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Sweet Memories With My Students


Holiday At Port Dickson :)

The last time I went to Port Dickson was a long long time ago. That time my brother was still small and could barely walk. Now that he's a big boy he could enjoy the beach much more! It was a bit hazy and got hazier on Sunday but thankfully we managed to do most activities on Saturday. The last time we went there I remember seeing a place called Nasreen Restaurant and since its exactly the same as my sister's name, we all made a big deal out of it. I remember Maggi night with my maid. Oh if you're wondering, my maid came too at that time. I miss her, she left last August but it seems ages ago. So this is my last holiday with my family before I start my degree soon. To be honest, I am starting to be more positive and really looking forward to it.  I know it will be hard at first especially for a person like me who has never ever stayed alone but with God's will, I pray that He will make it easier insyaAllah. Back to the main topic tonight! On the first day we j

Last Class With My Students, Cindy and May Ann

What Happens When I Play Chess

White: My Brother Black: ME

The Common Dont's While Studying

Everybody has their own way of studying but avoiding the common dont's while studying will help you to focus better :) Put your phone on general mode at top volume. When I'm deep into studying, it can seriously shock me when my phone beeps or rings ;) Study next to a laptop with your facebook on. Read for hours without any hands on activity like highlighting, writing notes, underlining, doing mind maps. Study with no idea when to stop. Not sure which subject and subtopic to start with when your study session begins. Study at the same place everyday. Its a good idea to change your environment at times to avoid boredom. Study when you're exhausted after a tiring activity. You will find it hard to focus and easily upset when you are unable to answer a question. Its always better to take a nap first than forcing yourself to do it. Depending on people for your material or notes at the last minute. It may lead to increased tension between you and that person if they ar

A Sad Week : Attending Muslim Funerals

I wanted to blog tonight since 930 pm ( more than 2 hours ago) but I always start off my blogging hours by replying comments emails messages etc and that took me an hour. First replies will be to those who commented on my blog posts because I can easily find it in the comment section when I log-in as the owner of my precious blog :) Sorry I haven't had a chance to reply to all yet. Will do soon.  Today I went to Semenyih because my granduncle passed away. This time last week, I got the news that my friend, Rai's dad passed away too. Innalillah wainna Ilahi rajiun. I guess life is very fragile and all of us belong to God and one day we shall return to Him. Preparing for that day is the best we could do for now.  In one week, from last Saturday to this Saturday there has been 2 people passing away and both on Saturday. On the previous week (2 weeks ago), my <3's grandma passed away, then last week my friend's dad and today my granduncle.  Last Saturday, I got the

What I Feel As A Young Teacher

Good morning! :) I seldom blog in the morning but my student is having exams today so this is a rare chance to blog at this hour. Don't be happy for me just yet- my weekends are taken this week!  I am a teacher who works odd hours mmm hmm And tonight I have my favourite ENGLISH class. (I like to teach english the best its so fun because I don't need to prepare before class haha) And teaching small kids are very fun so this English class of mine are the youngest group I have so far.  So, since I've been away almost every single day, sacrificed my blogging and reading hours just for my students, you guys must be wondering what I'm up to. Well, today I'll take you behind the scenes....  *open curtains and flashback begins*  The general act of teaching someone requires patience, compassion and sincerity. If you're not patient, you'll just leave the moment your student forgets something you teach for the gazillion time. You tend to have that feeling &q

10 Ways To Reduce Stress While Driving

Did you hear the news of the flying cars created in America and will be on the road by 2015? The flying car costs $900 000 so I guess multimillionaires are the only ones that can rejoice upon that piece of news. Or have you felt like banging into the car in front of you during a traffic jam? Perhaps have flying functions installed into your car? Or closed your eyes with hope that when you open them, the road would be empty.  The good news is: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Here are 10 ways to make your journey on the road more fun and less stressed: Bring your favourite CD so that you can turn it on whenever the radio is having too many annoying advertisements. *cough OneDirection saves me* Carry along snacks in case you're hungry and the traffic jam might take more than an hour. If you're driving at rush hour, do visit the washroom before starting your journey in case of emergencies. Leave home early and apply easy make-up in the car when you're at a traffic light. That

A Date To Remember

I tried googling to see how other people would respond. I googled: Bumping into your family on a date or dating at the same restaurant and seeing your family but did not manage to find much. Maybe I don't know how to type the right keywords*sweat* It was a dinner date. I  usually can't go out too late or too far at night so he came to a restaurant near my house. It was a beautiful night and we sat outdoors, I was so thankful it didn't rain. After ordering and all, we passed the counter and  then headed towards the car.  I had zero idea that somebody was looking at us the entire time  He told me he had something for me and the first thing he said before he opened the door was "Its larger than I expected." And right there at the back seat, I saw a large bouquet of lilies, a very romantic surprise :') as well as my favourite cookies. He even said that it was wrapped in my favourite colours. Oh my, it was sooo pretty and looked artificial at first.

How To Prevent Boredom Doing the Same Thing Everyday

When you ask me this question, the first thing I would say is: then don't do the same thing everyday. Hmm, but how is this possible right? At first, you think I'm not making sense but read on to find the remedy to one of the most common predicament. *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * Everyday there is always and will forever be the same things to do. Wake up, brush your teeth, pray, bathe, breakfast, chores, etc. Can you survive one day without a bath? Maybe yes :P How about one day without eating? I'm sure not. But you usually don't eat the same thing everyday. Most of us eat different food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The variety and the slight changes makes it less boring. For those with a higher advantage in life, they are blessed with this opportunity but how about those who barely have anything to eat? That's why we need to always be thankful with what we have and not waste food. Ok I kind of diverted the topic..~ Community message brought

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