
Showing posts from February, 2013

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My Homemade Curry

Cooking curry is always a challenge for me. Last time I cooked I accidentally used turmeric (kunyit) instead of curry powder. Then now i make it burn. Trying to improve by the day :D One advice when cooking curry, the curry powder usually cooks fast so dont leave it heating too long. After 2-3 minutes mixing with garlic, onions, asam jawa, a spoon of blended chilli and santan, make sure you add the chicken immediately. Here's what I made and accidentally made :  FROM This is my second try. The first one was worse. You don't want to see it.  Trust me  (Y)  Peace TO  +

How To Write A Blog That People Like

From the day I started having a blog till today, I realised that many people have ventured into the blogging world. Age is not a barrier and one of my senior lecturer blogs too! Some people started much earlier than me and some later on. People question "Why a blog?" or "What's so fun about it?" Well, people who are really popular on blogs and have many page views make their blog as a platform to earn money and to get the crowd. Some people just write for fun. They make it as their diary. They might prefer typing rather than writing so that's why they don't write in their diary instead. But most people blog because they want people to read what they wrote. And once you publish some that can be viewed worldwide you need to be extra careful on what you say. Avoid political issue as much as possible if you're not a politician. Don't write where you're going tomorrow or next week or next month. Its okay to write about the past but not the f...

A Trip to Singapore

Hi! Writing this post on my road trip. Just couldn't wait to blog about this ;) My first visit to Singapore? Yup definitely. I've never been to this country before although its very near Malaysia. Now I'm gonna divide this post into tiny bits. Let's start with the first day... *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  Landmark Village Hotel Its a tradition of mine that whenever I enter a hotel, I'll take the picture of its chandelier. Then I'll compare which hotel has the prettier one. Well, not exactly. I'm just always attracted to chandeliers, no idea why ;) The hotel was cold cold cold. My mineral water even tasted icy outside the fridge. I spent a lot of time in the bath tub warming myself and my feet other than sleeping. We went swimming in the morning of our last day there. The swimming pool water was even colder.  Marina Bay The shopping mall was classy but the only thing I like bes...

River Flows In You by Yiruma: Piano

Here's a simplified piano version of the popular bittersweet Japanese song of all time. Its called River Flows In You by Yiruma. At first i thought it was a Korean song. When you play this song the melody and the feeling depends on the player and the listener. It can sound happy, sad, hopeful or promising. Thats why i call it bittersweet. Its been awhile since i posted any videos and recently captured this a few days ago. This is definitely a song you can listen to before going to bed. Goodnight ~Sweet dreams~

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