Fieldwork in Spain

Dear all, thank you for waiting patiently for my next post. After 2 weeks or pure hard work in Spain, I am now back :) Here is a short story of my little adventure. Before going there, most of us weren't sure of what to expect as it was our first time going on a real mapping trip. Dorset was just a short 3 days and only 1 of those days involved mapping. This time is was 1 week of geology exercises at different places and 1 week of mapping. Overall, the trip was what I'd call PURE hardwork, physically and mentally. We worked almost all days including Saturday and half a day on Sunday. Basically the routine was: 630- Woke up for prayers, got ready 745- Breakfast, make your own lunch 845- Gather outside to go to destination 9-5- Work continuously in the field while carrying a rucksack, only quick break for lunch 6- Reach home, line up for the shower 7 or 8 (depends on which group you are changes alternate days)- Dinner 9- Meet lecturers at Shady Grove (the ...