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About Fasting and the Month of Ramadhan

Every year there will be one month where Muslims will fast and that month is called Ramadhan. There are many months just like January till December. Sequence of Months in Islamic Calender:
  1. Muharram (Islamic New Year!)
  2. Safar
  3. Rabiul-awal
  4. Rabiul-akhir
  5. Jamadil-awal
  6. Jamadil-akhir
  7. Rejab (I'm born-22)
  8. Syaaban (Erfan born-15)
  9. Ramadhan (Adik born- 17)
  10. Syawal  ( Hari Raya Aidilfitri on 1st Syawal!)
  11. Zulkaedah
  12. Zulhijjah
So Ramadhan is the month of People, Rejab the Month of Allah, Syaaban the month of Prophet, Rasulullah s.a.w.

Syaaban has a very special night on the 15th. Its the second best night after Lailatul Qadar. Lailatul Qadr is a very very special night. Its actual date is remain a secret and we only know that it falls on the last 10 nights of Ramdhan. So, anyone who prays and does extra good deeds on that night will be rewarded equivalent to 73 years of ibadah. That night is so beautiful and special that it is said that it will rain on that night and all the trees will bow down to Allah.. The day will feel peaceful and the night will be blessed. It is predicted that it falls on a date with and odd number; the night of 19, 21, 23, 25 etc

Why do Muslims fast?
In Islam we have 5 pillars of being a Muslim and 6 pillars of faith. The 5 pillars of Islam are: 
1. Reciting the Kalima Syahadah. 
2. Offer prayers 5 times a day.
3. Charity 
4. Fasting in Ramadan. 
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca for those who able to.

So you see the 4th pillar of Islam is fasting in this month. Some people think that we just cannot eat and drink but actually that's not the main point. The objective of fasting is to increase taqwa in your heart and refrain against desires. You shall not eat, drink, smoke, have sexual intercourse, put any object inside your body or actions that lead to fullfilment of desires from dawn to sunset. There is more to it in case you are interested to know, you may google "How To Fast in Ramdhan".

Benefits Of Ramadhan and Fasting

Any small good deeds and prayers done in this month will be rewarded many many times greater than in the other months. In this month, you are the guests of Allah, enjoying His hospitality,your breathing is "praise of Allah", your sleep is His worship, your prayers receive His approval so sincerely free from evil thoughts and may you receive mercy and forgiveness in this month. If somebody has done wrong things and is seeking forgiveness, this month is the time to clear his sins.

Thirst and hunger makes us more thankful for food, makes us feel more compassion for the poor, cleans our body system, reminds us of the Day of Judgement and makes us more healthy in physically and spiritually.

Whoever prays constantly and asks sincere forgiveness for past wrongdoings, the flames of fire will not frighten Him.

Whoever provides a meal during break fast to a faithful person who was fasting, he earns the recompense of setting an enslaved person free and also the benefit of the person who was fasting.

Whoever improves their moral will cross the Bridge of Siraat towards Heaven with ease.

Whoever gives leisure to employees will receive equal leniency on the Day of Judgement.

Whoever takes care and looks after orphans and relatives will be treated mercifully on the Day of Judgement.

Whoever prays optional prayers will get immunity from hellfire and praying obligatory prayers will be multiplied rewards.

Whoever recites one verse of the Holy Quran will obtain the reward of full recital of the whole Book in the other months.

Devils are held in chains in this month (they hate Ramadhan because of that) and they will rejoice on the night of 1st Syawal where they will be set free again. Always pray to Allah to not set them free for leading us astray. 

This beautiful months is very dear, to Allah. It is so pure, generous and merciful. Do not let the nights go in waste without performing any prayers to God. Never let the days go pass without remembrance of Him. 

He sets Angels around to find people who Selawat to Prophet s.a.w and to those who do, Allah will selawat to them for 10 times and remove 10 of their bad deeds as well as raise their position 10 times higher.

For women who experience their one week of period and cannot pray, there are many selawat and prayers you can read. At first I thought of reading the translation of al-Quran but since we are in the state of impurity and the law of touching and reading the translation is not clear, I decided to just stick with tasbih and selawat instead as well as certain prayers recommended by our dear Prophet.

Information in this post was mostly referred from a book and online resources. Apologies for any different opinions or information. 

Nobody is perfect, even Allah says that the only perfect human would be Rasulullah s.a.w. The doors of repentance is always open because Allah is very loving and He wants to forgive you. With a good heart and with sincere prayers, may He guide us to the right path always.

Have a blessful Ramadhan insyaAllah :)


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