
Showing posts from November, 2016

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Let's GOMO, Not FOMO

You must be wondering what GOMO and FOMO means, well I certainly did when I heard from Eventbrite about the fun fall project they organised this Autumn to promote GOMO and getting people away from Netflix and Chill and encouraging people to go out more often.  GOMO simply means Going Out More Often and FOMO Fear of Missing Out. I hope this blog post will be beneficial to readers or spark some ideas on how to GOMO! As a finalist university student, I totally understand how we often have busy schedules and can be anti-social at times...  I try to not be guilty of this...but basically the idea of GOMO really starts from having the interest in interacting with people and spending time with them. Interest is the number one key factor in my opinion which determines whether a person wants to go out or just stay home and get on social media or watch movies on Netflix. When people do get on social media, they realise how other people are having so much fun and then they feel like ...

Motivation Video to Keep Motivated and Doing Your Best

Homeless student achieves victory! Truly inspiring :)

SPM Tips from 11A+ student

REPOST FROM 24 OCT 2011 Dear all, here is a special post from my friend May Lee Cai Ling who obtained straight A+ in all her 11 subjects. Thank you May for your sharing your ideas in LittleMissMeen. Currently, May is doing her A Levels under JPA sponsorship. She obtained Biasiswa Nasional 2010 which is awarded to top students in MALAYSIA. I am not sure what is her ranking but wow that is a great achievement. FYI, she just had to write what course and what country she wanted to go and they offer full sponsorship. Awesome right? If you are want to know who this awesome friend of mine is, her picture is in this link: (Second from the right-beside me. This picture was taken from Utusan Malaysia the day after our SPM Results were out) Related posts: So yesterday she messaged me and told me that she has already emailed me these tips for my blog. Here it is: ENJOY! Things that I did for SPM =D General comments: Ā· ...


REPOST FROM 25 SEPT 2011 Hi guys! For those who don't  know me, I just completed my SPM in 2010 and recently started college. Last week I promised to post on SPM Tips and I know some of you have been waiting. I'm terribly sorry for the delay. PMR is in 8 days and SPM is in a month. I still remember the feeling weeks before SPM. I would NOT look a the countdown if possible because it makes me nervous. I just basically know how many weeks left and just focus on what else I need to do before the big day instead of making myself all worried. For my trials, I got 8A's 1B ( B for Physics) so I was asking myself: " Can I get straight A's or not?" With the new system of A+ A and A- which was implemented 2 years ago, it makes the whole thing a lot more stressful I agreed. But! That is not a reason to not excel. It should be a motivator to strive harder. Yes, nothing is easy in life. Even now, I'm doing my A Levels and I am not going to say it is easy because that...

Motivating Yourself When Life or Studying Feels Difficult

REPOST from 4 NOVEMBER 2016 Dear all,  I am writing this especially for SPM students who are having SPM this Wednesday. But I didn't want to put SPM tips for my blog title because this motivation is for everybody, regardless whether you are sitting for an exam next week or not. First, I want you to think back at the time life felt challenging. Think of what you did, how you dealt with it. Next think of your wonderful achievements. Helping someone in need is also considered a big achievement in my opinion. Finally, think of somebody else's life challenges. Something much worse than yours, a tragic death, war, illness and natural disasters. Your mind will automatically tell you that your problem seems trivial. In the case you are experiencing one of the worse, please bear in mind that God will not test you with something you cannot cope. Before I go further, let me tell you a story about myself.  This weekend was one of the most challenging for me. I am sick and I have a lo...

SPM Tips: Don't Let a Hard Paper Demotivate You

REPOST FROM 7 November 2013 Dear SPM students, I'm very glad to hear your response because I would have no idea that BM paper was hard if you guys (Lyana)  didn't tell me. First thing I want to say is that if I was in your position, I would be VERY thankful to get a difficult paper. yes, in exam halls you feel that you want to answer ALL questions accurately. When something makes you feel stuck, you have doubts and start to worry. My advice is that: Please just continue answering how your teacher, tuition centre, penceramah, anyone who has taught you. Just follow and continue answering the question no matter how hard it is. DONT STOP or WORRY. Be confident. Say in your mind " I have studied so I can definitely answer (insyaAllah) because if someone who studies can't answer, then how about the rest of the candidates?" Of course they can't make everybody fail. Certain people must get an A, and did you know if the average highest mark is 40% in the entire cou...

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