Last Days of College at HELP
Its been more than a year since I started college. Wow I still remember the first day. I bet one day ‘time’ can be defined as something that feels very quick.
Today was our last Biology class. Last Friday last Physics class, last Thursday last Chemistry class. Yes I am very relieved but not just yet. Final exams in less than a month!! *studymode on*
Before I start telling you what happened today, I just want to say sorry to those people who said they emailed me, fb messaged and I didn’t reply. I just wanna say that these days I usually just check my phone. No time to go online often lately, you can even see by how frequent I update my blog that my day is always full. Oh and if you messaged me on fb, don’t get the wrong account yeah? ;) My fb is private and not visible on search engine so you might have messaged the wrong person. But I will try my best to reply asap once I go on.
I feel so lucky to have very very dedicated teachers especially like Ms Ng and Mr Lim.

This is my dear Kak Nurul and the little kitties. She showed the to me today. Aren't they cute?
She helped me so much with her cheerfulness,everlasting smile and with my UK app. I feel happy just seeing her ^^
Here's where I eat lunch everyday. I like her Nasi Goreng Ayam so much that I can eat it every Tus, Wed, Thurs without getting bored. I never order anything else. She told me to come back whenever I miss her cooking ;)
My kitty is green
Meet the lab assistants. From left: Kak Shikin, Mrs Uma, Kak Lina, Kak Akidah
Middle: Adib
I went to visit the lab assistants for the last time ad they were so friendly and welcoming. One of them even made me a sandwich and we took loads of pictures in the Biology lab. Too bad this place has limited space ;) I'm gonna miss everybody.
Kak Shikin made this sandwich for me today :)
Mr Ronnie has taught us the longest, 1 and a half years and I still remember how nervous I was on his first class because he said "If you don't bring my books or do my hw, then you can get out of the class." He said it in general but I was curious so I just asked him again a couple of says later, my friend and I asked him
" Did you really mean what you said the other day?" Then he laughed and said "Why are you scared?" We were like "Yeah." Then he said "Don't worry I won't do it for real. 'm just trying to scare you guys." Phew because that day we forgot something ;)
Today we had extra class then Rai bought 2 cakes ; cheese and chocolate and we had a farewell party.
We wanted to feel like school children again taking formal class photos.
Ms Ng so cute! She is one of the main reasons why I got accepted by the university of my dreams. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your guidance, for making me fix my personal statement so many times until i got it right and for making me realising that there are still very dedicated teachers out there who truly care about their students and do things not only for money but for the satisfaction of giving to the society :')
If you're going to HELP and you get this teacher I say you are one of the luckiest person alive.
From Jia Wei the Paparazzi ;)
Mr Lim gave us some treats he bought and a drink before we left. So sweet of him. I was so touched.. Throughout the past 6 months, he was very strict, he toughened me up, made me arrive at college by 8am every Mon and Thurs and he taught me that this world is full of tough competition and if you don't make yourself survive, you'll just sink in. He called me the most mature student in his class *still wondering what that means* and I am the Class Rep *thats what he calls me when he's too lazy to say Yasameen* So i do the photostating, ordering of books and every single thing in his class including giving him the phone number of anybody late* i wonder how he expects me to have everybody's number haha but luckily i think i do* On the last week of his class, he told me that he has never had a Class Rep before and I was the only one because they never lasted. I was like OMG! No wonder I felt like I was doing more than other class reps, and one point it was pretty stressful during this one time when i had to collect money, then return it cuz of some disagreements then collect again. Well I guess then he has something to remember about me "The only class rep that lasted" haha
Mr Ronnie
Our last lecture
If there's one more person I want to take a photo that would be the security guard. The kind lady I spoke to on the morning of my Imperial Interview. I was very nervous and on my way home from college cuz i just had 1 class. Was at my locker when my key dropped then i had to ask her help to get it. That's when i got to know her and she gave me loads of motivational words that day when she got to know I was going to have an interview. I know you won't be reading this but I would like you to know that the things you said to me made a difference even though you were just a random stranger who appeared at a time when i needed it the most. Thank you and my point here is that always be kind and warm-hearted to people. You never know when that smile or those simple act of courtesy can make a difference is someone's life.
To all my college friends, meeting you all was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I feel like I've known you guys for a long time and I can't believe how close we are. To my girlfriends in class, I love you cute girls :* The best thing about college is being in GROUP A.
On the first day of college when they wanted to change me to a different class for scholarship students and I cried, my instincts told me to stay with Group A and this one and a half years has proven that my decision was absolutely right.
The End of Chapter 19: College Life
Entering Chapter 20 SOON on January 15 ;)
This almost made me cry. I'll miss you Yasameen. I want you know to know that you've inspired me in so many ways. And although I'll never be as smart and intelligent as u are, you made me realize that I'll get there someday. You showed me that there is hope and that it's okay to dream. So i will, and I won't give up until I get what I want. And when I do, you'll be one of the first to know :) Thank you for being such a good friend. Good luck and I wish u the best in Imperial. Love u :*