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20 Reasons Why Blogs Are Better Than FB or Twitter

My eyes caught a horrifying sight as I was sitting in Chillis KLCC waiting for our delicacy of the day to be served - in other words "having lunch". In a table right across mine sat 4 teenagers but the first thing i saw when i glanced at their table were 4 black heads covered in hair, more like zombies looking at the ground. A naive person would have been easily deceived by looking at the ground as well and try to find the interesting thing they were all gazing at- perhaps a portait of One Direction *winks Well guess what ? It wasn't a sexy portrait of Zayn Malik. They were looking down at their phones -.- *urgh disappointment- no 6 pack Then I looked at them again and since I had nothing much to do, I just waited to see how long they would stay like that. I waited and waited but none of them moved an inch. Finally the food came yaay! While eating, i glanced again. I was still counting. Ok one of them placed the phone down but the other 3 continued to gaze zombie-ly ...

Choose My Next Blog Topic

Here is a chance to let LittleMissMeen know what you want to read. Which topic do you want me to blog on next?  Choose 1 out of the 5. 1. How To Be Good In English  (Label: General topic) 2. How To Write A Blog That People Like   (Label: General topic) 3. Building High Self-Esteem  (Label: Personal development) 4. Dealing With Family Problems   (Label: Personal development) 5.Why Blogs Are Better Than FB or Twitter   (Label: General topic)

Motivation of the Week: How To Be Happy

How are you feeling today? Are you upset, frustrated, disappointed or just in low spirits? Or maybe you are boosted with positive energy and ready to start a brand new week? Its normal to have feelings but once the negative ones attack, you should be careful it doesn't overpower you Imagine having no mood for days or weeks . If you watched Twilight, Bella lost herself for months -drowned in horrid nightmares. In life, you should let nobody have the power to control your mood. Of course we get easily offended and heartbroken but to ensure your spirit doesn't break into pieces, you have to have full control of yourself. Imagine your mood having a remote control . Would you like someone to easily change the channels or would you like to change the channel yourself? Easy to say but not easy done. I agree with you. See I'm reading your mind. If you are feeling miserable, sometimes the best thing to do is to keep yourself busy. Read motivational books, watch inspiri...

Oh My English : Learn How To Speak Better English

Hello my beautiful readers! How was your weekend? I bet it was awesome indeed :) Oh My English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone watch this show on Astro 610? I am loving the show because of the catchy song and the funny song. Try and listen to this song! Featuring Altimet and Liyana Jasmay. She is kinda gedix here but cute me likeeeeeeee Step 1 Read LittleMissMeen articles. *just kidding!   When I used to speak with the American accent, people used to make fun of it until i tried to get rid of it. Now i realise so many people trying to speak with a fake accent *oops . Lucky i still have some of it left. If you listened to videos when i was younger, the accent was mucchhhhh stronger.  This is just a short post and the last post before i change my bloglink to if you have any trouble finding it, just Google LittleMissMeen kay? Take care and selamat berbuka Lotsa love from me

Blogopolis 2012 in Malaysia

Being invited to this grand event at Concorde Hotel last Saturday really means a lot to me. When you blog, its always just you and the laptop. But when you meet other people, who encourage you and face the same challenges, it feels like a fresh start. I never knew blogging was this big until today. Imagine LittleMissMeen winning the "The Most Promising Amateur Blogger" award *stars of hope in the air*   I have to say that my blog may be nothing compared to those professional bloggers out there but we all share the same thing- and that is the joy of writing! That morning, Saturday 14th July 2012 I jerked up 90 degrees when my clock struck 5am- not to mention without an alarm clock. *woots* Ok i'm making myself sound haunted- maybe not 90 degrees then. For someone who is used to having someone wake me up, that's something unusual. I was tremendously excited for the big day- glamorous people to meet, big event to attend, new things to learn & not sure what to e...

New Blog Link

To all, I just want to inform you that I will be making some changes to my blog link. Effective starting: 21st July 2012 At first I just thought of changing immediately it but I thought of you guys who already saved my blog link on your tabs or so. Just take note because starting from next week, if you click on my old link, it will say "Blog removed" and that is not true . I just changed my blog link.  It is NO longer : littlemissmeen collections New blog link:

Euro Cup 2012 Rematch in Ampang

Today, the football club Eric Erfan belongs to entitled UKRC organised a memorable event for all the teams in their Football Club. The media came yesterday and televised the game on Astro Arena Channel 801. I came today but unfortunately they did not want me seen on TV. Oh well... ;)  The teams were divided into Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14, etc While other kids are playing with toys and dolls at the age of 5, Eric Erfan discovers his passion and talent through football. With Cristiano Ronaldo as his inspiration, he trains every single day without fail. He practices on his PS, DS, plays inside the house and even hits my piano at times, begs anyone to take him to the playground and makes cheeky remarks whenever he wins. Excited for the big day, my mom, dad, sister and I woke up early and left home at 8am today. For the boys under 8, there were 4 teams : Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany. Eric Erfan was playing for ITALY. After the game and prize-giving ceremony, the...

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