Motivation of the Week: Think Good of Others
Dear blog, I realised something coincidental and funny. It seems like my favourite blogging day is Tuesday! :) It's been awhile that I realised since October that I enjoy or always think or feel like blogging on a Tuesday. And today proves that Tuesday is definitely my blogging day. Maybe because Wednesday is usually a half day, lectures just till 1 pm then I have fun activities like the HUG event, gardening for Volunteering week and gym class and many more fun activities on Wednesday so maybe I feel more relaxed to blog on a Tuesday? I am not sure hehe So, less of an update from me in this post and aim to write more motivational. But if you fancy reading a quick update>> Well, today is the time of the month so I came home earlier than normal and decided to relax, eat fruits, have hot milk and then took a nap. I rarely take a nap in the day. I can confirm confidently that the number of times I take a nap in the day is less than 10, maybe even less than 5. Because I do not...