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What To Do When You Feel Down

Easier said than done. Its easy to advice and say things but when it happens to ourselves, dealing with it is not easy. I believe that if we are always reminded of the good things, it will soon be an automatic response and sealed into our minds permanently. A few days ago or was it yesterday that I was feeling down with no mood to do anything. It occurred when I came back from classes and the feeling was really unexpected. Of course I resided onto my precious blog as a form of pleasure but with no mood to even write, I left my blog with 3 half-written posts. Not to mention all 3 were remain unpublished when I logged out. I am concerned about the quality of my writing here so I didn't want to publish anything that was not tiptop ( in my point of view). When I felt down the other day, I was basically home alone. My parents were out my brother was at my cousin's house, my maid out and my sister was nowhere to be seen. So it was me, myself and I :) Another reason was because I

~Teenage Love is Full Of Drama~

The Complete Series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Final Story There has been some people telling me it was hard for them to find certain parts of the story. I apologise for the inconvenience and I admit I'm just an amateur blogger. So now I've put it all in 1 collection.  Visit more at LittleMissMeenCollections for more exciting stories!!  xoxo

How To Speak With Confidence

In everyday life, speaking seems like a normal thing. We chit and chat and blabber away. When it comes to formal speech or talking to the authorities regarding an important matter, going for an interview or even speaking to someone you don't know, many people face this problem of speaking confidently. What is speaking confidently? Is it the ability to sound snobbish and powerful? Absolutely not. Making yourself sound confident is a total different meaning than that. My theory is that you don't have to be arrogant or too proud of yourself in order to be confident. They key to confidence is being happy with who you are, what you have and accepting yourself. With that self- acceptance you are able to interact with the outside world, with people without feeling too low of yourself. In order to sound confident when speaking to the authorities or going for an interview, you must PLAN what you want to say and the possibilities of what they might ask you. To be honest, the planning m
I have to write something here because I'm starting to stalk my blog as if its somebody else's blog. I miss miss miss writing here but Internet was slow for the past few days so me no blogging :'( Today I went to the park, fed the monkeys and watched the panoramic view of the beautiful place- not many well-managed parks nowadays. Searched for his birthday present...still thinking what to get him *help Dinner at McD Would write more but me got a quick test tomorrow. See you in my next post if you think my blog posts are worth-reading. K Chow!

Planning Friend's Birthday Surprise

Which one do you like??   OR Last Friday we planned a surprise for my friend, Jia Wei. Her birthday was on Saturday but early surprises are very fun because the person is least expecting it to happen right? SO Jaslyn and I planned since Monday morning during the same week. We did not even mention about her birthday and pretended we forgot. Jaslyn and I often met secretly to pass the money and info about the "surprise" on Friday and since Jia Wei was always around us, it was a little hard. A few times this week she kept on saying, "What's wrong with you two? or "Why are you isolating me?" but we have to keep this a secret especially since she's good at finding out things. If you read my earlier post, Helping My Lecturer With Science Project you would realise that she was part of our group. So we thought of a brilliant surprise. When I brought the cake that morning she already arrived at Level 1 so i had to carry my bags and stuff all the

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Friend's Birthday Surprise !

Helping My Lecturer With RM30K Science Project

Last Sunday, 26 March and last Wednesday, 29 March were one of the best days of my life. Sunday because .... ooops that one is a secret....and Wednesday because my friends and I helped our Physics lecturer, Mr Ling in a very big project and finally made it a success. He's retiring soon and this ceremony was very important to him so I'm glad to have been a part of it. The project was about: Electrostatic forces applying the principle of Van Der Graaf Generator Spectroscope- colorful light 3-in-1 Generator It all started off one Friday afternoon when Physics was our ONLY class for the day 10am-12pm. Since it was the beginning of a new semester in February, my classmates "kindly" nominated me as the new Physics Representative and when everybody agreed, my next few days were filled with photocopying Physics papers and taking attendance and even getting the aircond remote control for the class.-.-  Right after class that Friday, my Physics lecturer called me to go t

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