For Mama on Mother's Day
People say that I act and look like my mum when she was my age except that she was taller and thinner. I have her picture when she was young but i don't think she'll let me post it here.
*She reads my blog you know hehe
I remember how my mum loved to dress us in matching dresses that people we met at shopping malls and stores used to say " Lovely twins you got there."
I remember how we used to call her in the toilet when we were done...
I remember how she used to give us bubble baths and let us choose different shampoos with cartoons on it. I remember the cute toothbrush she got for us when we started learning to brush our teeth.
I remember waking up in the morning to find my Scooby-Doo bottle ( i still remember the color- green!) and drink Milo.
I remember waking up one day to find my bottle gone- she gave me a cup instead and Nasreen cried so loud.
I remember how I used to watch 7 Dogs in Heaven while she 'suapkan' us some delicious dinner.
I remember the lasagna and apple pie she used to make and how she used to let me help put the skinned apples inside.
I remember how my parents surprised me on my 8th birthday in the middle of the night with a kitchen set-with the refrigerator and stove and microwave with real food inside.
I remember how i did my first Comprehension homework in First grade- it was about "The Little Bird in the Nest" and i cried because I couldn't do it. It was my mum who helped me.
I remember how she used to tell me fun bedtime stories- Sang Kancil, Little Red Riding Hood, etc until we fell asleep.
I remember how my mum used to teach me Malay and Iqra' using children books she bought from Malaysia.
I remember how i used to visit Malaysia in the summer holidays for Hari Raya and wear matching baju kurung with my sister.
I remember how she used to let me borrow her makeup
I remember how she bought loads of colorful nailpolish and paint my nails a different colour each week.
I remember the photoshoots she used to take us to after dressing us in fluffy gowns.
I remember how she used to ask my opinion when buying things-it shows that she values my thoughts eventhough I was small.
I remember how Aunt Sharon helped my mum paint my room pink with wallpaper the picture of horses.
I remember how my mum used to make us quiet by telling us there is a witch outside looking for kids to eat- we used to believe it trust me.
I remember how my mum used to take us trick-or-treat around our neighbourhood on Halloween
I remember how my mum wishes me Goodnight- She'll say " Goodnight Princess Mama" and i'll say "Goodnight mama princess."
I remember how she used to buy 2 barbies, 1 for each of us every time we went to Super K-Mart.
I remember soooooooo many things you can hardly believe. Yes people say i matured at an early age so that's why maybe i still remember these stuff.
And I will always remember that a mother will be the only person in this world who can love you unconditionally.
I'm posting this picture on Mother's Day to let my mum know how much I love and appreciate her. I know that taking care of the 2 of us may be a handful (plus the little baby boy now) but i want her to know that she means a lot in my life.
If i were to choose 1 person in this world that I cannot imagine life without, it would be my mother.
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