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Kinds of People I Admire

This topic is so random ;) Since I’m on summer break, I have more time to do things I enjoy and relax myself, haven’t felt like this in quite some time. Anyhow, classes will start soon so I’m enjoying while I can ^^ I randomly thought of this topic after eating so much for dinner that I couldn’t sleep. So in this post, I will tell you the attributes of people that make me curious and admire them. At times I want to be like them and even want to know more about their life. Not in an obsession kind of way, just a simple ‘wow, I like her’ and by the way, these attributes mostly relate to women J Let’s begin! :D 1.        When I was younger, I really really admired confident girls who could give a speech on stage. There was this 1 senior, she was the school swimmer and my friends’ sister, I will always remember that after she ended the public speaking, I told myself that I want to be like that one day- able to confidently present my thoughts and speak in fro...

Bicara Hati LittleMissMeen

Assalamualaikum semua :)  Hari ni LittleMissMeen rasa macam nak blog in BM. Memang rasa pelik sikit hehe. Kali terakhir saya blog in BM pun rasanya 2 tahun yang lepas. Kalau nak tau, saya memang fasih Bahasa Melayu sekarang. 10 tahun dulu mungkin tidak, baru sahaja belajar BM di sekolah. Hari tu ada orang komen, kata dia ingatkan saya orang Cina? Hehe Takde, walaupun saya half Malay tapi saya rasa macam serasi dengan budaya dan cara hidup orang Melayu Islam.  Hari ni saya happy sangat, hari Jumaat selalu menjadi hari kegemaran saya. Hari Jumaat selalu rasa tenang dan di luar pun selalu kelihatan indah dan cuaca pun baik, Alhamdulillah tak terlalu panas dan kalau hujan lebat pun akan sejuk rasanya. Malam tadi hati terasa sayu sangat selepas selesai solat tarawih. My <3 rajin bawa saya ke solat tarawih dan saya rasa bersyukur sangat kepada Allah kerana menemukan kita, insyaAllah niat baik kita sentiasa diredai dan diberkati. Bukan saya tak gembira nak sambut Hari Raya, c...

Cruelty and Evil in this World

Dear Readers, I feel sad whenever I start talking about the victims in Gaza, Palestine. Its cruelty beyond imagination, plus its Ramadhan when were are all busy fasting and searching for pretty clothes for Raya. These things do not even cross their mind, instead safety of their family, food and protection against the evil Zionist Israel is what they yearn for.. I watched a video earlier and after watching that, I decided not to watch any more for the day. It was too heartbreaking. Killing people using rockets and what was defined as 'barbaric' aggression is actually happening in this world right now, in the 21st century while people are busy with fashion, football and fun. The video I watched involved a woman being dragged by a few Israel men, tortured and then people who tried to help her was beaten even badly. Another one was a baby who was bleeding badly lying down on a hospital bed with the dad and a few men around the baby. One man, I assume the dad was crying harder t...

Summer Break Updates in Ramadan

As a blogger who has blogged for 3 and a half years, I wouldn't deny that at times when I open a blank page, I run out of ideas to write. When I think and think after awhile and no brilliant idea comes in, I decide to delay blogging to another time. On top of that, university life has made me ultimately busy and now I am so thankful to be home and have time to relax, especially since I get to experience Ramadan and Syawal here back home. So far, I've been to the mosque 3 times on this holy month and it has been a beautiful experience. I always feel happy when I go and a sort of peaceful feeling.  I admit this Ramadan there has been many changes in me and in the way I perceive things and view life. Since I have had some free time lately, I've read some very inspiring Islamic books and some of them title : Wanita-Wanita Syurga even made me tear a few times. After going through an academic year in the UK, I return feeling stronger and different. Its like that feeling when yo...

Felixia Yeap's Official Blog: 3 Julai : Hari Kelahiran Semula Ku - Felixia Yeap

Dear all,  In this holy month of Ramadhan, I was browsing through inspiring stories and came across this blog. May it inspire you. Amin Felixia Yeap's Official Blog: 3 Julai : Hari Kelahiran Semula Ku - Felixia Yeap : Assalammualaikum. Sejak beberapa bulan ini, dari saat saya bertekad sebulat hati mengenakan hijab walaupun sebagai seorang yang belum . ..

How to Maintain a Good Relationship with People

Dear all, Today's motivation topic is focused on developing and maintaining a good relationship with the important people in your life instead of my usual self-development topic. In this world, yes it is important to focus on your self-motivation, ambition, etc but at the same time, I believe that it is crucial to have a good relationship with people because different people play a different role in your life. Having a good personality, the ability to get along with people and to be beneficial to others is definitely an achievement and something to be proud of. Starting a close relationship with people is not that easy and maintaining it is actually said to be even challenging. But if you ask me, once I become close with someone and really enjoy their presence, I would personally want to maintain a good relationship with them and definitely not lose them. To me, catching up, helping each other, making the effort to see and attend gatherings together and sharing about each oth...

Confidence in Yourself

Dear all,  Today I chose this motivation topic because I believe that confidence plays a vital role in any part of your life and like always, I enjoy writing a topic that many people can relate to.  Whenever people hear the word confidence, they immediately imagine giving a speech on stage. Well, that's a good one but what people do not realise is that confidence involves very little things like feeling appreciated at home and the ability to speak out your feelings to another individual. Or feeling that you are accepted or rejected by the society, your family or friends can also play around with your confidence. It doesn't have to be something big. For instance, someone ignores you or excludes you from an outing. You can easily feel rejected and your confidence zooms down. Confidence is something that varies from time to time and also depends on the situation. Its not exactly right to classify a person as confident because he/she may be confident to speak on stage but not ...

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