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Motivation for SPM Trial and Tips for Pendidikan Islam

First, I'd like to wish all SPM students All the Best for your upcoming trials. Some told me that they already started this week. Whatever it is, do your best, study hard and remember that even it is just Trial Exam it is also important. I applied for Shell Scholarship using my trial exam then after several stages they asked for my actual SPM results. Alhamdulillah now thanks to my trial exam I am now going to UK under Shell scholarship for my degree. When I was doing my trial exam, I never ever thought that these results will grant me the scholarship and my dream university. I just did and gave my best and that is what you should do now. You never know when giving your best for the little things may grant you big rewards.

There was a request a month ago for SPM Pendidikan Islam. If you guys don't mind, I'll be writing this post in English then if you have any questions I can answer in Malay *hey I speak Malay all the time with my mum you know*

First Pendidikan Islam in SPM, there are 2 main papers. One paper is more focused on Tilawah and hadis (Kertas 1) and the other is on Ibadah, Sirah, Akhlak, Akidah (Kertas 2)

For Tilawah and hadis,

I know it is hard to hafaz the entire surah but what I did, I got many exercise books and also past year question and trial paper from other states (especially Kelantan, Terengganu, KL). Then I checked the most commonly asked verses. So, I memorised "maksud kalimah" but only those that I found from the trial and actual SPM papers. I wrote it all down in my notes so everytime I studied, I will always go through the meaning of those important phrases as well. Ok that was for memorising  the meaning.

Next, hukum tajwid. Make sure you know all the basics like:
- Idgham mislain
- Idham maal ghunnah
- Ikhfak hakiki
-Izhar halqi

Also, if you have time go through "Hukum Mim Mati" like:
- Igdham mislain
- Izhar syafawi
-Ikhfak syafawi

For each surah, go through "Pengajaran Ayat", "Maksud kalimah" and read all the notes related to the analysis of the surah. For Ayat Hafazan, do try to memorise especially the short ones. As for the long ones, I tried memorising the beginning and ending of each ayat so that if the question asks us to put the verses in the correct order, then you will have an advantage. If you memorise the whole surah, then of course that is better.

For extra marks read up on Hukum Mad:
- Mad asli
- Mad aridh lissukun
- Mad Wajib Mutassil
-Mad Jais Munfasil
-Mad Iwad
-Mad Silah Qasirah
-Mad Silah Tawilah
-Mad Faraq
-Mad Badal
-Mad Tamkin

I went and studied through all these hukum just in case it comes out. As for hadis, the study method is the same as for tilawah. I have a book I bought from my ustazah. You can call this number for orders: 04 4416550. The book is very helful and its only RM5.70 (during my time). The publisher is Jejak Jaya Dua Enterprise. Here's a picture:

As for Aqidah, Ibadah, Akhlak, all I did was read read read and memorise. However for sirah, there was quite a lot to memorise so what I did was make a table. Then I compare the khalifah. Another table to compare the imams. Another table to compare ajaran sesat. When you see it side by side, its easier to memorise and makes reading more fun.

Read the notes many many times and I advise you to write more points than required. For instance, it they say "Give 3 examples" be sure to give them 4 or 5. I used to write so much that I filled up almost every line and space. Its ok to write more,they will mark the correct ones. 

Make sure you get the spelling correct for names of people and Islamic terms correct like 'munafik', 'musyrik'. Do many past year questions and Trial SPM from other states. Maktab Adabi Gaya Pos prepares very good questions for the Trial Paper and Soalan Ramalan. There is still time to order if you can. 

Finally, after working hard just tawakkal and pray for the best. You have done your part and may God do the rest :)


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