Family Vacation in Kota Kinabalu

Hello there everyone! Its almost the end of August and little did I know that I would be writing about my holiday of the year! And yes I have voted this vacation to be one of the top best places I've been to. It was planned in August and the flight and hotel was confirmed a week before we went there. Sometimes best things happen unplanned, as organised as I try to be, I actually enjoy fun unplanned things sometimes, especially since I'm free. If you remember me blogging about Cameron Highlands back in 2012, you'll remember that that vacation was always on the top of the list and now we have KK sharing number 1 for my top family vacation list (every family member involved). I've always wanted to go to Sabah since I was in school days, I like nature and Sabah seems to be just the right place. I've never been there and have always wondered how it might be. While we were in the hotel after checkout last Saturday, my mum told us for the first time that since 10 years a...