Last week was one of the best weeks ever! My friend's bday on Wed, went to KLCC for my auntie's bday. Her bday is actually today. Oh and did a lot of hw and a little revision-the satisfaction of finishing your work and cancelling it out from your to-do-list. hehe Had a chem test last Thursday and I want to know the results soon... 0.0 Have been feeling little down last 2 weeks and the week before but this week was absolutely great. oh and weird thing, got my period right after that. Hate it when that happens wonder when this pms thing will be over. I hate feeling sad for no reason....oh oh and he's talking to me again. thought he was mad at me or sth. well yaay friends:) Yesterday took baby Erfan to the playground. He chased me =.= so long didnt go out to the playground. Urrgh didnt exercise this week though whoopsies. Gotta do that soon. All schools got 1 week hol for Deepavali no fair *.* I only got 1 day sob sob. yaay Msian Studies ending soon but ala gonna miss my msian study buddies. The only reason I enjoy college although i miss school friends terribly is because im surrounded by such caring, sweet and wonderful people. If any of my friends are reading this, yes im talking bout u. I dont like to write names in case I forgot to write any names then somebody will feel offended. Ok gotta go now! CHOW:) take care guys!
What You Need to Know Before Rebonding Your Hair
Most of us with frizzy or curly hair will bow down to the person who created the rebonding hair treatment. I was born with naturally straight hair, then sometime in my life my hair turned frizzy. Rebonding your hair is the number 1 cause of hair damage. Its negative effects are superior to ALL the other hair treatments and considered the worst thing you could do to your hair- of course the last resort if you have no other way of keeping you hair the way you want it to be. From personal experience, I have rebonded my hair almost every year from the age of 12 which means approximately 6-7 times. I like the way my hair returns to its original look after rebonding. Another reason why I do it so often is because my mom will never stop the cliched question- "When are you going to do your hair again?" whenever the curls return. The last time i went to the salon I begged my hairstylist " Can I please do hair relaxing or any other option??" but she said that my hair was n...
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