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How to Study and Not Get Bored

As I am writing, I have just completed my final exams of my final year at university, or at least a major part of it. One more exam to go! :) I have received multiple requests to write on study tips and today I will share with you what I believe is ultimately a crucial aspect when studying for any exam and that is MOTIVATION. Trust me, I know how it feels to suddenly feel like you have no motivation to study. You feel like doing something else instead and then you know you cannot because exams are drawing near so you feel down. You get your books to study and you genuinely do not feel like it. You feel like everyone else is having fun, the time of their lives. You feel like want to study but you do not have the 'mood'.  If you are feeling like this, the first step is to be aware of it. Aware that your motivation is slightly low today or at that moment. So how do I deal with it? Well first and foremost, I will ask myself why do I feel like that and what do I feel like doi...

How To Eat Healthy and Feel Happy

For those of you who are new to my blog, here is a short background about myself before I start giving tips. I am a final year university student, in my early 20s and my height and weight are 5 foot 4 and in the 50s. My BMI is thankfully normal and healthy. I recently had a blood test last year and when the results came out the doctor went through it thoroughly. When he started discussing cholesterols, he said 'bad cholesterols' within the healthy range, 'Good cholesterol' .... interesting. It is well above the healthy range. He also commented that this is one of the rare cases where he sees the 'good' cholesterol at this level and asked me about my diet and what I eat. My iron level is low however and that is clearly reflected in my lack of fondness of iron-rich food like peas, seafood, dry fruits, red meat and internal organs. I do not eat these much. So I now know where I need to focus. I started buying iron supplements for that. It is highly recommendable f...

April Updates from LittleMissMeen :)

Dear all, How are you all doing? Hope everyone is doing great. Oh dear, I have literally been waiting for the next time I have a chance to sit down peacefully and blog. In between my busy routine, I always think of what I want to write next and here I am again after a month. After university life is completed insyaAllah, I hope to blog more often. So many things in mind to write but today I chose to introduce a blog series titled 'London Diaries' that I will start writing soon to share different parts of my journey in the United Kingdom and specifically in London. I want to write about my perspective as an international student living in London and how it changed from my first year to my fourth year now. To me, this is a major chapter in my life and I would like to share my stories with hope it will be beneficial to anyone in the same position or anyone thinking of studying abroad. It is definitely not easy living alone in a foreign country and my first year of university in ...

Motivation of the Week: Think Good of Others

Dear blog, I realised something coincidental and funny. It seems like my favourite blogging day is Tuesday! :) It's been awhile that I realised since October that I enjoy or always think or feel like blogging on a Tuesday. And today proves that Tuesday is definitely my blogging day. Maybe because Wednesday is usually a half day, lectures just till 1 pm then I have fun activities like the HUG event, gardening for Volunteering week and gym class and many more fun activities on Wednesday so maybe I feel more relaxed to blog on a Tuesday? I am not sure hehe So, less of an update from me in this post and aim to write more motivational. But if you fancy reading a quick update>> Well, today is the time of the month so I came home earlier than normal and decided to relax, eat fruits, have hot milk and then took a nap. I rarely take a nap in the day. I can confirm confidently that the number of times I take a nap in the day is less than 10, maybe even less than 5. Because I do not...

Discovering Myself

Dear Blog, It's been over a month since I last wrote here. It feels amazing to think how much I accomplished from that day till today. Since that time, I completed the last parts of my MSci thesis, went on day trips with my <3 who came all the way from Malaysia, celebrated my birthday, joined the MSc Petroleum Geoscience classes for an entire 4 weeks 9-5pm and then had my viva (interview) for my MSci project. And now it's 13th February. Alhamdulillah there is so many things to be thankful for.  Yes, it's so dark outside and super cold last weekend. I wanted to go to the park but it was too windy, rainy and actually snowed Saturday morning a little. I went out to get a small heart-shaped Valentine's cake for my friend who came from Cardiff for a post-birthday surprise. We cooked chicken tomyam together yesterday and for the rest of the weekend, I caught up on laundry, grocery, some revision, phone calls to mum and dad, skype with <3 and stayed warm indoors. O...

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