
Showing posts from August, 2013

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Lovely Picnic in Lembah Pangsun

When I heard we were going for a picnic, I was super excited! The last time I did was perhaps 5 years ago. My house is not very far from the hilly recreation parks but we never explored the place. I woke up early Sunday morning and after prayers, I helped my mum prepare egg sandwiches. So whoever ate those yummy sandwiches, it was muahh who made them ;) We were going with 3 other families and there was 18 of us. 830 sharp we gathered in front of Aeon Ampang and Busu led the way. Sheā€™s very good in directions and she found this nice place for us to go in Lembah Pangsun. At first we thought of going to Sungai Congkak but this one seemed better. At first, sesat kejap and we ended up in a deserted village. Finally around 930am we reached the chalet. Since we were just going for a day trip, we just rented one chalet to use the bathroom and to change. Our place was quite strategic it had a flat area for our food and those who wanna sit and eat. Right in front of the chalet was the r...

Learning English The Easy Way

Welcome again to each and every one of my readers :)  I am really speed-blogging at the moment to catch up with your requests. I have yet to blog on personal updates. Ok let's start! Every one wants to and needs to speak English. Wherever you go, its a universal medium. If you go to Germany for instance and you don't know German, would you start getting a French dictionary and speak French to them or perhaps Japanese? Oops I don't think so. You will automatically speak English or at least attempt to speak their language.  If you were raised in an English-speaking environment, then good for you. Practice from the early years makes learning much easier. But if you are planning to start now, its not too late to start :) Speaking and Writing have different approaches. Speaking requires more practical work, speaking it out to people and while writing can be self-studied within the comfort of your room. For speaking: Always carry a dictionary, preferably one that trans...

Motivation for SPM Trial and Tips for Pendidikan Islam

First, I'd like to wish all SPM students All the Best for your upcoming trials. Some told me that they already started this week. Whatever it is, do your best, study hard and remember that even it is just Trial Exam it is also important. I applied for Shell Scholarship using my trial exam then after several stages they asked for my actual SPM results. Alhamdulillah now thanks to my trial exam I am now going to UK under Shell scholarship for my degree. When I was doing my trial exam, I never ever thought that these results will grant me the scholarship and my dream university. I just did and gave my best and that is what you should do now. You never know when giving your best for the little things may grant you big rewards. There was a request a month ago for SPM Pendidikan Islam. If you guys don't mind, I'll be writing this post in English then if you have any questions I can answer in Malay *hey I speak Malay all the time with my mum you know* First Pendidikan Islam in...

Love Tips: Dealing With Heartbreaks

If its a heartbreak that you're facing, a broken marriage, a failed relationship, a bad ending, please read on. Because I truly care and I may not know exactly how it feels. But what I know is that no matter what happens and you're still alive, God sees something remarkable in you and you just need to keep on going and giving your best no matter what happens. Everlasting love is what everybody hopes for. A happy ending.  Do we all get this in life? I hate to admit the truth I wish we didn't have to answer such a question. If there was real magic, I would wish that everybody has a happy ending and the ideal life they dreamed of.  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * Some of you reading this may feel very fragile and I promise that I will be very careful with my words. I love talking to you guys. Sometimes I wonder if what I write actually matters or what I blog is actually im...

Quick Updates

Last Thursday, 2 great things happened. I finally got my visa done and I got my car back :D My online hours for blogging were temporarily replaced with replying emails to my college, my sponsor, my agent, travel agent and the list goes on for my degree course that is about to start soon :) Tuition fees, flight ticket,visa, letters, documents, Appendix 8 and many more formal things Then my car was involved in a car accident. That was very traumatic...I couldn't even drive it to the workshop at first without crying and returning back home..It looked so hurt and driving it felt so different. Then finally last Thursday I took it home again looking all polished and gorgeous again ^^ I'll show you a picture of it. Oh and I've been shopping online. That robbed me hours on my laptop. Browsing, adding to favourites then finalising. I can't wait for it to be delivered >.< Shopping makes me so so excited. So this year many of my clothes are bought online. Now I...

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