Tips for Starting Your First Job

Dear all, Hope you are having a nice Saturday:) For me, today I fasted. I still have 2 days left from last Ramadan to replace. It was just a quiet, laid-back Saturday for me. Caught up with some chores and cleaning. I was online and did some work as well. Read a book, phoned and got dinner outside for buka puasa. Nothing much really. I'm trying to relax because I have a flight soon for work purposes. My housemate made colourful cornflakes so I had that for dessert. Yesterday, 15th March 2019 is my 1-year work anniversary in Shell. My first job and my first year of working alhamdulillah completed. Cheers to many more years of working insyaAllah. It was a very special day for me. One of my favourite days this year so far. I felt that the day was special to me but I did not expect anyone to know this special date. I told some people about it, those close to me that I was excited because 15th March would be 1 year from the day I first started. I arrived in the morning and a ...