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Wearing the Hijab

Dear all, Its July 2016 and now 2 years since I decided to wear the hijab. I always wanted to write a post on this but was not sure how and what to say.  One thing I know for sure is that I have always wanted to wear it but did not have the confidence to do so. I was worried then if people will accept me or look at me differently. If my capabilities were limited or if I would be discriminated. Especially since I am studying in the UK and the majority of people there have different beliefs. I kept this intention deep in my heart and mind and let it be. I thought I would go with the flow and wear it when I would feel comfortable enough and not end up taking it off afterwards. Sometimes it bothered me, thinking why am I making it hard for myself to do something that I want to do and be influenced by the society and people around me. I admit I do not come from a family background that is super religious. Alhamdulillah both my mum and dad practice Islam and show a good example. ...

Speak to Miss Meen

Hello there! Selamat Hari Raya to all :) Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying whatever you may be doing at this point- may it be studying, working, holiday-ing hehe. The key point to staying happy is to stay positive and content with  what you are doing,  where you are, who you are with, whenever you are doing it and for whatever reason you are doing what you are doing today. Life is certainly not perfect but it is those little imperfections that build our character and the amazing person we are today. Yes, there is always room for improvement but always stay thankful for who you are and what ever you have achieved in life and believe in yourself. One you do your part, let God do the rest.  I'm on my summer break and thought you might be interested in something I have started doing to help and reach out to all my blog readers especially students. Motivating and inspiring people is something I always want to and keep on doing. Although university life has certain...

What I've Been Up To

Dear Blog,  Alhamdulillah I finished my final exam for my third year degree. I felt really good about my exams this time in a way that I felt that I have given my best and done all I could and now I will tawakkal and wait for the results. For those not familiar with the word, tawakkal means relying on God once you have done your part. Before I started blogging, I googled image LittleMissMeen and found so many lovely pictures that I even forgot I posted and have not seen in a long time. I admit that lately this academic year and last academic year I have been socially inactive online especially blogging. The most I do is post pictures and get offline- feel guilty sometimes when a friend asks if I've seen their photo because I rarely go online and scroll newsfeed so what I'll do is that I will open my close friends page individually at times and see what latest post they've put up and like it. But this does gets a bit hectic sometimes because I do have many friends hehe s...

Improving Your Love Life

Dear all, How is everyone doing? Oh how I miss writing here, I seriously have been absorbed in my world of studies and the life of being in London that I have had less quiet, free time to be able to blog. I am so happy to write and hope everyone is doing very well. I do not know where to start. As for my life updates, this is my third year in the UK alhamdulillah and I am enjoying it more and more. You know like one of those situations when you don't really appreciate it too much at first then you learn to like it and actually grow fonder of the thing/person/ place? That's exactly how I feel being here in this beautiful country where I have learned to be more independent and nurture myself. Although I have grown fonder of being here, it does not mean that I miss my loved ones less. I actually had a dream last night being at my grandma's house and having the toddler version of my baby brother on my lap while watching TV. You know how adults generally stay or loo...

Chubby Bunny Challenge with Erfan

Hello guys :D These are my Chubby Bunnies :D Like this video, they are so cute! I love both of you :*

Motivational article: Dealing With Expectations

Dear all, I hope you are all doing good. I know its almost the end of the year and exams are drawing near. As for me, a brand new academic year just started within a month ago. I know there are some unreplied comments, messages. Please bear with me and I will reply as soon as I can.  Today, my blog topic is one that most of you can relate to and that is expectations. If there is a word that I would like to eliminate from my dictionary (one that I rarely mention even) is the word 'expectation'. I feel like that word is slightly harsh or hard in a way. For example, I always think its better to phrase a sentence with " I hope that things will go well." versus " I expect things will go well." Well, I do start thinking if I hear this statement, what is the consequences then if that person's expectations are not met???" Ooooh I start to feel the tension and stress even imagining this scenario. Then I think to myself, why did I decide to write this? ...

Motivation of the Month

Hi guys :) Hope everyone is doing great and I know I literally haven't wrote for months and probably the last long post was 4 months ago. Since then, I had my final exam for second year, then a very interesting geochemistry lab course, a research project still ongoing, trips to Cambridge and Brighton then Ramadan back home in Malaysia, then the start of my internship, then Raya and back to internship and now today. That sentence summed up my activities for the past couple of months.  This year 2015 I feel so much more mature than my previous years, I feel more adult than I usually have haha, well those teenager days do drop by once in awhile.  Oh dear, as I am writing this now I realise how much I enjoy writing and talking on my blog and how much I have missed it.  Although I have been busy, I think some of you may want to know that I recently received my Year 2 results and alhamdulillah overall 1st class :')  It is not easy getting a first class in my un...

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