Christmas Wishes
Right now I'm going to be really random hehe Actually I'm blogging because I can't sleep, whoopsies and this is to occupy time so that I get sleepy *yawns What am I doing now? Googling pictures of pretty Christmas trees and almost wrote a blogtopic on that , omg ok I'm really sleepy. This is me and Wan Ting during our Christmas dinner. Our hall senior, got us pizza! I was soo happy because I didnt have to cook hehe. Well actually I already cooked but dinner with my hall mates was fun, usually its really quiet and so me and Wan Ting will visit each other's rooms hehe. She got a heater! Its such a big contrast when I step in and out of her room. Our corridors are actually cold and I need to even wear a sweater indoors. This is the Santa of Imperial This is Tong and I on the last day before Python exams. We just finished doing work at the lab and I was attracted by this very pretty Christmas tree in RSM. Royal School of Mines is said to be the m...