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Is Facebook Good Or Bad?

Something triggered me to write about this. A few days ago, I met my cousin from East of Malaysia. She came over to KL for the school holidays. We had a chat and suddenly we were talking about fb. She told me she did not have a fb account because all her friends were pretty and she didn't want people to see her not-so-pretty pictures. I was surprised and then she let me look at the pictures in her phone. To be honest, she's very pretty and I wonder how she could say that about herself. Peer pressure is getting really serious nowadays and facebook is one of the main cause. I was at my office early this year working part-time at a language centre and we had to look for articles for the students to read. As I was searching, I found this one on facebook. It stated  

" A high percentage of teenage depression is caused by facebook when they see how wonderful other people's lives are. What they don't see is the problems/ arguments/difficulties the person faced just to take that simple picture. 90% of the things you see on fb are wonderful. People don't show the not-so-wonderful things. Children a decade ago spent most of their time watching tv but now things are changing and they shy away from life and reality for the sake of a social network called facebook."

omg how sad right? Well, i started having facebook 2 years ago at the age of 16. I have to say I am not a very active facebooker. Now that college has started, i restrict my time there and only go on once or twice a week. Weekdays are for classes and studies. Under 'certain' circumstances then I go online. Since I started this routine, I've been getting an average of 35 notifications everytime i open my facebook. Its better like that for me than checking everyday. Now I check all, reply, stalk close friends (hehe) and chat. I do all in 1 go and leave:) About approving friends, I have now around 90 friend request, people who i wished i could approve but i have no idea who they are. Ok please don't get me wrong.Of course IF  I know that person by name or photo, i'll approve immediately without hesitation haha. I feel bad cuz sometimes and that day i recently approved 30 people. Every thing has its reasons right?

Why is it hard for me to approve people I don't know, why i make everything private for non-friends, why do i try not to spend much time there. Something happened last year. Do you know ibu ayam? If you know malay that you'll understand. Well i had this case where this crazy lady with 2 accounts added me, the naive me approved anyone at that time. She tried to talk me into doing it. Period. Don't feel like talking about it again. I felt my blood boiling at that time. Hello!! Do i look like a @#$%!#@ to you? Then there are several guys ( these people mostly from other countries). Telling me i was pretty and let's be friends. aww so sweet NOT! How the @#$%! they got my fb account i don't know but i had a big time blocking, deleting these people+ random people who had weird names. Big time and to be honest i'm not even done deleting all i think, too tired to go and waste my time looking through the whole list. My pictures were in jeopardy and yeah..They have no idea who they're dealing with. I never ever go with any virtual relationship. I'm a reality kind of person. If someone even wanted to get in a relationship or get to know me,  no doing it on Internet or on phone. skype okla hahha Like I said, i'm a reality person. You say it in my face and talk. Many things actually happened with this phone, msn thing that I learned my lesson the hard way.  

Back to my story, now you see I let you judge if fb is good or bad. Actually, too much of anything in this world is not good. Even fruits and veggie are not good if you eat too much, then you'll have overdose of vitamins. Studying too:) You have to have time for other things. My point here is that, as a teenager who wants to be happy and should be enjoying our years of youth, too much of Internet is not very good and healthy.  Its really sad if i get to know that someone feels low of themselves just because of fb. :( Everybody has their own talent, everybody is good at something. Just because some people are really popular and having a great life on fb doesnt mean you're a lame person. I'm a pretty sentimental, emotional person at times and I never ever wish that anyone gets intimidated by me or what they see on my profile, my blog or anything. Everyone wants to feel good about their life and in the end, its not who has the best life. Its who enjoys her/his life just the way it is, appreciates the wonderful people around them and gives their best in anything they do. Cheers! For those who took the time to read this, thank you and I hope you gained something from reading this. Have a wonderful weekend! See you in my next post. 

Lotsa love xoxo


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