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Christmas Wishes

Right now I'm going to be really random hehe Actually I'm blogging because I can't sleep, whoopsies and this is to occupy time so that I get sleepy *yawns What am I doing now? Googling pictures of pretty Christmas trees and almost wrote a blogtopic on that , omg ok I'm really sleepy. This is me and Wan Ting during our Christmas dinner. Our hall senior, got us pizza! I was soo happy because I didnt have to cook hehe. Well actually I already cooked but dinner with my hall mates was fun, usually its really quiet and so me and Wan Ting will visit each other's rooms hehe. She got a heater! Its such a big contrast when I step in and out of her room. Our corridors are actually cold and I need to even wear a sweater indoors.  This is the Santa of Imperial This is Tong and I on the last day before Python exams. We just finished doing work at the lab and I was attracted by this very pretty Christmas tree in RSM. Royal School of Mines is said to be the m...

University Life & Motivation of the Week

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great :) Can you believe that yesterday was the last class of term? I am so happy but can't be too happy yet because I have an exam next week, the programming one that I was telling you about. I like to look at pictures and sweet memories. Its amazing how a single picture or something can remind you of so much. When I look at certain pictures, I just can't believe that I was there at times. It just feels so close yet so far. It feels like yesterday yet long ago. Just hard to explain. At times, its amazing how so many things have happened, so many people I've met and so many places I've been to. As I'm writing this, yes I'm looking at pictures on my farewell, pictures at Cameron Highland(one of my favourites) and pictures of my cute sweetheart. My baby boy grew so much over the years and now he lost 2 teeth, lookies! I was at my study desk when this birthday card fell down. I turned it around and started r...

How To Know Which Career Suits You The Most

Hello there! I hope everyone is doing great :) Its a Friday night here in London and I know by the time I click 'publish', it will be morning in Malaysia. The time difference is so big *my skype hours are so limited* I was thinking of something to blog tonight after spending my evening doing practicals. Suddenly I remembered a blog post request, it was like a month ago and I totally forgot because I was reading it in a rush at that time. So I scrolled down my chatbox when I saw this interesting comment from Krease: How do you determine which job/career suits you the most (if you have no idea whats your passion/ something you're good at?)Ive done numerous personality/career tests unfortunately that doesnt work Before I answer this question, perhaps you would like to hear my own experience how I started doing the course I am doing today. As I grew up, I had many many dreams and ambitions. As a child, I wanted to be a scientist, then a lawyer, then architect, then doc...

Constant Motivation? Yup Very Important

This is just minutes before going to bed when I feel like I want to write something here. I just read Chicken Soup for the Soul and after reading,   I realised the importance of having constant motivation in your life. I've read the book before, perhaps a couple of months ago or a year and   didn't realise how it could actually give an impact on me.  In the midst of busy times, where deadlines are due, where 16 written practicals need to be handed (one practical last week had 13 igneous rocks), when your lecturer expects you to know it all in a programming exam by self-learning (even when you see programming like a foreign language on... Mars), I was reminded that its important to have motivation and to be positive.  I'm going to make this real short and write a good post for you about what happened last weekend :)  As I sum it up, my point here is that if you see a good book on the shelf and you automatically tell yourself "Oh i already read that", The...

SPM Tips: Don't Let A Tough Paper Demotivate You

Dear SPM students, I'm very glad to hear your response because I would have no idea that BM paper was hard if you guys (Lyana)  didn't tell me. First thing I want to say is that if I was in your position, I would be VERY thankful to get a difficult paper. yes, in exam halls you feel that you want to answer ALL questions accurately. When something makes you feel stuck, you have doubts and start to worry. My advice is that: Please just continue answering how your teacher, tuition centre, penceramah, anyone who has taught you. Just follow and continue answering the question no matter how hard it is. DONT STOP or WORRY. Be confident. Say in your mind " I have studied so I can definitely answer (insyaAllah) because if someone who studies can't answer, then how about the rest of the candidates?" Of course they can't make everybody fail. Certain people must get an A, and did you know if the average highest mark is 40% in the entire country then that can be consid...

Motivating Yourself When Life or Studying Feels Difficult

Dear all,  I am writing this especially for SPM students who are having SPM this Wednesday. But I didn't want to put SPM tips for my blog title because this motivation is for everybody, regardless whether you are sitting for an exam next week or not. First, I want you to think back at the time life felt challenging. Think of what you did, how you dealt with it. Next think of your wonderful achievements. Helping someone in need is also considered a big achievement in my opinion. Finally, think of somebody else's life challenges. Something much worse than yours, a tragic death, war, illness and natural disasters. Your mind will automatically tell you that your problem seems trivial. In the case you are experiencing one of the worse, please bear in mind that God will not test you with something you cannot cope. Before I go further, let me tell you a story about myself.  This weekend was one of the most challenging for me. I am sick and I have a lot of work due. Despite my ...

My Geology Class and Fieldtrips

This week will be the fourth week of classes and tomorrow will be exactly one month since I've been in the UK. There has been a lot of changes and new things in this one month and now let me share with you about my first geology field trip to Leicester. Before leaving we were given several geology equipments like hand lens, our RED hard hat, a waterproof notebook and even a RSM (Royal School of Mines) water bottle :) I'm still excited of the name of my school, plus the fact that Prince Harry just visited our building a few days ago makes it more interesting. Imperial College London has many departments like for Chemistry, Computer, Medicine, Physics and the Royal School of Mines is for courses like Material, Geology, Geophysics and related courses. My building is right next to the Royal College of Music which is opposite Royal Albert Hall. Ok now everything is royal, feeling like a princess here XD Sometimes when we are having class, I can hear the students next door in the...

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