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My Dad

Father's Day was 19 June 2011 this year. I wanted to write this earlier but I didnt have the chance so I thought better late than never.  I call my dad Baba. When we were small my cousins and I made a deal to call our parents Mama and Baba. hehe So its either Baba or Dad. In USA, its too formal to call your dad " father" but it seems normal in UK. Did you watch Parents Trap? One of the twins lived with their dad in a ranch and the other lived with their mom in the city. The one with the dad was pretty outgoing, on-the-go and informal and the other girl was proper, formal, good manners and etc. My sister and I LOVED to watch that movie over and over again. We used to say that we were like the two of them, only we lived together. haha =D  Back to my story, my dad loves me a lot. I'm not only saying this but its true. My friends here in Malaysia don't really see him much cuz he's often out working. But he loves to be friends with my friends hahah. He would pl...

SAB Sports Day 2011

Phew! I finally have time now to sit down and update my blog. *cough* Still not fully recovered but i already finished my strong dose of antibiotics. Now I'm relying on Vitamin C ( 2 pills a day) and no cold drinks. Health is very important you know. Ok so I have finished high school but my sister hasn't. My mom and brother usually go every year and so this year I came along as a visitor. aww,, My friends were going to so it was like meeting up for a school event and we planned to wear the school T-shirt. Those from my batch who came were Puteri, Zul, Najat, Amer, Roshan, Adib R, Danny, Muaz, Vinosha, Sherrie, Jane, Umesh, and a few others. Nadine and Shania pulled me and made me sit down with the other Blue Team members during the announcement of prizes. My friends were like VIPs sitting on the benches opposite of me.  Results of Sports Day 2011: First: Blue Team Second: Green Champion for Cheer, Mascot, Marching: Red This time last year ( in 2010 Sports Day was on...


Hey everyone;) I hope everyone is doing great. I'm feeling better now except for the slight coughs which means I am not completely well right now. I really want to update but I have to go out now. So thought of leaving a quick message. Thanks a lot for visiting and I'll update tonight I promise. *sweat* Now I have to keep the promise. Ok chow! Gotta go xoxo Meen

Weak Antibodies

If you don't know you have weak antibodies and suddenly encounter  your first terrible fever, it must definitely be an extreme shock. As for me, I am aware that the unusual effects of fever on my body is the result of weak antibodies, sad to say. When I have a fever, it feels like I'm in a different world and different surroundings. I stop doing things that I do on a daily basis like washing my face, exercise, cook lunch or I don't know. Sometimes I'm like half aware and half in dreamland.  Well, today I feel slightly better except for the coughs that haunt me at night. For people with weak antibodies, you have to consume a lot of Vitamin C ( even though you eat a lot of fruits and veggies) and be extra careful of your health because its not easy to recover when you get sick. I'm not saying this out of self-pity but its a fact and I learn how to deal with it. - though it is hard on the days that your temperature rises- =.= My mother came to my room in the middle of...

Anugerah Khas Alumni at Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang SAB 2011

What Is Anugerah Khas ALUMNI? This is the first time they started this award in my school so I did not see this coming and I did not how was the evaluation either. Usually they just have Tokoh Murid Akademik and Ibu Bapa Tokoh Murid Akademik. In 2011, May Lee was given this award. So when, our Principal, Puan Latifah gave her speech and told us about these awards, I listened carefully. Based on my Principal, this award is for students who have achieved excellence in academic, involved in various co-curricular activities, all-rounders, portray good personalities etc. That's some things I heard and starting from year 2011 they are awarding it to 1 boy and 1 girl for Tokoh Lelaki Alumni and Tokoh Perempuan Alumni. This year,  it was Mazlan and I. At first, I was like greaat... and thought it was just a declaration that we were the official Alumni's of the year. But I have this serious blur case so its actually a special award FROM the Alumni's of SAB. I only realised this whe...

5 Posts in 1 Day

So did all those posts make up for my absence this while? HEHE:D Actually I've been going out almost every single day that I am super tired and today I just thought of staying home alone. The silence really helps me write more posts and I feel so relaxed after having hectic schedules everyday. I bet that if I decided to go out today too, I wouldn't be able to update all of this. I have more things to tell you. Oh shoot! i forgot to upload those pictures of my students and I again. hahaha:D Ill show you a.s.a.p. .Toodles and take care :) xoxo

Poem: Fake Promises and Lies

I'm so dead tired of all of this Ill just write it in a poem You promise and you tell me lies Expect me to be so patient Messages not replied Calls mailbox-fied And then you give excuses The patient me will just smile And pretend to be un-bothered Im not referring to just one person Because many have this habit I just don't know what to say I guess they just don't mean it It always ends with a smile That"s how we go along But the moment of wait is so agonising I feel that you have gone. Is it wrong to just miss you Then have you ignore me like this Or ignorance is actually the issue So let's just end this case. I know we're all so busy  But I always make time for loved ones I don't want to sound so cheesy Just missing our wonderful moments. I bet you're not going to read this And many other people will instead I don't care  I'll still write it  And hope they pass the message. PS: Its been some time sin...

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