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SPM Tips

Hi guys! For those who don't  know me, I just completed my SPM in 2010 and recently started college. Last week I promised to post on SPM Tips and I know some of you have been waiting. I'm terribly sorry for the delay. PMR is in 8 days and SPM is in a month. I still remember the feeling weeks before SPM. I would NOT look a the countdown if possible because it makes me nervous. I just basically know how many weeks left and just focus on what else I need to do before the big day instead of making myself all worried. For my trials, I got 8A's 1B ( B for Physics) so I was asking myself: " Can I get straight A's or not?" With the new system of A+ A and A- which was implemented 2 years ago, it makes the whole thing a lot more stressful I agreed. But! That is not a reason to not excel. It should be a motivator to strive harder. Yes, nothing is easy in life. Even now, I'm doing my A Levels and I am not going to say it is easy because that's not true. Everywhere...

Poem: The Hug

No moving parts, no batteries, No monthly payments and no fees, Inflation-proof, non taxable, In fact its quite relaxable. It can't be stolen, won't pollute, One size fits all, do not dilute, It uses little energy, But yields results enormously. Relieves your tension and your stress, Invigorates your happiness, Combats depression, makes you beam, And elevates your self-esteem. You circulation it corrects, Without unpleasant side-effects, It is I think, the perfect drug, May I prescribe my friend- THE HUG!

Nice Guys: A Nigga Higga Video

This video was actually shared by a college friend of mine. When he sent me this link, I thought it was some normal videos guys usually watch but this one really hit me. It is NOT true. Nice guys do not finish last. My friend also told me that girls want cool guys so that they can show off to their friends. Hearing this from a guy, I'm like wow....they do think a lot too. Being a nice guy doesnt mean you'r nerdy or what. To me, just be yourself and original and you'll meet the person who will love you for who you are and not who you "try" to be. If you try to be someone you're not, one day your true self will reveal and when your fake lover finds out, he/she will dump you. Do what you think is right. There's no use trying to please someone who won't appreciate the things you do. So guys, don't believe the first part of this video. Haha. I have to admit the video is super funny !:P Enjoy:):)

SPM Candidates 2011

To all SPM candidates 2011, I will be posting about SPM preparation and tips soon. No worries:) Take care, dont stress yourself too much and all the best. You will be hearing from me soon:) Loves, L.M.Meen

Experience Using Public Transport

People who regularly use public transports look so calm and cool when they walk from one place to another. When irregular users like me attempt, oops... and here's how the story goes... And so to get to my place its a bus and an lrt exchange. My first worry was getting the right bus. I kept on repeating the right number on my mind. 123 123 In the bus, how was i to know people now use Touch n Go, so I got out my purse to pay and he said: No cash. Cards only. Haizz haha Then the bus took so long to reach a nearby lrt. I'm waiting patiently and looking around at the people. Many types of people in the bus haha. They look so cool and used to it and it seems like I'm the only one looking around so i try to act normal too:P We reach the lrt station and they punching their card again?? Am i paying twice? Says my friend: No, its not gonna charge you even if u scan again. Now we reach the lrt and many people are going up the stairs. Guess we'll follow the crowd. Reach the st...

How To Clean White Laptop

Im using a white laptop. Laptops get easily dirty so imagine white ones. Got this one for my PMR Basically all my gadgets are white; handphone, laptop and even my car. I like the colour compared to black. Black seems very work-like and professional guyish/ working lady kinda thing. White seems more teenager/fun and girlish  in my opinion. Black is beautiful too. It would be my second choice. Ok let me get to the point. A few minutes or wait hours maybe, I turned on my laptop and my sister returned the transparent keypad cover. I MUST use that or else the keypads will turn yellow. When my sister returned them, I saw a perfectly beautiful cover, not the yellowish one I never bothered to clean. Emm actually I'm not very sure how to clean it to be exact. Well guess what? She cleaned with with NAIL POLISH REMOVER. I knew alcohol was needed for this business but was not keen by the thought that my precious lappie will be alcohol-fied. haha . IT WORKED!!!!!!:):) NAIL POLISH REMOVER CAN HE...

A Note From LittleMissMeen

To my dear visitors, I have a few things to let you know. My blog will be having a few improvements. I've just started this blog after my SPM ( December 2010) which means LittleMissMeen Collections is going to turn 9 months soon. 1. Free Goodies! The 5000th visitor  and if your visit ends with the number 4 ( for example 4674)  you will be able to choose any items from the collections of accessories, bags, books, etc in my collection and we will deliver to you for FREE:) Steps are very simple: - Screen shot or print screen the page with the "Total Pageviews" visible. 2. Q & A with LittleMissMeen. This is a new function I've added to this blog. You can ask me any questions about myself, about studies, about friends and family, or even share problems and ask opinions. This is part of the Motivation I have here in my blog and I believe eveyone needs motivation especially teenagers and sometimes we want to hear it from someone our age. If you do not want to rev...

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