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Feeling Good About Yourself

Hello guys :) I finished class a little early today and feel like its time to write a motivational post. Was going to write a Valentine's story like I did 2 years earlier but couldn't think of any ideas. I'm glad so many people loved it, I'll need to brainstorm more and do send me any topic requests if you have one. Last monday was the deadline for 2 coursework, I'm so glad that's done. And I can hardly believe it that I just have 3 weeks left of official Year 1 lectures! Omg alhamdulillah that's amazing and time is passing by really fast.  Why I chose this topic is because almost everyone can relate to this. Basically everybody wants to feel good about themselves, that's why you see people with super-fashionable clothes, blue hair, Prada handbag and the list goes on. Different people feel about about themselves in different ways and I respect that. What I do not respect or tolerate are people who make themselves feel good by belittling others. You wil...

Life Updates & Birthday Month

Dear Diary,  I feel so happy when I make time to write here. When I read in a motivational book that says you need to put aside some time to do what you like, blogging is one of the things that pop in my mind. My <3 has helped me resolve the picture issue, Windows 8 is pretty ok afterall.  I still remember what happened exactly one month ago.  I hate saying goodbye. I hate that moment that I'm forced to bid farewell or else I'll miss the flight and have to pay another how many thousands. Once I was in the airplane, it felt slightly better, but parting from the people you love is just a very painful experience, especially since I was by travelling alone.  On my first flight, the unstable weather outside that caused some turbulence didn't make it any better. After the 17 hour journey, I reached the airport and felt emotionless, I remember exactly what happened the first time I reached Heathrow Airport and that was with my mum, sister and brother. This time ...

Problems Uploading Pictures on Windows 8

Hello! Its been awhile since I written here, ahh such a nice getaway. I was about to post some pictures and updates but had some problem uploading the pictures because my laptop is using Windows 8 now and I'm still so confused. If anybody knows an easier way, can you please let me know?  Thanks and hope to blog more soon xx

A Quick Visit Back Home & Legoland Malaysia

From the day LegoLand was launched, 15 September 2012, my little brother really wanted to go. Now, a year plus later, we finally made a trip to Johor during my short Christmas break. The weather difference between home and UK is so much. At some point, I was wondering if  Malaysia and UK could transfer heat to reach a thermal equilibrium so we would have a balance. Well, if that happened then we wouldn't have rambutans, durians, bananas and mangosteen in Malaysia and then UK would have its fresh strawberries, peaches and big apples. I guess its cold and hot for many reasons ;)  I finally have an external heater! Yaay thank you <3 I can't believe I never thought of getting one before. Winter's creeping in and any metal in the kitchen is ice cold. Exams coming and I'm back to books again. For the third year in a row, I'll be studying on my birthday like usual, for exams :) And will need to get used to it for the next few years *big smile If there...

Make New Year's Resolution -> Believing in Yourself

Happy New Year 2014 everyone! I can hardly believe its a brand new year because I still remember what I did on Jan 1 2013. Lunch at Chillis, ice cream at Tutti Fruitti then my family and I went to this really nice park and played badminton. Today was a very relaxing day. I played the piano in the morning after a very long time, before that had breakfast with my parents my mum made egg mayo then I chilled and relaxed and had lunch nearby our house. Upon my request and also my brother's, we wanted to go to the same park and play badminton at the same spot as we did last year. Can you imagine the last time we played badminton there was exactly one year ago?! It just felt so lovely that I could at least spend time with my family even for a short period of time. And then we had ice cream and bubble tea. OMG Chatime's pearls finished that we had to go to Each a Cup. Stopped by a computer shop then ate this new Mentos bubble gum that looks like a sandwich and went home by 10pm. I conc...

Christmas Wishes

Right now I'm going to be really random hehe Actually I'm blogging because I can't sleep, whoopsies and this is to occupy time so that I get sleepy *yawns What am I doing now? Googling pictures of pretty Christmas trees and almost wrote a blogtopic on that , omg ok I'm really sleepy. This is me and Wan Ting during our Christmas dinner. Our hall senior, got us pizza! I was soo happy because I didnt have to cook hehe. Well actually I already cooked but dinner with my hall mates was fun, usually its really quiet and so me and Wan Ting will visit each other's rooms hehe. She got a heater! Its such a big contrast when I step in and out of her room. Our corridors are actually cold and I need to even wear a sweater indoors.  This is the Santa of Imperial This is Tong and I on the last day before Python exams. We just finished doing work at the lab and I was attracted by this very pretty Christmas tree in RSM. Royal School of Mines is said to be the m...

University Life & Motivation of the Week

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great :) Can you believe that yesterday was the last class of term? I am so happy but can't be too happy yet because I have an exam next week, the programming one that I was telling you about. I like to look at pictures and sweet memories. Its amazing how a single picture or something can remind you of so much. When I look at certain pictures, I just can't believe that I was there at times. It just feels so close yet so far. It feels like yesterday yet long ago. Just hard to explain. At times, its amazing how so many things have happened, so many people I've met and so many places I've been to. As I'm writing this, yes I'm looking at pictures on my farewell, pictures at Cameron Highland(one of my favourites) and pictures of my cute sweetheart. My baby boy grew so much over the years and now he lost 2 teeth, lookies! I was at my study desk when this birthday card fell down. I turned it around and started r...

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