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If I Were A Hollywood Star I Would Be

Jessica Alba True or false?

Dealing With Family Problems

I have just finished reading book #6 of Pretty Little Liars, Flawless and I have to say that I am addicted to the series. Something that triggered me on writing this post other than the fact that I haven't written motivational articles for awhile was how the story was centered on how each and every girl in the story, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer was dealing with their family problems. I think the one with the most serious family problems would be Aria and Hanna.  I actually cried for Hanna because I sympathized her so much for all the burdens and trouble she was facing. Her family was broken apart, parents divorced, dad married to another woman with an awful but pretty-perfect daughter her age. The girl is a son-of-a-hctib  I can't believe heartless people like her actually existed. That girl's mom took Hanna's dad away from her and now she's getting Hanna in trouble all the time and being the worst thing you can imagine. On the other hand, Hanna's mom ...

Snow In Malaysia

It was -5 degree Celcius. I was freezing to my bones!! I-City was awesome! But the rides are so expensive ~ Snowland made us feel so thankful for the SUN (_) Cheers!

Can I Be Your Chammak Challo

I am a big fan of Hindustan movies! Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Rani Mukherji, Kareena Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai are my all-time favourite ;) This song "Chammak Challo" is featuring Akon! He's featured in this song. OMG he can rap and sing Hindi songs !! This song was played on Erfan's Graduation concert and the kids danced to the song. Yaay tonight I've finally learned the dance steps ;)  For the meaning of Chammak Challo: Click here PS: Ever wondered how LittleMissMeen looks with a nose ring *winks Happy Deepavali!!

Eric Erfan's Graduation Concert

Last Sunday, 11th November 2012 Its so sad that this is the last year of Children's Cottage operation. They are closing up their centre so Erfan's year is basically the last one after 18 years. My own classmate, Izham and my friend, Syira were from this kindergarten so you an imagine how many boys and girls have started their very first years of education here...Now its time to say Goodbye. Every year, at the end of the concert they will announce the Best Boy Performer and Best Girl Performer. We were never expected that the: BEST BOY PERFORMER AWARD belongs to ERFAN ! He became the choral speaking group conductor and led the group performing two poems:  1. Puisi Buat Guru 2. Thank You Mom He also danced to the song Fireworks (Madagascar Theme Song)

Comic Strip: Baby Loses 1st Tooth

 Sad.. where is my tooth? I'm gonna cry..Waaah~  Huh the toothfairy took it? Too bad Na ah. no way you seeing it  Peekaboo do you see it?  I am NOT saying cheese I think I'm cute Cheeky again Good morning. Kak Min asking for a picture again.. shy Hello could you stop bugging me about my tooth? Quick I wanna watch Oggy & the Cockroaches Surprise!!!!! The new me ;)

New Message From LittleMissMeen

I almost laughed when reading the comment " Why are you not updating your blog? Celebrating Deepavali?"  Ok its not really a pleasant experience but I'll tell you what happened a few days ago and why I have been delayed many many days from being here. Before I start talking about that: Woaahhh I just checked my Visitors Stat Chart and about 4000 visitors this month. Immediately I checked what in the world did I post in November but only have 1 new post this month. Guess you guys are reading my previous entries and yeah SPM season ;) No worries its almost over. I felt like one of those bulimia girls a few days ago. Its a fact that my antibodies are a little weak and I take body resistance pills like Omega 3 plus, Vitamin C and this garlic pill. Yuck! To top that up, my body rejects any foreign food like seriously. That's why I dont just eat anything. Even on normal occasions, I'm not one of those people who look forward to buffets and creamy food. Yes, I r...

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