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Last Minute Add Math Tips For SPM

Hello there SPM Candidates 2012 ! SPM is really near and yes you are bound to feel some stress, hear and pressure but its alright, you're normal. There is something to worry about if you do not feel anything at all. I felt the same too and very nervous before each paper but remember your prayers, drink 'air zamzam' it makes you feel very calm, watch what you eat ( minimise fast food for a little while and no junk food bad for the brain) and remember to exercise. It releases the tension on those muscles. I remember how long essay papers made our back and shoulders hurt like mad. Now let's speak of Add Math. I do not want to give you any heavy list of things to do because exams are very near so I will just let you know how you can make the best preparation for your upcoming SPM Add Math paper, alright? 1. Go through all the list of formulas. Write them down on a piece of paper. Try your best to memorise ALL (if possible) as it is wasting time flipping to the back to check...

Cambridge Interview Experience

My interview was in Taylor's College Subang Jaya and my TSA was in Sunway today. Last Thursday was the Interview Day. I was very nervous to meet the Chief Interviewer of Cambridge. Of all the interviewers, I was chosen to be interviewed by one of the senior lecturer who was basically in-charge of the entire interview process which made me more anxious to meet him. The other interviewers looked younger. I kept counting down the days, the hours, the minutes and when it struck 12.10, I wonder why he hasn't come out to call me in. After moments of anticipation, he came out and greeted me. We walked down a hall and he apologised for the delay and I think I was the last one before lunch break. The moment he opened the big wooden doors, I was petrified for a second..Yes Cambridge is ancient but I didn't expect the interview to be ancient as well. The moment I walked in those doors I felt like the time sand suddenly reversed and I was back in time and everything about that room mad...

Why is LittleMissMeen So Busy in October ??

Hey pretty people! I'm not sure whether to say 'Rise and Shine' or to wish you a lovely night because readers of LittleMissMeen might be experiencing either one.  Do you how many blog stories on my "To Blog About" List is being delayed. I have so many things to write on here; personal updates, SPM candidates are flooding right here and I have a sharp increase of visitors today my graph peaked 90 degrees (maximum possible) omg!! Guys thank you thank you for dropping by and leaving your comments :)  But but but you must be wondering why I'm not updating so frequently and consistently nowadays. Hmm I'm having an interview with the Top #1 University in the whole wide world..and of course its near impossible to gain admission- logically there are so many more smart people than me but I can't believe I'm shortlisted to go for the interview *.* My friend said I need to frame the invitation letter so I guess that itself is considered some sort of an ac...

SPM Tips: How To Choose Essay Topics

PMR is going to be over tomorrow. All the best guys- ace your last paper kay?! LittleMissMeen is back for more tips on SPM !! Now that UPSR AND PMR are over, SPM is awaiting but don't fret, you all will do fine :)  Sorry for the delay as I was slightly busy with interviews and exams. They are not even completely over yet so this is one of the days I am thankful that I have time to blog :D Question asked : How to choose an essay for English and BM? LittleMissMeen says: Well you see when it comes to selecting an essay that you will be writing pages and pages, it really depends on what you are capable of doing. Some people are better at thinking creatively of an interesting story while others prefer factual compositions. I am going to share my opinion and what I usually do for essay questions. ENGLISH Essays: I personally prefer story-writing. If you can think of a story plot quick and if you are used to writing stories then go for this. If you are not very sure ...

IELTS Test : Academic Module

Hey guys! Anybody needs an English language requirement for tertiary education or perhaps for work? Here are a few things and the questions they asked me during my IELTS exam in British council: Speaking Test conducted in British Council  11-14 mins only mine was conducted one week before my Reading, Writing and Listening Test The questions they asked me : Section 1 : They ask personal questions and they are usually a short response and very direct, What are you doing now? Are you currently working or at college?  What do you like about college life? Do you spend more time with your friends in the weekends or weekdays? In your opinion, does college or work offer more time with friends? Why? What is the meaning of your name? How did your parents come up with the name they had given you? What name are you planning to give your children? Why? Is it important to have a name with a meaning? Give reasons. Section 2 : They give a topic. You have 1 minute to...

Dip 'n Dip Damansara

This is mine : Chocolate Waffle Stick The messiest dessert ever! Pancake Mini Tower Chocolate milk shake Mallow crepe Brownies with ice cream Fettuccini Crepe Pizza Slice  Banana waffle  With the birthday girl: Imani & Rai, Xin Wei, Safina, Jia Wei, Jaslyn, Purnima, Gomi, Yan Qi, :) After having everything-chocolate for lunch that day, I will not eat chocolate for at least a month. * Let's see if I will actually do this. Dip 'n Dip Damansara was opened on 24th Sept and its really nice but if they had other dishes too, it would have been even better! Especially when people come in the afternoon feeling super hungry hoping there would at least be spaghetti :P  Well it was definitely a memorable and unforgettable lunch. One of the best college days ever! I do recommend you to go there if you haven't tried it yet ^^  Bon appetit !

Grandpa's 82nd Birthday

M y grandpa is usually a very serious person, quiet and doesn't talk much but he really looked happy last Wednesday when we celebrated his 82th birthday. He wore his new top when we went out for dinner and he enjoyed cutting the cake and Erfan sang so loud at the restaurant :P  Grandpa even posed at the camera :) He was a student of Victoria Institution 69 years ago, then he worked in the Ministry Department, one of the respected high officers- which explains why he is always slow, steady and formal. People at work would be very careful around him, mum used to say but he's really cool with us. He used to have this epic hairstyle where he would never forget to put cream on his hair so it would remain that style. He even told me of the Japanese days when he went to school and worked at the same time.  Wow amazing atuk! So proud of you ^.^ He would never know or really understand if I tell him I wrote about you on my blog as he ...

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