics: and also
Hope this helps all the best!
Hi there',
ReplyDeleteI'm Ashwin,16 y/o- SPM 2016
I really enjoyed reading your posts n sis, i read this post like for the 20th time...
It's really touching yet at the same time,it's really inspiring and motivating. I wish that i could one day be someone successful like u....
N sis yasmeen, if u don't mind,can i have ur email address cuz i would like to know more useful tips and motivation frm u...please..... :-)
Hope to hear frm u soon,
Hello there Ashwin. Aww :') I am really glad you enjoy my blogposts. Yes I am very thankful and I do my best and leave the rest to God. I wish you the very best with your exams and future endeavors :) may you acheive even greater success. Sure its
DeleteI can feel u when I'm reading your post! I can feel motivation now! Ireally hope that I can get straight A+ like you bcs I need scholarship and make my parents feel proud of me:)
ReplyDeleteAll the best WanRong!!!! May success and happiness be with you. Update me of your results and I'm sure hard work will pay off :D
DeleteSalam akak.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you for being an inspiration to me. Everytime I was frustrated and felt like I wanted to give up, I would read your blogposts to motivate myself. I saved some screenshots of your blogposts and read them countless times. I even wrote my goals like the one you had above your mirror.
Alhamdulillah kak. Allah answered my prayers. I got straight A plus in my SPM!!
Again, thank you akak. May Allah bless you. :)
DeleteWOW thats amazing !!!! I am very happy for you. Alhamdulillah. Hehe the goals above my mirror was pretty funny. Hearing this from you really makes me happy :')
Congratulations and may Allah bless you too
i just found out your blog omg your super amazing!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletebtw im in the first class of form 4 in my school but I keep on failing in addmath and chemist(my teacher barely come to class and I dont go to tuition) Some of classmates even got 98,96 for it and I only got like 18.... Now im going to sit for my PAT but I cant help it but oftenly cry every morning because im so worried :( My parents are always fine with my results because they dont put any expectations in me but I feel so bad for my teachers and classmates because I feel like im embarrassing my class with my results.
aww you are comparing yourself with your classmates who got incredibly high marks . not everyone is designed to excel in exams incredibly high. some people are good at other aspects. to me, as long as you did your very best & got a decent result, that's great. try to learn from them or those who are better at add math and chem, they may have some tips. Don't feel too down, I am sure you are great in other things. Not being good in 1 or 2 subjects should not make you feel bad. Cheer up & keep working hard. I'm sure you'll ace it.
DeleteAssalamualaikum akak
ReplyDeleteCongrats for you achievement.You are really great !!.I hope I just can be like you.Akak can I ask you a question? This year I were in 16 and will take the SPM's exam next year.So could I get the SPM result as good as you if I started all my effort next year? I also wish for an advices from you :D.Thank you .Lots of love.
Waalaikumsalam Wawa, aww amin thanks dear :) it would be best to start as soon as possible. Try to work as much as you can and stay focus as there are only a few months until SPM. I am happy to answer if you have any specific questions. For now, my advice would be to:
Delete1) Work hard, do all the exercises and past questions you can to familiarise yourself.
2) Stay healthy, exercise, watch what you eat and sleep well.
3) Pray & stay focus, try not to have too much fun until after SPM because time is very precious now.
All the best dear, XOXO
May i know that will you know earlier about your spm result from your teacher or principal?
ReplyDeleteMay i know that will you know earlier about your spm result from your teacher or principal?
ReplyDeleteHi there, I received my exam results direct during this announcement in the hall. None of us knew it earlier from teacher or principal.
DeleteHi akak. I have a question on how difficult it is to get straight a+ in SPM. I really doubt whether I could get it because no one in my school got it for the past 10 years. I was also wondering whether or not the Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri will call the school if you do. Thanks akak :).
ReplyDeleteHi there Monarch Butterfly, apologies for only replying a year later. I have been on and off the blog. But still very happy to read your comment and I hope you will receive a notification to this reply. I am not sure if Jabatan will call the School but I am guessing there would be some communication with the school because during my time, number of A+ student was tracked. It was a lot of hard work indeed and I was not sure if it was possible too before I got my results, but just continued working hard and smart. And yes, insyaAllah boleh. It's not impossible. Keep believing in yourself, work hard and pray.