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New Message From LittleMissMeen

I almost laughed when reading the comment " Why are you not updating your blog? Celebrating Deepavali?" 

Ok its not really a pleasant experience but I'll tell you what happened a few days ago and why I have been delayed many many days from being here.

Before I start talking about that: Woaahhh I just checked my Visitors Stat Chart and about 4000 visitors this month. Immediately I checked what in the world did I post in November but only have 1 new post this month. Guess you guys are reading my previous entries and yeah SPM season ;) No worries its almost over.

I felt like one of those bulimia girls a few days ago. Its a fact that my antibodies are a little weak and I take body resistance pills like Omega 3 plus, Vitamin C and this garlic pill. Yuck! To top that up, my body rejects any foreign food like seriously. That's why I dont just eat anything. Even on normal occasions, I'm not one of those people who look forward to buffets and creamy food. Yes, I remove half of the icing before eating cake since I was 5. And I don't have anything much to drink at coffee shops like Starbucks unless they have juices or plain coffee/ tea (no cream). 

So what happened last few days, I tried something new from another country. 
The taste was too strong.
Woke up in the middle of the night.
Vomited every single thing I ate for the day.
No appetite.
Just sleeping or lying down.
Stomach virus is terrible
You feel hungry but you can't eat much.
Everything feels tasteless.

Throwing up is a painful thing and one of the things I hate most. You feel and taste it in your mouth. And your nose. I prefer the other way of removal so much much more.

Another annoying thing about vomiting is that when you ask for a vomit medication at the pharmacy, they always think you're pregnant -.- Excuse me, non-pregnant people can vomit too okay- only less frequently I guess. Many people I know don't have a tendency to vomit no matter what they eat and that's so lucky. 

Today I'm so happy because I could eat a proper lunch after so many days. My mom made baked chicken with potato and tomatoes and fragrant rice and I just felt like I could eat like normal again. Well, its not completely alright but I'm feeling slightly better.

I had a short holiday (when my stomach behaved very well thankfully) so I'll put up the pictures in my next post. 

Compensation for being away so long - I promise at least 3 post today! *winks


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