
Showing posts from December, 2012

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Creating A New Year's Resolution

Do you still remember what happened on 1st January 2012? That was the first day this year. In my daily planner i wrote " Drove to A&W and had waffles". I don't exactly remember what else happened. I don't exactly enjoy midnight celebrations at clubs whatsoever. Someone close invited me to a midnight party that day and then I heard news that it turned wild. Phew lucky I didn't go ;) I know some people like to read in silence but for better effects turn on this song before reading^^ So tomorrow is the first day of 2013? I bet many of you guys have wonderful plans! I know my college friends are busy studying now. Our test is very very soon!  What is a new year's resolution Have you made yours? I just put mine up above my study table. If you're not sure what to right, think of the things you want to achieve this year. Imagine it as a fresh start, a new beginning, a new mature person. What do you want in life? What do you dream of in life? List...

Christmas Gift From America

Hi! Today I'm just going to talk about my day. I seldom do that, I know. (hehe) Let's start from the morning- breakfast with my naughty baby at McDonalds. Then mom and sister joined us.  He accompanied me obediently to do some of my morning routines then we were on the way to the embassy. I like going to the American Embassy . *teehee  Well, I don't know why I was so happy after going there  but I will admit that I felt a sense of belonging. Imagine spending half of my 19 years of life there, America does feel like my original home, somewhere I used to belong to and grow up and yes my heart will always love her very very much. (I didn't Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of America every morning before the school bell rings for no reason) When I was living there, I felt like it was in another world. My home. The only home I knew when I was first brought to this world.  Don't get me wrong. Today when I compare my 2 lives, I do love staying where I am know truly ...

Last Days of College at HELP

Its been more than a year since I started college. Wow I still remember the first day. I bet one day ā€˜timeā€™ can be defined as something that feels very quick.  Today was our last Biology class. Last Friday last Physics class, last Thursday last Chemistry class. Yes I am very relieved but not just yet. Final exams in less than a month!! *studymode on* Before I start telling you what happened today, I just want to say sorry to those people who said they emailed me, fb messaged and I didnā€™t reply. I just wanna say that these days I usually just check my phone. No time to go online often lately, you can even see by how frequent I update my blog that my day is always full. Oh and if you messaged me on fb, donā€™t get the wrong account yeah? ;) My fb is private and not visible on search engine so you might have messaged the wrong person. But I will try my best to reply asap once I go on. I feel so lucky to have very very dedicated teachers especially like Ms Ng and Mr Lim. ...

Imperial College London Telephone Interview

The thought of leaving makes me a little emotional but for now I've decided to put that topic aside and embrace this last few weeks till my finals! I'm really really excited for this new journey ahead and nervous at the same time as I'm not exactly sure what to expect. Whatever it is, I believe that God has it all perfectly planned for us and I trust Him with my future :') Exactly 1 month ago from today, I just finished my Telephone interview with Imperial. I remember speaking to my mum, my sister, one of my besties and him the day before the interview. I thought he was lucky because his trip to London was very contrary to what I was about to face- an interview with London. And we were both having it on the same week ;) They were all very supportive as I was super nervous. *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  I remember that morning perfectly. It was 2nd November, a Friday and I didn't go for Math class. I came...

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