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Invitation From Nuffnang to Blogopolis 2012

Dear all, how have you guys been doing? I hope you all had a great week.  Today  I  have really great news! Last Monday, the first day of Semester 3, I got a special email from Nuffnang. The email was sent at 6pm right after I came home. Since I was the class representative, I had to remind everyone about the new lecturer and on the books and money we had to collect the next day. He was so scary on the first day so I thought it was a good idea to make a gentle reminder to everyone. When i went online, I decided to check my email and was astounded upon reading the email below. Ok maybe the invitation was a general one, not exclusively sent to LittleMissMeen but being an amateur blogger, the thought excites me so very much. I was so surprised because I am very new to this blogging world and I am registered with Nuffnang ads only 1 week ago. So this invitation was never expected. If not because of the email they sent me, I would have never known about the Nuffnang Blogpolis in Malay

My First Bouquet of Flowers

You girls must be receiving tons of flowers especially those in a relationship don't you?  I read a recent article on Ella, 47 getting married to a pilot, Elan, 30. This is the first marriage for both of them. Can you believe that?  Ella does not speak much of her love life so we don't know what happened. There may be unspoken sorrow and pain behind the silence. She believes that "Jodoh di tangan Tuhan dan kalau dah jodoh tak kan ke mana." This means that if a person is meant for you, you will always end up together no matter what happens. Even age factor cannot be barrier.   This should be a motivator to single girls out there. Don't be stressed out just because you're single at the age of, 16? You never know when best things will happen. To be honest, we all know that unexpected love is the best rather than hoping for the impossible. I'm not saying that you will only find true love when you're old but be patient, enjoy life while you can and

Personal Updates

I did not realise that i haven't written for 6 days. So many things happened this week that i have not yet had a time to sit down and blog. Usually when i blog, its those silent moments of the day when I'm totally carefree. But this 1 week holiday has been a very packed one indeed and i feel like sharing every moment of it here. There has been tears of happiness, sorrow, love, laughter and God knows how I could even write a novel on what happened since the day I ended my exams. Don't hope for too much photos cuz I am not really a photographer sort of person. If you compare memories with books, I would be the author not the illustrator. Maybe its also because my phone's not one of the latest models so i can't take beautiful pictures like you all do :) It took him so long to ask me out. When i asked him why, his answer made me want to roll on floor laughing ROFL. Oh well, i never knew guys thought about that. When i met him towards the end of my one week break,

When Big Kids Play Hide-and-Seek

Hello world. I'd like to emphasise on world instead of my country alone because it seems like people from different countries, even those I have never heard of before are visiting LittleMissMeen. Some of you read posts that i have written long ago and some just follow my recent stories. Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy your visit. Other than treating this as my personal virtual space, I write for you guys! For people looking for inspiration, those who share similar interest or those just looking for material to read.   Today my world revolved around small kids. My mom and I were busy searching for a school for my brother. Can you believe my little baby brother who used to have chubby cheeks ( till it drooped down on his shoulders) and a bald head ( i used to decorate with tiny flowers-never tell him this) is now going to school? NOOOOO. I want him tiny and cute and chubby again. Please give me a moment to shed these invisible tears. He is still 5 years old and is going to t

A Song That You Will Make You Replay

HOT CUTE Cheerful Desperate LOVE Irresistible 125 million views SMILE CRAZY He's actually GAY Watch till the end

Girl Suspended From School For A Week For Wearing Mini Skirt

Dress code issues. Have you ever faced a similar situation? When you're in school, its a serious matter especially in government schools.  A few days ago, a girl from a Methodist School in Malacca was suspended for wearing a mini skirt to a charity event representing her school. News stated that clear dress code regulations were provided but the accused failed to follow rules and regulations set by the school. When you are in an institution, ANY institution even at work place, you have to follow the rules set by your boss or the authorities. Can you go to an interview wearing a bikini with the reason "Oh I just feel too hot today." Your interviewers will blacklist you immediately without further explanation. What I'm trying to say is that in every place, there are things you need to consider rationally before making a decision out of pure ego. Now back to the topic above, in my opinion what she did was not a serious 'I-will-suspend-you-from-school' offen

The Secret Of Laughter

Ever heard the laughter is the best medicine? In this world  full of stress, conflicts and problems, sometimes the best thing to do is just to laugh.  If you ever fall or trip, laugh at yourself. The ability to laugh at yourself instead of being angry, blaming others or being terribly ashamed reflects positive attitude. If you have a problem turn it into a joke and laugh at it. Once you're done laughing then you can find a solution to it and get your mind straight. The person who always makes me laugh whenever i talk about my problems is my sister. There was once when my Physics teacher planned to give us 6 tests in a row- to be completed in 2 weeks. So every time we came for physics class it was a test. Imagine that... Then one day, when we were halfway done with our Physics Test Marathon, he cheerfully announced " I will add one more test for you." The minute I heard that I started laughing so hard because i couldn't believe my ears. When you are facing

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