Creating A New Year's Resolution
Do you still remember what happened on 1st January 2012? That was the first day this year. In my daily planner i wrote " Drove to A&W and had waffles". I don't exactly remember what else happened. I don't exactly enjoy midnight celebrations at clubs whatsoever. Someone close invited me to a midnight party that day and then I heard news that it turned wild. Phew lucky I didn't go ;) I know some people like to read in silence but for better effects turn on this song before reading^^ So tomorrow is the first day of 2013? I bet many of you guys have wonderful plans! I know my college friends are busy studying now. Our test is very very soon! What is a new year's resolution Have you made yours? I just put mine up above my study table. If you're not sure what to right, think of the things you want to achieve this year. Imagine it as a fresh start, a new beginning, a new mature person. What do you want in life? What do you dream of in life? List...