
Showing posts from November, 2019

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Life Updates: November 2019

Dear blog, I clicked open and was like oh no, nervously checking when was my last blogpost and shoot 24 July 2019. Almost 4 months ago. How can time fly by so fast without me even feeling it? This year I have been extremely busy. No, busy is not even the word. I have been occupied almost every hour, minute and second with life passing by like a bullet train and I am trying my best to catch up. Now, its November and at least I can breathe a little. Good news of the year: I passed THE exams! Alhamdulillah, worked hard for everything. Priority is work for me in 2019 and this is the highlight... Bad news of the year: I lost my one and only pet hen, the dearest of my heart... I loved her so much. My bf and I always talk about her together. Losing her is really heartbreaking.. I got to know only a few weeks ago when I returned from my business trip and holidays in Europe. She passed away 5 days before my big exam and I did not know... Both the good news and bad news of 2019 happene...

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