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How to Be Above Average in Anything You Do

Dear all, Today I am going to write a motivational post that many people can relate to whether you are a student, in college, working adult, retired, housewife and the list goes on. In anything I do, I give my best. If I cannot or do not want to give my best, there is a high chance I will not do it or I will put it on my to-do-list and do it later on in life when I feel full-hearted about it. Some things I am afraid of doing like the 'flying fox' last July and I pushed myself to do it to overcome my fear. So it depends on the situation; sometimes you need to listen to what you want to do and sometimes you need to push yourself. Whatever it is, look at the possible outcomes, if it is a mostly positive outcome then I say go for it.  In this 21st century and in this year 2017, most of us are driven by modern technology and all the social media there is in the world. I remember when I was in primary school, I did not even have a phone. In secondary school, these social media ...

Good News from LittleMissMeen

Dear all, Hope everyone is doing good and having a great start of the week. It's Monday today and a public holiday yaay. I read online that Malaysia is voted as the country with the most public holidays in the world. Good for people whose salary is the same regardless how many days a week they work and bad for those whose job and pay relies on the number of working days. Anyhow, for me it's a good thing :)  And yes, I am now back in Malaysia and have been back for 3 weeks. I have not been home for almost 11 months so this is bliss for me. We have done so much in just a few weeks and my brother convinced me to play these online games like CoinMaster and FunRun and Hexar. Oh gosh, if you know me then you will know that I never play online games. The last time I even played a computer game was The Sims and that was like when I was 13? So long ago. If there is one thing that I do not do at all (until now) is playing games. I am just not very interested. Sounds nerdy but yes I w...

Backpacker Tips in Southeast Asia

The Ultimate Backpacker Trip For Southeast Asia Wonderful South East Asia, the place where movies like The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller were shot. Many backpackers have journeyed through stunning and culturally rich Southeast Asia to discover temples, ruins, picturesque towns and natural attractions. This comparatively inexpensive travel destination baits thousands upon thousands of backpackers every year with landmarks like the city of Bangkok, the incredible Penang Island and the majestic Marina Bay Sands overlooking the scenic Singapore skyline. Famed for offering pristine beaches, mesmerizing historical sights and exciting adventures, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start your backpacker trip. First things first, before embarking on the best backpacker trip ever be sure purchase a reliable travel protection plan. Insurance companies like AIG offer comprehensive plans from as low as RM26. So, while you are out there hav...

Comparing Yourself to Others

Dear all, Happy Friday :) Hope everyone is having a great week so far and looking forward to an exciting or relaxing weekend. For those celebrating Eid, Happy Eid Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin! I am so thankful for today. The final month, the final week and the final day of my university life at Imperial College London is today. Alhamdulillah.  I was browsing through one of the motivational pages I follow on Instagram and instantly thought of a motivational article to write. It's called 'motivationmafia' and apparently has almost 2 million followers. This topic I felt was applicable at whichever walk of life or stage in life you are in, there is a tendency to compare with others. Even those who you think are better than you also have a tendency to compare with others too. It's a very unhealthy habit that most of us adopt. Whether you are that person that people compare themselves to or you are that person always comparing yourself with others, both situations...

How to turn Obstacles to Opportunities

Dear all, First of all, thank you for dropping by. Hope you are doing well and for those who are fasting, happy Ramadan.  Today I am writing a motivational topic on how to turn any obstacles into opportunities. May it be while studying, at work, in relationships or any aspect of life. Life is a rocky journey and there are ups and downs at times you least expect. I hope this article will give you an insight on how to improve your perspective on any life situation to the better.  I read an article today that mentioned about the importance of having stress. Without stress, your life would be full of boredom and monotonous. However, moderate stress levels are crucial in ensuring a healthy lifestyle and success in whatever you do. This topic is very general so I will try my best to write in a way that benefits most people.  When you face an obstacle, the first thing to do is to not panic. Stay calm and cool . It's not the end of the world and always have that mindset...

How to Study and Not Get Bored

As I am writing, I have just completed my final exams of my final year at university, or at least a major part of it. One more exam to go! :) I have received multiple requests to write on study tips and today I will share with you what I believe is ultimately a crucial aspect when studying for any exam and that is MOTIVATION. Trust me, I know how it feels to suddenly feel like you have no motivation to study. You feel like doing something else instead and then you know you cannot because exams are drawing near so you feel down. You get your books to study and you genuinely do not feel like it. You feel like everyone else is having fun, the time of their lives. You feel like want to study but you do not have the 'mood'.  If you are feeling like this, the first step is to be aware of it. Aware that your motivation is slightly low today or at that moment. So how do I deal with it? Well first and foremost, I will ask myself why do I feel like that and what do I feel like doi...

How To Eat Healthy and Feel Happy

For those of you who are new to my blog, here is a short background about myself before I start giving tips. I am a final year university student, in my early 20s and my height and weight are 5 foot 4 and in the 50s. My BMI is thankfully normal and healthy. I recently had a blood test last year and when the results came out the doctor went through it thoroughly. When he started discussing cholesterols, he said 'bad cholesterols' within the healthy range, 'Good cholesterol' .... interesting. It is well above the healthy range. He also commented that this is one of the rare cases where he sees the 'good' cholesterol at this level and asked me about my diet and what I eat. My iron level is low however and that is clearly reflected in my lack of fondness of iron-rich food like peas, seafood, dry fruits, red meat and internal organs. I do not eat these much. So I now know where I need to focus. I started buying iron supplements for that. It is highly recommendable f...

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