
Showing posts from August, 2012

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One Direction iPhone Covers

Al-Madihah Trading Company is selling hot iPhone 4 and 4s covers at RM 30/ RM40 (inclusive of shipping to your doorstep). The company has been running their business for 3 months and top sellers include Zayn Malik phone covers!  How to purchase? Contact Mazlan at his number at 012 248 9398 /  inbox him at the facebook page below. Payments can be made by cash upon receival or bank in to:  Al-Madihah Tradings Maybank Account : 5621 7950 8728 Items will reach you within 1 working day Don't forget to visit: Al Madihah Facebook Page

Planning A Birthday Party

I have no idea why the sight, the thought and the present of children makes me so happy and stress-free. Its normal for girls to love children but people my age are not usually that fond of kids. Maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m always mistaken for my brotherā€™s mom. This week it happened three times. First, I was at my cousinā€™s house and his friends came over for raya. Erfan was alone and usually my maid gives him lunch but since sheā€™s not around I tried to make him eat. When my cousinā€™s friends left, he started laughing out loud. He told me that his friends asked him about me and said your aunt is very young. OMG! How could they? Or was that just an excuse to shake hands because teenagers donā€™t usually need to shake hands with the opposite gender so I was quite surprised. They are 17 so Iā€™m just 2 years older isnā€™t obvious? :P When I asked why ā€˜auntā€™, obviously they thought Erfan was my son and they said I looked mature? Hmmm The second time was at my brotherā€™s future school last Monday. We ...

Dealing With Changes In Life

Dear all, this topic touches my heart deeply as there are so many changes in my life right now. I feel like suddenly my world  moved by 45 degrees (this is enough as I don't think its more than this) creating a relatively new environment in many ways. You will not completely understand what I mean. It feels tiring, complicated, confusing but when I look at it positively, its definitely a fresh start. Before you start reading, please turn on this song for better effects. When you are used to something in life and reached your comfort zone, its hard to believe that it can suddenly change. When you come to think of it, some people face harder situations. Always remember that. When you have been living around people you love, suddenly God decides to shake your globe a little and let new snowflakes fall. In a single week, there has been so many changes and so many people coming and going. Yes, I know that death takes people permanently but how about when someone leaves you ...

I'm Back

Only God knows how happy I feel to be able to blog again. Yes you all need an explanation on why I was gone so long. During the days when I wasn't 'allowed' to blog, I kept coming here and hoping for the day to come soon. Sometimes I even read my older posts...hehe. Well, the story is quite long and I will tell you. Read on my next posts and the story will come along ... Till then

My Sister on 8TV

Hello my dear readers. Littlemissmeen is not back from MElaka and this is the first time blogging from my phone. im so not used to it man typing like a tortoise.  Anyways i have some news.  Go watch 8TV now, my sister is on for a raya show. 19 August 9.30 pm. ps: if you don't know which one, she looks like me ;) will update as soon as i return to Kl. Selamat hari raya! 

What I Do To Improve My English

For most people I know, English is a second language but for me English is very crucial. If I am unable to speak English proficiently, its as bad as not being able to converse with my own father. For those seeking tertiary education in a foreign country or even those who are doing it for the sake of learning, try your best to polish your English skills on a regular basis.  Here are some things I do to improve my English:  Take up extra English class. For instance, in school I did not take Literature for SPM but I joined the class to widen my depth of knowledge of the language. Not only do I try to speak proficient English, but I also enjoy the beauty of language. Read story books with high standard of English ; Harry Potter series offer a wide range of traditional and modern English as well as interesting words that you may have never heard before. So now you know that I was not only focusing on the story. Write down words that you do not understand immediately while...

Pictures: Iftar At UPM With Minister of Higher Education

My pretty friends, B, Nasuha and Rai ;) YB Dato' Seri Khaled Nordin  Jawad, TP and Mr Shukri Dian :)

What You Need to Know Before Rebonding Your Hair

Most of us with frizzy or curly hair will bow down to the person who created the rebonding hair treatment. I was born with naturally straight hair, then sometime in my life my hair turned frizzy. Rebonding your hair is the number 1 cause of hair damage. Its negative effects are superior to ALL the other hair treatments and considered the worst thing you could do to your hair- of course the last resort if you have no other way of keeping you hair the way you want it to be. From personal experience, I have rebonded my hair almost every year from the age of 12 which means approximately 6-7 times. I like the way my hair returns to its original look after rebonding. Another reason why I do it so often is because my mom will never stop the cliched question- "When are you going to do your hair again?" whenever the curls return. The last time i went to the salon I begged my hairstylist " Can I please do hair relaxing or any other option??" but she said that my hair was n...

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