I Love My Brother So Much

Hey there :) Hope everyone's doing great! Today was such a wonderful and sweet today for me. Ok the main reason why is because i finally and finally made the final decision for myself about my future. Everybody's been asking me about it and I haven't been able to give an exact answer as I've been waiting for a reply from other scholarships that I've applied for.However, today I am very clear about it all, discussed with my parents, teachers, and my wonderful friends. I'm planning to write the whole story today but its gonna be long so I'll write tomorrow.
Ok so today I did so many things. In the morning I was on the phone with the JPA officer, Mr Tan, Mr Ven, Cikgu Raja, (called Ustazah Suhana but couldn't reach her), Vinosha and etc. Made things clear and talked to my mum too. Didn't exercise or cook lunch today like I always do because I was busy settling these stuff. Then I drove to my brother's school and picked him up. Right after that, we stopped by SMK Bukit Indah to see Cikgu Raja. She has been telling me to drop by since that day I saw her at Hilton Hotel for the Shell Award Ceremony and I thought today was a good time. I reached there and saw Nadia, an old friend of mine. Then Cikgu Raja asked me to grab lunch with her and we chatted non-stop hahhahaha:D
From SMK Bukit Indah, we went home and I had a chat with my brother. He's only four plus I cant believe I can create convo with him. Then we played hide-and-seek. This morning I was sleeping and he came to my room. The first thing he said was " When I come home from school today, we play chase together k?" I was so sleepy and said yeah. When I play chase with him, he'll always ask me to carry him and he is getting heavier now. We ate ice cream together and today we have one secret together that no one shall know. I'll tell you the convo..
Kak Min: Erfan, mak cik (my maid) said you cried that day because you miss your lost toys? is it true?
Baby: Yes, But i also miss the times when I was small.
Kak Min: Really? But you're a baby. How can you remember stuff?
Baby: I look at pictures. There I see the ones on your piano.
Kak Min: aww,, you so cute. You miss your toys?
( And he told me how he missed the toys in our stolen car. btw our Toyota Rush got stolen last year at Tesco Ampang. Be careful guys! And his favourite toys were in that car that time.)
Baby: Orang jahat tu buat apa dgn Butter ( his dog), Bulu (his cat) and selimut. They buang ke bakar ke apa?
Kak Min: No Fann,, org jahat tu kasi dia tidur and simpan dia tempat lain. dyorg ambik kereta je mainan baby dia letak tempat lain. Bulu and Butter tgh tidur tempat lain. Hari tu dia cakap dgn kak min tau. Dia xnak erfan kacau tapi dia sayang Erfan. Dia ckp Erfan jgn miss dia nnt dia sedih k?
Erfan: ok Erfan xsedih tapi Kak min kena kasi Erfan cakap dgn Bulu and Butter. Tolong call kan boleh?
Kak Min: Boleh baby.Tapi promise tak sedih lagi k? (we did pinky promise) Ini rahsia kita jgn bagi tau sapa2 tau.
Erfan: Ok ssshhhhhh....
He always conquers the TV so what I'm going to tell you is so rare. I was sitting on the couch and he was playing his PS2. It was Pororo on the TV screen, then it was Mickey Mouse. He gave me the remote and said change the channel if you want. I was like WHAT??? Really??hahaha no I didnt say that. I just said : Its ok . I wanna watch Mickey I like it.
He thought I was lying and said:
" Tukarlah cerita org besar kalau kak min nak"
He is super sweeet I love him sosososo much<3 (but i didnt change the channel, no movies anyways tonight)
Then I was going to go upstairs and asked him before I went: " Is it ok if I go upstairs or do you want me to stay with you?" When I speak English with him, he'll reply in English and sometimes I'm surpised with some of his replies. He said " Up to you. Whatever you like"
Always wanted a little brother. Although brothers can be a little rough sometimes they are totally sweet. Oh and I wanna keep on calling him baby. He looks like a baby to me. He even told me a joke he learnt at his Pre-school : Children's Cottage. Izham told me he and his siblings used to got there. Wow this is like 2nd generation. Cant wait for Erfan's concert this year;)
Wow already 1am. Chow! Goodnight ya'all.:*
Ok so today I did so many things. In the morning I was on the phone with the JPA officer, Mr Tan, Mr Ven, Cikgu Raja, (called Ustazah Suhana but couldn't reach her), Vinosha and etc. Made things clear and talked to my mum too. Didn't exercise or cook lunch today like I always do because I was busy settling these stuff. Then I drove to my brother's school and picked him up. Right after that, we stopped by SMK Bukit Indah to see Cikgu Raja. She has been telling me to drop by since that day I saw her at Hilton Hotel for the Shell Award Ceremony and I thought today was a good time. I reached there and saw Nadia, an old friend of mine. Then Cikgu Raja asked me to grab lunch with her and we chatted non-stop hahhahaha:D
From SMK Bukit Indah, we went home and I had a chat with my brother. He's only four plus I cant believe I can create convo with him. Then we played hide-and-seek. This morning I was sleeping and he came to my room. The first thing he said was " When I come home from school today, we play chase together k?" I was so sleepy and said yeah. When I play chase with him, he'll always ask me to carry him and he is getting heavier now. We ate ice cream together and today we have one secret together that no one shall know. I'll tell you the convo..
Kak Min: Erfan, mak cik (my maid) said you cried that day because you miss your lost toys? is it true?
Baby: Yes, But i also miss the times when I was small.
Kak Min: Really? But you're a baby. How can you remember stuff?
Baby: I look at pictures. There I see the ones on your piano.
Kak Min: aww,, you so cute. You miss your toys?
( And he told me how he missed the toys in our stolen car. btw our Toyota Rush got stolen last year at Tesco Ampang. Be careful guys! And his favourite toys were in that car that time.)
Baby: Orang jahat tu buat apa dgn Butter ( his dog), Bulu (his cat) and selimut. They buang ke bakar ke apa?
Kak Min: No Fann,, org jahat tu kasi dia tidur and simpan dia tempat lain. dyorg ambik kereta je mainan baby dia letak tempat lain. Bulu and Butter tgh tidur tempat lain. Hari tu dia cakap dgn kak min tau. Dia xnak erfan kacau tapi dia sayang Erfan. Dia ckp Erfan jgn miss dia nnt dia sedih k?
Erfan: ok Erfan xsedih tapi Kak min kena kasi Erfan cakap dgn Bulu and Butter. Tolong call kan boleh?
Kak Min: Boleh baby.Tapi promise tak sedih lagi k? (we did pinky promise) Ini rahsia kita jgn bagi tau sapa2 tau.
Erfan: Ok ssshhhhhh....
He always conquers the TV so what I'm going to tell you is so rare. I was sitting on the couch and he was playing his PS2. It was Pororo on the TV screen, then it was Mickey Mouse. He gave me the remote and said change the channel if you want. I was like WHAT??? Really??hahaha no I didnt say that. I just said : Its ok . I wanna watch Mickey I like it.
He thought I was lying and said:
" Tukarlah cerita org besar kalau kak min nak"
He is super sweeet I love him sosososo much<3 (but i didnt change the channel, no movies anyways tonight)
Then I was going to go upstairs and asked him before I went: " Is it ok if I go upstairs or do you want me to stay with you?" When I speak English with him, he'll reply in English and sometimes I'm surpised with some of his replies. He said " Up to you. Whatever you like"
Always wanted a little brother. Although brothers can be a little rough sometimes they are totally sweet. Oh and I wanna keep on calling him baby. He looks like a baby to me. He even told me a joke he learnt at his Pre-school : Children's Cottage. Izham told me he and his siblings used to got there. Wow this is like 2nd generation. Cant wait for Erfan's concert this year;)
Wow already 1am. Chow! Goodnight ya'all.:*
I forgot to add, last night i was feeling miserable and talked to my bestfriend about it. She gave some advice and told me to play with my brother the next day. I listened to your advice Puteri!!:):) hehe and it really worked<3 xoxo